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Wendy Puente Puente 1


ERWC Block:6

13 November 2018

Personal Statement

I remember one day, my dad came home from work early. My mom was cooking my

favorite food, which was chiles rellenos. I asked my dad why he came out early and he said his

company was having problems therefore he needed to find a new job. In that moment I realized

that my dad has been through a lot because he didn’t study and get a good paying career. My dad

wasn’t getting paid enough, he wouldn’t get enough sleep, and his job caused his really bad back

pain. This motivated me to do better and get a good career.

My dad wasn’t getting enough sleep because of his job. He had to wake up every

morning at 3:00am to get ready for work and be out by 4:15am to get parking. After, he would

get home, eat, and go to sleep because he was tired, so he didn’t even get to spend time with his

family. This was hurtful for me because although my dad did not complain I could see him

suffering. All this was because he didn’t have a chance to study. This showed me the struggle

someone can go through when they don’t study and start working at a young age to help their

parents. This goes back to my dad not getting enough sleep because he didn’t have the privilege

that I have, which is the opportunity to study.

My dad worked really hard and didn’t get paid enough. The money he got paid was

barely enough for our necessities like, rent, bills, and food. This was not okay because his work

was worth more than what he was getting paid. The problem was that since my dad did not study

Puente 2
he couldn’t get another job so easily. This made me reflect and see that since I do have the

chance to study I need to take advantage of that. This goes back to my dad not getting paid

enough because it shows how not having an education affects you in the long run when there are

things you have to pay and you don’t earn enough.

My dad also suffered from back pain due to his job. At my dad’s job he had to stand all

day, except for when he would get his 30-minute break. He also had to lift heavy cloth roles.

This made me see how bad my dad’s working conditions were because it made him have back

pain. After, my dad had to go to the doctor’s and found out he had arthritis in his back which was

even more devastating. Seeing my dad go through this made me sad because I didn’t want my

dad to be going through this. But, now that I see this I know that studying a great career will help

me. My dad tells me he wants me to be better than him because he doesn’t want me to go

through what he has to go through. I want to get a good career so my dad won’t have to work


Overall, my dad not having a good job made me become aware of how important it is to

have a good career. It motivated me not to settle for less because there are a lot of people who

wished they had the chance to study. This helps me by wanting to succeed to have a better life

and not struggle like my dad did.

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