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Fear is your compass leading you in the direction right for you.

The barriers life

puts before us are not for you to give up and quit there but to test you. How bad do you
want it?
A person always doing their best becomes a natural leader, they make it look so
effortless that you don’t see the missed opportunities they had or the late nights they
were kept up. Being a leader does not make you superior to the people who follow but it
should humble you because of the companions who choose to unite with you.
Leadership is learned, it is practiced and those who make good leaders always look to
those who came before. It is inspiring to others when you reveal your hardships and
everything you went through to get to where you are today. It takes courage to become
a leader, not necessarily brave because everyone has there feard and struggles but to
know that you are stronger than your fears is courage. Good leaders are honest and
sincere, they are wise enough to know it is better to fail with honor than to succeed by
fraud. Honest leaders create legacies and no legacy is as rich as honesty last. Your
character shows when you project your actions towards people who can do nothing for
you. After all, it is not where you started but where you finish and how you got there.
Growing up one of the oldest in a big family I had to grow up quick. With only my
mom working it was up to me and my older sister to take care of our four younger
siblings, two of them with mental disabilities. They were a handful but since I had help
from my sister it made my job a lot easier. My sister and I were both in charge of getting
everyone up and ready for school in the mornings and making dinner when we got back
from school. On weekends when my mom had to work, we would occasionally make
breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I picked up many different self-learned skills by the time I
was 10. Now having two present parents working and being available all day my duties
have been somewhat relieved. I can still see my younger siblings really look up to me
and I appreciate my mom for teaching me these things when I was younger and she
was struggling and I appreciate my siblings to appreciating me. From that experience, I
think it could fall under me being a leader because for being so young I was still getting
things done with so many responsibilities, but we all worked as a team and it made us
all closer for it.
Even though I grew up learning many new things I still do have a personal
struggle. To others, it may be the easiest thing to talk to people or even buy something
from the convenient store, but for me it’s different. The skill I am most proud of is how I
can talk to people it is a basic rule in communicating but I had to learn my people skills.
I grew up with anxiety so talking to people can be a really tough subject to cover.
However, I needed to get out of my head, I am still not sure what triggered it most, but I
used to get palm sweaty fainting spells anxiety attacks. I have to mentally prepare
myself to walk into a gas station just to tell them “10 on two please”, which, sounds
funny thinking about it but at the moment it is the most nervewracking experience. It is
my biggest skill now because once I learned to rise above it I felt as my words would
just flow out. To grow from it my dad used to make me talk to everyone he knew and
everyone he had just met, and I would involuntarily tear up, and it was embarrassing.
Nevertheless, my skill grew superior to my fear. Even though it still may be a struggle I
believe my conversational skills have made an impact on my life. Now I feel like I can be
sympathetic towards people who may be going through something and it made me want
to pursue a career in psychology.
In school, if there was one class I wish I would have taken it would be physics
because it interests me the most. I know that there is a lot to be learned in that class
and I feel like it would have expanded my mind further. I do plan to take this class in
college if I don’t take it I would be exposed to fear of missing out. My interest goes past
having an interest in the class but an interest in outer space and astrophysics. I have an
interest in the cosmos and how it works so taking the class would help me learn more
about my interests. Even though I know it requires a lot of willpower and mental strength
I know that with determination and dedication I will be able to at least experience the
Everyone lives their lives differently and everyone goes through different things
at different times which is why I believe my story is unique. I think I stand out as a
strong candidate for your UC because I know I have an innovative mindset. I think I will
stand out in and outside of your school because I believe myself to have a strong
personality and I am determined to reach my goals. Given this opportunity to tell you
why I would make a distinctive candidate I have discovered more about myself in this
small amount of time and I look forward to learning more and for you to learn more
about myself as well. Every day we grow more and every day we are faced with new
obstacles but it is how you get through them that shapes you. Thank you for giving me
this opportunity to unravel this small piece of information about myself and I hope you
are interested in getting to know me further.

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