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Rushad Ahmed

AP English

Appreciation Essay
One adult who has provided a positive influence over me in the past four years has been

my sister. Before I reached 9th grade, my sister continued to guide me towards the right path and

always take care of me. Although she is 11 years older than me, we still kept a close bond with

each other. She is noble, hardworking. Fun, passionate. Kind, and overall provides great morals.

My parents continue to work 24/7 with their own business so it absorbs a lot of time from them.

Fortunately, while they worked, my sister has taken care of me and even cooked for me at those

tough times. She is the only one in our family that graduated from a college in the United States

so she knows the pathways I have to take in order to become a doctor. She has taught me how to

improve my communication skills early on, how to interact with my peers, how to build my

education and overall how to stay engaged and focussed at all times. Without my sibling, I

wouldn't be as guided to where I am now. My life today has been much more easy then it has

been in the past. My parents are now financially stable. After migrating and living in the United

States for over 20 years, my parents have just recently switched from an apartment to a house in

the past year. Since theyŕe more stable now then that past, they have been able to help me

prepare for my college education and save funding. Through the guidance of my sister, she has

taught me pieces of every subject in order to ensure I can comprehend the subject while taking

these courses in the future. Now, my sister currently holds a Bachelorś Degree and works for

Samsung Corporation as a manager. Through her hard work and dedication, I am motivated in
achieving even higher than what she has achieved in order to make both my family and myself


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