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ORTHODONTICS -Passive appliances- band and loop,

“Orthos” – to correct nance appliances, lower lingual

“Dons”- tooth holding arch
Oldest specialty in Dentistry ➢ Early recognition and elimination of
1900- Angle School of Orthdontia oral habits
1901- American Society of Orthodontists 1. Digit sucking
“Orthodontia” – le faulon in 1839 2. Bruxism
Dr. Edward Angle 3. Lip biting
Father of Modern Orthodontics 4. Nail biting
Angle School of Orthodontia ➢ Proper Nutrition
Most universally used classification of ➢ Bodily posture
Malocclusion 2. Interceptive Orthodontics
Edgewise appliance - Procedures that allow early detection and
Orthodontics correction of potential irregularities of the
Growth of the craniofacial complex dentofacial complex.
Development of occlusion Procedures:
Treatment of dentofacial abnormalities ➢ Serial extraction
American Board of Orthodontics -Consecutive extraction at a period of
Orthodontics is that specific area of the time to allow normal alignment of
dental profession that has as its tooth.
responsibility the study and supervision of -Example: CD4
the growth and development of the ➢ Properly-trimmed removal of
dentition and its related anatomical deciduous teeth
structures from birth to dental maturity, ➢ Mixed Dentition Analysis (MDA)
including all preventive and corrective ➢ Use of expansion arch
procedures of dental irregularities requiring ➢ Correction of abnormal oral habits
the repositioning of teeth by functional and 3. Corrective Orthodontics
mechanical means to establish normal - Recognition of the existing malocclusion
occlusion and pleasing facial contours. and the need for employing certain technical
Categories of Orthodontics procedures to reduce or eliminate the
• Preventive problems and effects.
• Interceptive • Limited corrective
• Corrective • Extensive corrective
-Limited Corrective Orthodontics
1. Preventive orthodontics • Bite plane- Class I deep bite
- Preserve the integrity of what appears to be • Mandibular inclined plane- Class I
a normal occlusion of a specific time. anterior cross bite
- Procedures that maintain the existing • Space Retainer- active orthodontic
normal condition. appliance to bring back lost space
- No abnormalities present at the time of -Extensive Corrective Orthodontics
treatment. • Treatment of Class II and Class III
- Purpose is to avoid formation of • Fixed braces
Procedures: 3 primary Correlate of human dental occlusion
➢ Regular Dental Check-up 1. Growth and development of the
➢ Proper toothbrushing and flossing craniofacial complex (bone)
➢ Fluoridization- is the direct 2. Growth and development of the
application of fluoride on the tooth occlusion (teeth)
surface. 3. Growth and development of the
➢ Fluoridation- is the systemic intake nerves and muscles (neuromuscular system)
of fluoride incorporated in water,
food, and supplements.
*Fluoride lessens incidence of caries
up to 40-60%
*Sodium fluoride, Phosphate
fluoride, Stannous fluoride
*TFA, Fluoride varnish
➢ Pit and fissures sealants (PFS)
- fills the deepest pits and fissures
rendering it cleansable
- Proper restoration of the correct
mesiodistal width of the tooth.
*The best space maintainer is a well-
restored deciduous tooth.
➢ Space Maintainers- premature loss of
deciduous teeth prior to eruption of
permanent teeth.
Ma. Jaira Joy L. Laguidao

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