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Mazariegos, 1

Lesley, Mazariegos

Ms. Kopaitich


13 November 2018

Personal Statement

The former first lady of the United States, Eleanor Roosevelt once said, “The future

belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” Our life can make turns to become

anything we want if we believe in ourselves. There comes a time, situation, or circumstance that

makes you realize something you didn’t before to help us grow as human beings. I’ve come to

realize that I’ve grown as a person and have come to understand situations and events in my life

a bit better.

A personal growth caused by a realization period has made me understand that the

actions and choices I make will connect back to me and will affect me in one way or another.

From now on, what I do will affect me. My realization point of entering senior year has brought

me to comprehend that I’m on my own, and that the choices that I make will affect no one, but

myself. The author Catherine Pulsifer said, “And if life, it is all about choices we make. And

how the direction of our lives comes down to the choices we choose.” If I choose to make good

decisions for myself, I can lead myself into the direction I want to go to. My choices will impact

the path I set for myself, and where I end up in life.

My realization point has made me understand that the time has come where I choose

what to do with my life, and what I make of myself. No one has the power to decide what I do,

but myself. It’s come to the time where I choose how I want to lead my future and
Mazariegos, 2

where I want to see myself in a few years. Entering senior year has brought me to realize that it’s

just a matter of time until graduation. The author J.K Rowling said, “It is our choices… that

show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.” The path I decide to take after high school,

the college or university I want to go to, or the major I choose, will all relate to my passion and

prove that I can push my abilities to their full potential.

My moment of realization has brought me to understand that there are things in life that I

will be interested in, but how much effort and time I dedicate into those things will determine

how much I love what I’m doing. How hard I try will only prove how passionate I am about

achieving my goals. There are many things in life I can and will do. There will be some

opportunities that will interest me and others that won’t, but it is up to me to decide what chances

I open up for myself. How passionate I am about these things will be determined by how much

effort and enthusiasm input. The American entrepreneur, Steve Jobs said, “The only way to do

great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle. As with

all matters of the heart, you’ll know when you find it.” If I decide to do something and I’m not

putting in effort it probably means that it’s something out of my interest. On the other hand, if I

go out of my way to be good at what I’m doing and engage myself in to that something, then I

most likely have found what I love doing.

In conclusion, my realization period made me understand that I have some important

decisions to make on my own. I have to create a path for myself and be determined in the things

I do. I’ve learned that my actions will reflect and impact my next steps in life and influence what

becomes of me.

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