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Vimshamsha (D20)

Vimshamsha (D20) is the divisional chart we see for the

spiritual pursuits of a native. This kundali is crucial as it
explains the higher or philosophical learnings a native does
in the life as well.

Lagna is the seed and represents the native in every Varga


Most learned, teach that bhakti marg (भिक्त मागर्) is simpler

than gyan marga (ज्ञान मागर्) to attain Nirvana. All we need is
the purity of heart and selfless devotion.

The bhakti (भिक्त) or devotion for the All-Mighty is seen from

the 5th house in the Vimshamsha chart (D20).
The Supreme Being may or may not have a physical form
as per the belief system of the native.

Both exalted and debilitated planets are blessings here.

Exaction is a sign of high energy & passion. Debilitation, on
the other hand, shows the repeated humble efforts, one
makes while considering self as insignificant /तुच्छय.

So planets placed in the 5th house (मन्त्र भाव), lord of the 5th
house and planets having graha & rashi drishti on the 5th
house help us evaluate the quality and quantity of the
devotion one is carrying inside.

ॐ नमः िशवाय

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