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- While I continue to review my transcript, I realize how appalled I have been to see the

slight deterioration of my grades from me freshman year to senior year. My freshman

year, I had maintained a 4.0 throughout the whole entire year, whereas my sophomore

year I had my first B. Soon after, my junior year, the majority of my grades were all Bs.

Though, by my Junior year, I managed to take all AP classes, I still knew that receiving a

B means that I am not reaching my full potential. The first semester of my junior year

was the worst year. In order to attempt to make a rising comeback, knowing that Junior

year is supposed to be the most important for college decisions, I managed to obtain a 4.5

gpa for the second semester. I realised that my first semester did not show what I was

capable of and if I had the opportunity to retake my first semester of junior year, i know i

would make it a whole lot better.

- As someone who is aspiring to be a doctor. I know that only minimal mistakes are

allowed for us, including in our education. I was always determined to reach farther

ahead than most other students in our grade level. In order to accomplish that, I began to

take courses at the local community college. While closing to an end in my High School

education, I received over 30 units from courses taken at the Merced College. Doing this

will also allow me to not take some of the general education requirements all the UC's

- Transition into my attendance, I have tried my best to strengthen the rate for my senior

year. Often times my parents, who own their own business, require me to help and assist

them when needed. Due do that, at times I have taken a week off from school in order to

help my family. Although, this is never ideal when considering how important my

education is, I always have to remember that family comes first. I am proud of my

attendance for my four year in High School because I still managed to catch up on what I

had missed. Fortunately, I even continue to maintain an over 97% attendance rate for my

senior year.

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