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5 Year Plan

Life after high school is probably confusing and difficult to find an exact path. I

personally have a rough idea of how my next 5 years might go, but nothing is set in

stone and there can definitely be changes that will affect my future. At this point in time

I have two options and have a couple weeks to try and decide how the next few years of

my life are going to go. There are some things that will surely happen as long as there

are no surprises that pop up in my life, and I hope to get stay on track of the path that I

am going to set for myself.

I plan on going to college, although as of right now (April 2019) I have yet to

decide where I will be attending. I have been accepted into four CSU’s, however I want

to go to Sacramento State more than any of the other three. If I were to go to

Sacramento State, which I strongly am considering, I will live with my sister for at least a

year or two, then will attempt to find my own apartment to live in if I am able to make

enough money on my own. I plan on getting a job in addition to going to school, and

intend to find my own place to live after my first couple years in college. If I do not

attend Sacramento State straight out of high school, I will be going to the Merced JC,

then transferring to Sac State after two years. If I end up choosing that path, I will live at

home until I transfer out. I will also try to find a job if I go to the JC so that I can build up

money for myself. Either way, I hope to attend Sacramento State, and intend on getting

a job to get more funds to support myself.

I am really interested in and invested into sports, and I am absolutely fascinated

by athletes and how they work. I hope to major in kinesiology and want to earn a

degree so that I can try and work in a field that involves athletes, such as a physical

therapist or trainer. A career that I learned about within professional sports is a team

equipment manager, whose job it is to deal with all the cleats or shoes, jerseys, pads,

and any other equipment that a team needs in order to play. I have always had an

affinity for shoes and cleats, and would love the opportunity to actually have a job where

I deal with these things daily. Kinesiology is what most of the team equipment

managers majored in while they went to college, and even if I don’t get to have a career

as one I will still be able to have the chance to work with athletes hopefully or can find a

career as a physical therapist. The body fascinates me especially when talking about

sports, and I intend on trying to find a career for myself where I actually enjoy what I do.

Money is always a factor no matter what you are talking about, and when talking

about college it is one of, if not the biggest factor. It is the reason that I have not made

up my mind as to where I want to go straight out of high school, as going to the JC first

would be much cheaper than going to Sacramento State. I applied for financial aid and

am eligible for a Cal grant, as well as sent out multiple scholarships. However, I do not

expect to receive that much money to help pay for college. My parents may help me

pay for some things, but I expect to have to apply for student loans at some point, which

are not something I want to do, but more than likely it will be necessary. I do intend to

get a job while at school, but the money I earn from that job will be used for more daily

necessities like food and gas. Hopefully I will be able to put some of my wage aside so
that it can be used towards school, but I do expect to have to apply for student loans

which I will pay off over time.

My future 5 years are nowhere near set in stone. At this point in time I have a

couple weeks to decide whether I want to go directly to a four year university or attend

the Merced Junior College first and transfer out. It is a big decision, and either way I

intend to get a job so I can earn money for myself. I want to major and get a degree in

kinesiology with the hopes of finding a career that involves sports and athletes, however

would be open to working as a physical therapist as well. I have a sort of rough draft of

how I would like my future to go, but I know that nothing is guaranteed and it will be a


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