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Name : Evita Fasha Nanda Marala

Class : XI IPA 1

Task : Story Telling

Sleeping Beauty

Once upon a time, there was a royal family who did not have a child. Having prayed
continuously, their prayers were answered. There was a fish predicted the King and Queen would
have a very beautiful dauggter. The prophecy came true, the queen gave a birth to a daughter
who was very beautiful and called Aurora. The king held a massive party to vent his happiness.
The king invited all people to come to the party, including three good fairies, Flora, Fauna, and
Merryweather. Flora and Fauna gave a gift of beauty and melodious voice for princess Aurora.

However, after Fauna gave a gift, suddenly Maleficent came, the evil fairy. Maleficent got very
angry because of not being invited. She condemned the princess would die of the princess
pricked a spun on her 16th birthday. The king and queen were very sad to hear the curse of
Maleficent. They begged Merryweather to remove the curse. Merryweather could not remove it.
But she could only soften the curse. So the princess Aurora would only fall asleep until there was
a kiss of true love.

The King still worried about his princess’s safety. They worried if Maleficent would come back
to see Aurora. Finally the three good fairies agreed to hide Aurora as a commoner for 16 years
until the curse gone. They brought Aurora to huts in the woods and took care her by acting as
Aurora’s aunt.

Aurora grew as a beautiful girl. Her voice was so beautiful. On the 16th birthday, the fairies
brought Aurora into the woods. So they could prepare her party silently. During in the woods,
Aurora sang with her forest friends. Prince Philip who was hunting a deer heard her voice. He
tried to find out the source of the melodious voice. Finally they met and fell in love. Afterwards
they separated without telling her name to the prince.

Having going home, Aurora was surprised by her birthday party given by the fairies. But
suddenly Aurora got stabbed a spinning pin and fell asleep. The news had spread throughout the
kingdom. Prince Philip who had fallen in love with her felt sure that she was the girl whom he
had been looking for for years. He came to the palace where Aurora was sleeping. The prince
saved Aurora with a kiss of true love.
Sekali waktu, ada seorang keluarga kerajaan yang tidak memiliki anak. setelah berdoa terus
menerus, doa mereka terkabul. Ada ikan diprediksi Raja dan Ratu akan memiliki dauggter sangat
indah. ramalan menjadi kenyataan, ratu melahirkan untuk seorang putri yang sangat cantik dan
disebut Aurora. Raja mengadakan pesta besar-besaran untuk melampiaskan kebahagiaannya.
Raja mengundang semua orang untuk datang ke pesta, termasuk tiga peri baik, Flora, Fauna, dan
Merryweather. Flora dan Fauna memberi hadiah keindahan dan suara merdu untuk putri Aurora.

Namun, setelah Fauna memberi hadiah, tiba-tiba jahat datang, peri jahat. Maleficent sangat
marah karena tidak diundang. Dia mengutuk putri akan mati sang putri tertusuk sebuah berputar
pada hari ulang ke-16. Raja dan ratu sangat sedih mendengar kutukan jahat. Mereka memohon
Merryweather untuk menghapus kutukan. Merryweather tidak bisa menghapusnya. Tapi dia
hanya bisa melunakkan kutukan. Jadi sang putri Aurora hanya akan tertidur sampai ada ciuman
cinta sejati.

Raja masih khawatir tentang keselamatan putri nya. Mereka khawatir jika jahat akan datang
kembali untuk melihat Aurora. Akhirnya tiga peri baik setuju untuk menyembunyikan Aurora
sebagai orang biasa selama 16 tahun sampai kutukan hilang. Mereka membawa Aurora ke
pondok di hutan dan mengambil peduli nya dengan bertindak sebagai bibi Aurora.
Aurora tumbuh sebagai gadis cantik. Suaranya begitu indah. Di hari ulang tahun ke-16, peri
membawa Aurora ke hutan. Sehingga mereka bisa mempersiapkan partainya diam-diam. Selama
di hutan, Aurora bernyanyi dengan teman hutan nya. Pangeran Philip yang sedang berburu rusa
mendengar suaranya. Dia mencoba untuk mencari tahu sumber suara merdu. Akhirnya mereka
bertemu dan jatuh cinta. Setelah itu mereka berpisah tanpa memberitahu namanya untuk sang

Memiliki pulang, Aurora terkejut dengan pesta ulang tahunnya yang diberikan oleh peri. Tapi
tiba-tiba Aurora tertusuk pin berputar dan jatuh tertidur. Berita itu telah tersebar di seluruh
kerajaan. Pangeran Philip yang telah jatuh cinta padanya merasa yakin bahwa dia adalah gadis
yang ia telah mencari selama bertahun-tahun. Dia datang ke istana di mana Aurora sedang tidur.
pangeran disimpan Aurora dengan ciuman cinta sejati.

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