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5 Year Plan

My five year plan is kind of wack at the moment of writing this. I don’t really know

what I want to do in the future. I’m not sure if I will even have a future at this point. My

grades are falling really quickly and I’m not sure how much longer my will to live will last.

Anyway, I do plan to go to college at the Merced JC. My family and I are moving very

soon so I would be able to transfer to Stanislaus, that would be ideal. Even then, I still

don’t really know what I want to major in.

I wanted to be an radiologist at one point but I’m also thinking about being a

business major or something like that. I am Native American and my tribe has a

program that would allow me to go to college for absolutely free, but I would have to

major in what they tell me to so I could work for the tribe casino. Currently there aren’t

enough tribe members working inside the tribe so they have to outsource employees.

They would pay for my entire college tuition and I would also have a chance to work as

the tribe president, which would be pretty neat.

Let’s pretend I have figured all of this out and I’m now either in my last years of

college or already have a job of some sort, I want to definitely live somewhere where

the cost of living isn’t trash. I’d personally like to live somewhere that has nice weather

year round and also isn’t California. After high school my family wants to move to like

Turlock so that my dads commute to work isn’t so long. After a few years they also want

to move to a completely different state, so I’m not sure what the plan is. I don’t want to

live on my own right away because I’m still irresponsible so that wouldn’t be the best of

Maybe one day I might be able to build my own house, or at the very least design

it. I know that isn’t part of like these next five years but I am definitely thinking about it

now because it seems reasonable. I think I would be able to pay for a lot of the things I

want with whatever job I may have at the time because, again, since I’m Native

American I receive a “percap.” A percap is basically an allowance from the tribe and I

will be receiving about $600 per month just for graduating high school. They plan on

raising the percap to almost $2000 by the next 5-10 years, so if that happens that would

be pretty nice.

The thing with myself, is that I don’t typically talk to a lot of people. Now

that might seem like not such a bad thing, but in the case of me wanting to start a

family, that is not a good thing. It’s not that I’m not good at talking to people because I

definitely am, but I just don’t voluntarily talk to people. My fear is that I would end up

alone because I just don’t have the will to reach out and talk to people first. If I don’t

message someone first then we won’t talk at all. I really hope to have a family one day,

but with this mindset that I currently have, I might not have one at all. I don’t even really

talk to my friends all that much outside of school. I honestly need to meet new people

and perhaps find a girlfriend or whatever and settle down to start a family, I do really

hope to have that within the next 5 years but I’m not currently too optimistic.

I wouldn’t say my life is a total mess, I do have some things I want to accomplish

in the very near future, but some of these things seem a little too out of reach and I’m

not sure I will achieve all that I want in these coming years. I can definitely say though, I

am ready to graduate and move on to the next chapter of my life.

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