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1) What is Hot Seat?

The Hot Seat is a T.V. show

Where is held?
Hot Seat is held in micca higschool

Who runs it? what do they do?

Is kevin and MR. Robineau

How many people are on the jury, and where do they sit?
The tweleve members. In the sed from the hot seat

How did chico get that name?

Because the camea his own name. When he grauded his name stayed behaind ,
and from then on theclose up camara and is't operator were a unit called chico

2) Why was the Hot Seat episode whit Stargirl different from the
usual episode?
Because Stargirl was are more different and she is scream.

3) What is leo's favorit part of Hot Seat ? why?

The intro music luchin the show

4) What did cinnamon do to get attention on the show?

Because he jomped anto krvin lap and because stargirl brough him.

5) Why did Stargirl scream a ''EEEEEEEEYIKES!''?

Because she thinks that chair is burning

6) Why did Leo have a "bad feeling"abut the show?Was he right to worry so much?
Yes because hillary was on the lure and she was very popular very popular so
every one did that she did.

7) Make a prediction about what will happen next on Hot Seat:

If they show it too the school every one will talk about it.

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