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Archival Report Biological


Prepartum and Postpartum Maternal Depressive

Symptoms Are Related to Children’s Brain
Structure in Preschool
Catherine Lebel, Matthew Walton, Nicole Letourneau, Gerald F. Giesbrecht, Bonnie J. Kaplan,
and Deborah Dewey

BACKGROUND: Perinatal maternal depression is a serious health concern with potential lasting negative
consequences for children. Prenatal depression is associated with altered brain gray matter in children, though
relations between postpartum depression and children’s brains and the role of white matter are unclear.
METHODS: We studied 52 women who provided Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS) scores during each
trimester of pregnancy and at 3 months postpartum and their children who underwent magnetic resonance imaging
at age 2.6 to 5.1 years. Associations between maternal depressive symptoms and magnetic resonance imaging
measures of cortical thickness and white matter structure in the children were investigated.
RESULTS: Women’s second trimester EPDS scores negatively correlated with children’s cortical thickness in right
inferior frontal and middle temporal regions and with radial and mean diffusivity in white matter emanating from the
inferior frontal area. Cortical thickness, but not diffusivity, correlations survived correction for postpartum EPDS.
Postpartum EPDS scores negatively correlated with children’s right superior frontal cortical thickness and with
diffusivity in white matter originating from that region, even after correcting for prenatal EPDS.
CONCLUSIONS: Higher maternal depressive symptoms prenatally and postpartum are associated with altered gray
matter structure in children; the observed white matter correlations appear to be uniquely related to the postpartum
period. The reduced thickness and diffusivity suggest premature brain development in children exposed to higher
maternal perinatal depressive symptoms. These results highlight the importance of ensuring optimal women’s mental
health throughout the perinatal period, because maternal depressive symptoms appear to increase children’s
vulnerability to nonoptimal brain development.
Keywords: Brain development, Diffusion imaging, Magnetic resonance imaging, Maternal depression, Postpartum,

Depression is common during the perinatal period, with approx- Understanding the brain abnormalities associated with
imately 18% of women experiencing depression sometime perinatal depressive symptoms can highlight brain regions
during pregnancy (7% to 13% per trimester), and 13% reporting sensitive to such effects and provide information about
postpartum depression (1–5). Exposure to prenatal and/or potential mechanisms linking maternal depression with neg-
postnatal maternal depression is associated with negative child ative behavioral and cognitive outcomes. Volumetric and
outcomes, including increased risk for poor emotional regula- diffusion magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are common
tion, mental health problems, and cognitive, behavior, or motor ways of assessing gray and white matter structure. Gray and
delays (6–11). Though many effects of prenatal depression are white matter change significantly during the preschool period
attenuated after controlling for postpartum depression (12), as part of normal brain maturation (22,23), and abnormalities
prenatal depressive symptoms are independently associated are often associated with negative childhood outcomes,
with lower intelligence (13) and behavioral problems (14–16) in including learning disabilities (24) and externalizing and inter-
children. Relations between perinatal depression and many child nalizing disorders (25,26). Despite the importance of under-
outcomes are moderated by socioeconomic status and sex; standing brain abnormalities, few studies have examined
male and female children of mothers who experience stress associations between maternal depression and children’s
during pregnancy exhibit different outcomes (17–19), and chil- brain structure. One study demonstrated lower anisotropy
dren from families of high socioeconomic status tend to show and axial diffusivity in the amygdala of neonates (5–17 days
less severe effects of maternal depression than children from old) born to mothers with higher prenatal maternal depressive
low socioeconomic status families (20,21). symptoms compared with lower depressive symptoms (27).


& 2016 Society of Biological Psychiatry 1

ISSN: 0006-3223 Biological Psychiatry ]]], 2016; ]:]]]–]]]
Psychiatry Maternal Depression and Children’s Brain Structure

The same infants showed associations between prenatal postpartum (11 6 2.3 weeks, n = 52); scores are reported in
maternal depressive symptoms and white matter microstruc- Table 1. Due to the timing of their enrollment in the study, 29
ture in right frontal connections including the inferior fronto- women did not complete the EPDS in their first trimester. Five
occipital and uncinate fasciculi (28). Another study showed women were missing second trimester scores, and one
correlations between increased maternal prenatal depression woman was missing a third trimester score. Depressive
and reduced cortical thickness in the right prefrontal lobe of symptom scores across time points were highly correlated
school-aged children; cortical thickness also mediated corre- (r 5 .48–.68, all p , .006). Breastfeeding status was not
lations between maternal depressive symptoms and children’s related to depressive symptoms at any time point.
externalizing behaviors (29). To our knowledge, no studies The EPDS is a screening tool for perinatal depression rather
have investigated the effects of postpartum maternal depres- than a diagnostic instrument, though scores .12 are usually
sive symptoms on children’s brain structure, despite the consistent with a physician diagnosis of major depressive disorder
strong associations between postpartum depression and (33). Screening cutoffs range from 10 to 14 and are typically 1 to 2
children’s outcomes (6). Furthermore, the few studies linking points higher in pregnancy than postpartum (35). In our sample in
prenatal maternal depression and children’s brain structure to the first trimester, only one woman scored $10 on the EPDS (she
date are limited to infants or school-aged children, leaving a scored 16). In the second trimester, eight women scored $10,
critical gap in knowledge of brain abnormalities during early four women scored $12, and three women scored $14 on the
childhood, a period of rapid structural brain development (30) EPDS. In the third trimester, three women scored $10, two
and a time when many of the behavior problems associated women scored $12, and one woman scored $14. In the
with perinatal depression become apparent (31). postpartum period, four women scored $10, three women scored
The goal of this study was to investigate the associations $12, and one woman scored $14. Therefore, depending on the
between perinatal depressive symptoms and brain structure in cutoff used, 4% of women met criteria for further follow-up during
preschool-aged children. Specifically, we used multimodal the first trimester, 6% to 17% met criteria for further follow-up
MRI to investigate gray and white matter structure in children during the second trimester, 2% to 6% met criteria for further
born to mothers with a range of perinatal depressive symp- follow-up during their third trimester, and 2% to 8% met screening
toms. Given previous reports of cortical thickness alterations, criteria for postpartum depression. One woman was taking an
we began with a whole-brain analysis of associations between antidepressant during pregnancy.
cortical thickness in children and maternal perinatal depressive
symptoms. We then followed up with a targeted investigation Imaging
of white matter tracts emanating from affected cortical regions Brain imaging occurred at the Alberta Children’s Hospital on a
to determine whether white matter structure in underlying GE 3T MR750w (General Electric, Waukesha, Wisconsin)
areas is also associated with maternal depressive symptoms. using a 32-channel head coil. During their scan, children
Because earlier findings relating depressive symptoms and were either awake and watching a movie or sleeping naturally.
children’s brain outcomes were specific to the second trimes- T1-weighted anatomical imaging was acquired using a
ter (29), we examined correlations in each trimester of spoiled gradient echo sequence with .9 3 .9 3 .9 mm3
pregnancy separately. spatial resolution, echo time/repetition time 5 3.8/8.2 ms.
Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) data were acquired using single-
METHODS AND MATERIALS shot spin-echo echo planar imaging with 30 diffusion encod-
ing gradient directions at b 5 750 s/mm2 and 5 images at
Participants were 52 women recruited during pregnancy and
the children (32 male/20 female) from those pregnancies. Table 1. Descriptive Information for Women and Their
Women and children were recruited from an ongoing, pro- Children
spective study examining maternal nutrition, mental health,
Range Mean (6 SD) n
and offspring outcomes (32). Table 1 summarizes character-
istics of the women and children, including maternal age at
child’s birth, maternal postsecondary education (used as a Age at child’s birth (years) 26–38 32.1 6 3.0 52
proxy for socioeconomic status), breastfeeding status at 3 Postsecondary education (years) 0–10 4.7 6 2.9 52
months postpartum, and child’s gestational age and weight at EPDS first trimester 0–16 4.7 6 3.6 23
birth. At the time of MRI scanning, children were aged 2.6 to EPDS second trimester 0–16 4.7 6 4.2 47
5.1 years (3.6 6 .5 years). EPDS third trimester 0–17 4.8 6 3.2 51
EPDS postpartum 0–19 4.4 6 4.1 52
Depressive Symptoms Breastfeeding/formula at 28 exclusive breastfeeding, 51
3 months postpartum 6 mixed, 17 formula
Symptoms of maternal depression were assessed using the
Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS), a measure
Sex 20 female; 32 male 52
validated for assessment of depressive symptoms both pre-
partum and postpartum (33,34). Women completed the EPDS Gestational age at birth (weeks) 35.0–41.9 39.2 6 1.4 52
once during each trimester of pregnancy (first trimester: 11 6 Birth weight (g) 2230–4610 3369 6 473 52
2.5 weeks, n = 23; second trimester: 17 6 2.2 weeks, n = 47; Age at scan (years) 2.6–5.1 3.6 6 .5 52
third trimester: 32 6 1.1 weeks, n = 51) and at 2 to 3 months EPDS, Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale.

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Maternal Depression and Children’s Brain Structure Psychiatry

b 5 0 s/mm2, echo time/repetition time 5 79/6750 ms. Each symptoms, controlling for child’s age, sex, gestational age,
sequence lasted approximately 4 minutes. and weight at birth and maternal postsecondary education
(Figures 1 and 2). One region was located in the right inferior
Image Processing and Analysis frontal area, including much of the pars opercularis and pars
T1-weighted data were quality checked and processed through triangularis, and small sections of the precentral and rostral
FreeSurfer 5.3 (Laboratory for Computational Neuroimaging, middle frontal areas (r = 2.71, p , .001); the other area was
Charlestown, Massachusetts) (36). Images were skull stripped located in the middle and superior temporal regions and
and automatically parcellated to provide thickness values across included small sections of the inferior temporal and supra-
the cortex. Each parcellation was manually checked and corrected marginal areas (r = 2.61, p , .001). Correlations with second
if necessary. FreeSurfer’s QDEC was used for whole-brain trimester EPDS scores remained strong after controlling for
analysis of cortical thickness using a linear regression with postpartum EPDS scores (r = 2.64, p , .001; r = 2.58, p ,
maternal depressive symptoms at each trimester and postpartum .001, respectively). Depressive symptoms during the first and
as the predictors and children’s current age and sex, gestational third trimesters were not significantly related to cortical
age at birth, and birth weight and maternal postsecondary thickness.
education as covariates. Multiple comparison correction was Cortical thickness in the right superior frontal area (both
performed using Monte Carlo simulations at p , .05. In each lateral and medial surfaces and including small sections of the
region showing significant relations, average cortical thickness caudal middle frontal and precentral areas) was negatively
was extracted for follow-up analysis of DTI data. correlated with maternal postpartum depressive symptom
DTI data were processed through in-house software to scores (Figures 3 and 4; r = 2.51, p , .001), after controlling
remove motion-corrupted volumes and then eddy current for child’s age, sex, gestational age at birth, and birth weight
corrected before calculation of the tensor in FMRIB Software and maternal postsecondary education. This correlation
Library (Analysis Group, FMRIB, Oxford, United Kingdom). remained strong after correcting for second trimester prenatal
Significant regions from the cortical thickness analysis were EPDS (r = 2.45, p = .004) or average prenatal EPDS (r = 2.35,
warped to native DTI space for each individual and used as p = .019).
regions of interest for deterministic tractography in TrackVis Prenatal and postpartum correlations remained significant
(Ruopeng Wang, Van J. Wedeen, Boston, Massachusetts) (37). after removing the woman who took antidepressant medica-
Within the entire resulting tract, fractional anisotropy and radial tion from the analysis.
diffusivity, axial diffusivity, and mean diffusivity values were
calculated for each voxel and averaged to create one frac- Maternal Depressive Symptoms and Diffusion
tional anisotropy, radial diffusivity, axial diffusivity, and mean Measures
diffusivity measure for each subject. These DTI measures were
then tested for partial correlations with EPDS scores for the Cortical areas associated with prenatal or postnatal depres-
relevant time period, controlling for children’s age, sex, and sive symptoms were used as seeding regions for tractogra-
gestational age and weight at birth and maternal postsecon- phy. In the fibers emanating from the inferior frontal region,
dary education; statistical analysis was conducted in SPSS which included lateral portions of the uncinate, inferior fronto-
version 22 (IBM Inc., Armonk, New York). occipital, and arcuate fasciculi, radial and mean diffusivity had
To determine the specificity of findings, correlations with significant correlations with second trimester EPDS scores (r =
prenatal depressive symptoms were corrected for postpartum 2.34, p = .027; r = 2.33, p = .033, respectively); axial
depressive symptoms in a follow-up analysis. Similarly, post- diffusivity showed a trend association with second trimester
partum results were corrected for average prenatal EPDS EPDS (r = 2.29, p = .068; Figures 1 and 2). White matter
scores and separately for second trimester prenatal EPDS emanating from the middle temporal region, which included
scores, as these were the only ones significantly related to much of the uncinate, inferior longitudinal, and inferior fronto-
brain structure in children. occipital fasciculi, had no significant correlations with second
trimester EPDS scores. Fibers connecting the inferior frontal
and middle temporal regions (primarily the lateral portions of
Sex Differences
the uncinate and arcuate fasciculi) showed only a trend
Sex was controlled for in the original analysis. However, sex association between radial and mean diffusivity and second
differences and sex-by-maternal depressive symptom inter- trimester EPDS (r = 2.30, p = .057; r = 2.26, p = .092), after
actions were examined in post hoc tests (analysis of variance) controlling for child’s age, sex, gestational age at birth, and
for all imaging measures, including children’s age, sex, gesta- birth weight and maternal postsecondary education. No
tional age at birth, and birth weight and maternal postsecon- diffusion parameter correlations with second trimester EPDS
dary education as additional covariates. remained significant after controlling for postpartum EPDS (all
p . .2).
Axial, radial, and mean diffusivity in the fiber tracts emanat-
RESULTS ing from the superior frontal region were negatively correlated
with maternal postpartum depressive symptoms (r = 2.30, p =
Maternal Depressive Symptoms and Cortical .041; r = 2.39, p = .008; r = 2.39, p = .007, respectively;
Thickness Figures 3 and 4), controlling for child’s age, sex, gestational
Cortical thickness in two right hemisphere areas was neg- age at birth, and birth weight and maternal postsecon-
atively correlated with second trimester maternal depressive dary education. These correlations remained significant after

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Psychiatry Maternal Depression and Children’s Brain Structure

Figure 1. Brain areas with significant associations to maternal prenatal depression scores. Two regions demonstrated significant negative correlations
between cortical thickness and second trimester maternal depressive symptoms: (A) a cluster in the right middle temporal region (red) and a cluster in the right
inferior frontal region spanning the pars orbitalis and pars triangularis (blue). The white matter fibers emanating from each of these two regions: (B) pink—fibers
emanating from the middle temporal area included the uncinate and inferior longitudinal fasciculi; (C) cyan—fibers emanating from the inferior frontal area
included the uncinate, arcuate, and inferior fronto-occipital fasciculi are shown, as well as the fibers that pass through both regions; (D) yellow—primarily the
lateral portions of the uncinate and arcuate fasciculi. Fibers from the inferior frontal region demonstrated a significant negative correlation between maternal
second trimester depressive symptoms and radial and mean diffusivity. Correlations of second trimester Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale with cortical
thickness, but not those with diffusivity, remained significant after controlling for postpartum depressive symptoms. A, anterior; L, left; P, posterior; R, right.

controlling for average prenatal EPDS (r = 2.33, p = .027; subjects. No other thickness or diffusion measurements had
r = 2.30, p = .048; r = 2.34, p = .024, respectively) and after significant sex effects when controlling for child’s age, gesta-
removing the woman taking antidepressant medication from tional age at birth, and birth weight and mother’s postsecon-
the analysis. All correlations except for axial diffusivity dary education. There was a significant sex-by-depressive
remained significant if corrected for second trimester EPDS symptoms interaction in the right middle temporal area (p =
instead of average prenatal EPDS scores (r = 2.28, p = .082; r .049), where the correlation between second trimester mater-
= 2.37, p = .019; r = 2.37, p = .018). nal EPDS and cortical thickness was weaker in boys than in
girls (r = 2.55, p = .006; r = 2.80, p , .001, respectively;
Figure 2). There were also significant sex-by-postpartum
Sex Differences EPDS score interactions for axial, radial, and mean diffusivity
An analysis of variance revealed significant main effects of sex values in white matter tracts emanating from the superior
on axial diffusivity in the tracts emanating from the superior frontal region (p 5 .047, p 5 .049, p 5 .029, respectively). In
frontal area (p = .039); axial diffusivity was higher in male these tracts, the relation between maternal postpartum EPDS

4 Biological Psychiatry ]]], 2016; ]:]]]–]]]

Maternal Depression and Children’s Brain Structure Psychiatry

Figure 2. Correlations between

brain structure and maternal prenatal
depressive symptoms. Maternal
depressive symptoms in the second
trimester were significantly correlated
with cortical thickness in two regions,
as well as with radial and mean diffu-
sivity in the white matter emanating
from one region. Scatter plots show
second trimester maternal Edinburgh
Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS)
scores versus cortical thickness in
each region (A, B) and radial (C) and
mean diffusivity (D) of the white mat-
ter fibers passing through the inferior
frontal region; all imaging parameters
are corrected for maternal postse-
condary education and child’s age,
sex, gestational age at birth, and birth
weight. Cortical thickness in the right
middle temporal area showed a sig-
nificant EPDS-sex interaction, with
girls showing a stronger and more
negative association between EPDS
scores and cortical thickness than
boys. EPDS correlations with cortical
thickness remained significant after
controlling for postpartum depressive
symptoms, but the diffusivity correla-
tions did not. corr., corrected.

and children’s axial, radial, and mean diffusivity was stronger depressive symptoms. This is in line with life history theory
in male than in female subjects (r 5 2.46, p 5 .015; r 5 2.57, wherein the timing of key developmental achievements is
p 5 .002; r 5 2.56, p 5 .003, respectively, in male subjects; altered by exposure to early adversity (42), a theory supported
r 5 .09, r 5 2.07, r 5 2.04, all nonsignificant at p . .5, by evidence that childhood stress can lead to earlier repro-
respectively, in female subjects). ductive development (43,44). Limited brain data also support
this theory: early weaning can lead to premature myelination in
mice (45), and early life adversity in children is associated with
DISCUSSION a more adult-like arrangement of amygdala connectivity (46).
We report here, for the first time in preschool children, Maternal perinatal depression, acting as an early adverse
associations between maternal prenatal and postnatal depres- experience, may lead to earlier brain development in children
sive symptoms and white and gray matter brain structure. The via premature myelination and synaptic pruning. This early
thinner cortex and lower diffusivity we observed suggest development occurs at the expense of extended brain plasti-
altered brain development in children exposed to higher levels city, as underused neural connections that could ultimately
of maternal depressive symptoms. During childhood, the have been useful may be prematurely pruned, affecting
cortex thins (22,38) and white matter diffusivity decreases cognitive and behavioral outcomes throughout life.
(23,39) as part of normal maturation processes, including The right frontal and temporal regions observed here have
synaptic pruning (40) and myelination (41). In this study, been consistently implicated in tasks involving inhibition and
thinner cortex and lower diffusivity may indicate earlier brain attention control (47–51), executive functions that can be
maturation in children exposed to higher levels of maternal impaired in children of mothers with perinatal depression

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Psychiatry Maternal Depression and Children’s Brain Structure

inferior frontal and superior temporal areas developing more

rapidly than the rest of the brain (66). After birth, cortical
thickness changes throughout infancy and childhood, again
with regional variation in trajectories (22,38,67). Interestingly,
while the cortical thickness results held after controlling for
prenatal or postnatal depressive symptoms, the correlations
between second trimester depressive symptoms and diffusivity
disappeared after controlling for postpartum EPDS scores. This
suggests that while prenatal and postnatal depressive symp-
toms are independently associated with cortical thickness,
postnatal depressive symptoms may be more uniquely related
to white matter structure, at least in the areas investigated.
Myelination of brain white matter begins in the second or third
trimester of pregnancy but is most rapid in early infancy (41,68),
a time period that also includes major white matter volume
growth (30,69). Thus, while the developing brain is likely always
vulnerable to adverse experiences, the second trimester and
postpartum periods may convey special risks that are associ-
ated with later cortical structure, and the postpartum period
Figure 3. Brain areas with significant correlations to maternal postpartum may be the most vulnerable for white matter developmental
depression scores. One cluster in the right superior frontal region had disruptions. Future studies with more data points, particularly in
significant negative correlations between maternal depressive symptoms at 3 the first trimester where we had missing data, are necessary to
months postpartum and children’s cortical thickness (top). Diffusivity in the properly determine whether these results are unique to the
white matter fibers emanating from this region (bottom; primarily the anterior
and superior frontal callosal tracts and part of the anterior corona radiata) also
second trimester and postpartum periods.
demonstrated significant negative correlations with maternal postpartum de- Studies have reported sex differences in children of
pressive symptoms. All correlations held after controlling for prenatal depres- mothers who experience stress during pregnancy in terms
sive symptoms. A, anterior; L, left; P, posterior; R, right. of children’s behaviors (18), stress responses (19), and
amygdala volume (17). Animal models also support sex-
differentiated effects of maternal stress on gray matter
(6,13). The thinner frontal cortex we observed in children of structure (70) and of early life stress on white matter structure
mothers with higher perinatal depressive symptoms is con- (45). We found no significant sex differences in cortical
sistent with the only previous study of maternal prenatal thickness and only a barely significant sex difference in axial
depressive symptoms and brain structure in children (29). diffusivity of the superior frontal tracts. We did, however, find
Reduced cortical thickness in the right frontal lobe is also a sex-by-depressive symptom interactions in the middle tem-
common finding in studies of children and adolescents with poral cortex (Figure 2) and in diffusivity of white matter tracts
depression (52) and those at risk of depression (53,54), and from the superior frontal area (Figure 4). Girls had a more
right frontal cortical thinning is associated with anxiety and negative association between maternal prenatal depressive
depressive symptoms even in healthy children (55,56). Electro- symptoms and cortical thickness than boys, while boys had
encephalography studies demonstrated alterations in neural more negative correlations between maternal postpartum
activity observed in right frontal electrodes in infants and EPDS and diffusivity. Previous studies have found sex-by-
children of depressed mothers (57,58). The lower diffusivity diagnosis interactions in children with attention-deficit/hyper-
observed in frontal white matter connections in this study is activity disorder (71,72), including reduced white matter
consistent with observations of higher anisotropy and/or lower volume in the medial prefrontal area in boys but not girls
diffusivity in frontal white matter in adolescents with depres- (73) and thinner middle temporal cortex in girls than in boys
sion (59), children whose mothers had more stressful life (74), in line with our current findings. Exposure to depression
events during pregnancy (60), and adults who experienced in utero and postpartum has been associated with sex-
childhood adversity (61). Consistencies between our findings specific development of neurobiological pathways involved
and those of adolescents with depression suggest brain in stress regulation (17,75,76) and may be relevant to sex
structure as a possible mechanism via which children of differences in the incidence of affective problems later in
mothers with perinatal depression are more vulnerable them- childhood (18,77). Imaging studies demonstrate sex differ-
selves to depression later in life (8,9). ences in cortical (78) and white matter (79) maturation
We observed associations between children’s cortical thick- trajectories during childhood. Other prenatal influences, such
ness and maternal depressive symptoms in the second trimes- as alcohol exposure, are associated with sex-differentiated
ter and postpartum only, suggesting that these may be effects on cortical development (80), so perinatal maternal
particularly vulnerable times for brain development. Other depressive symptoms may also differentially alter brain
studies have also found relations specific to the second trim- development in male and female individuals. Though more
ester, linking maternal depressive symptoms (29) and anxiety data are needed to clearly understand sex differences, our
(62) during this time to children’s gray matter structure. The findings provide strong evidence for sex-differentiated effects
second trimester is an important period of fetal brain develop- of perinatal maternal depressive symptoms on children’s
ment during which much gyrification occurs (63–66), with brain structure.

6 Biological Psychiatry ]]], 2016; ]:]]]–]]]

Maternal Depression and Children’s Brain Structure Psychiatry

Figure 4. Correlations between

maternal depressive symptoms post-
partum and brain structure. Correla-
tions between maternal postpartum
depressive symptoms and children’s
cortical thickness in the right superior
frontal region were significant, as
were correlations with diffusivity in
white matter fibers emanating from
this region. Scatter plots are shown
for cortical thickness (A) and axial
(B), radial (C), and mean diffusivity
(D) versus postpartum depressive
symptoms. Imaging parameters are
corrected for child’s age, sex, gesta-
tional age at birth, and birth weight
and maternal postsecondary edu-
cation. All correlations remained sig-
nificant after correcting for prenatal
Edinburgh Postnatal Depression
Scale (EPDS) scores. corr., corrected.

The mechanisms underlying the observed associations breastfeed (90), offering an additional mechanism by which
remain unclear. Possible explanations include dysregulation postpartum depression and nutrition could affect children’s
of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, nutritional brain structure. However, in our sample, breastfeeding was not
deficiencies, and epigenetics. Depression and stress are associated with depressive symptoms at any time point.
associated with dysregulation of the HPA axis and elevated Future studies of relationships between breastfeeding, brain
cortisol levels (81), even during pregnancy (82). Chronic stress structure, and depressive symptoms may be useful to clarify
in animal models is associated with abnormal HPA axis interactions among these factors. Genetics influence both
function and altered brain structure (70), and even when stress structural brain development (91,92) and depressive symp-
occurs at a very young age, brain structure can be impacted toms (93) and therefore are highly likely to play a role in the
into adulthood (83). However, many previous studies have not observed effects.
found links between maternal cortisol and child outcomes This study has several limitations. Only 44% of women in
following maternal depression (6,29), so if HPA function plays this study provided EPDS scores during the first trimester due
a role, it is likely a complex one. Another possible mechanism to difficulties in recruiting women early in pregnancy. This
is nutrition, which is associated with maternal mood (84–86) reduced the power to detect associations between first
and linked with fetal brain development (87,88). Maternal trimester depressive symptoms and brain structure, so it is
nutrition can also impact infant brain development via unclear whether the correlations we observed are truly unique
nutrients passed during breastfeeding or nutritional differences to the second trimester and postpartum periods. Future
associated with formula feeding. Formula feeding and breast- studies that recruit women earlier in their pregnancies are
feeding are associated with different patterns of brain struc- required to appropriately answer this question. We had MRI
ture in children (89), and depressed women are less likely to data from only one time point in childhood, which precludes

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Psychiatry Maternal Depression and Children’s Brain Structure

testing the effects of perinatal depressive symptoms on rates Research Institute (CL, MW, NL, GFG, BJK, DD), University of Calgary,
of brain development; longitudinal data are necessary to Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
Address correspondence to Catherine Lebel, Ph.D., University of
examine brain changes over time. Furthermore, our data span
Calgary, Alberta Children’s Hospital, Room B4-513, 2888 Shaganappi Trail
a relatively wide age range (2.6 to 5.1 years) for young NW, Calgary, Alberta T3B6A8, Canada; E-mail:
children, allowing for significant age-related brain differences Received Aug 6, 2015; revised Dec 8, 2015; accepted Dec 9, 2015.
between our youngest and oldest participants. Although we
controlled for age in all analyses, a tighter age range and/or REFERENCES
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