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Metamorphism: A Process of Change

Geologi Fisik – 7. Batuan Metamorf Bilal Al Farishi, B.Sc (Hons)., M.Sc

Crystalography and Mineralogy – Metamorphic rock mineralogy Bilal Al Farishi, B.Sc (Hons)., M.Sc
• The original rock is subjected to very high heat and
pressure, which cause obvious physical and/or chemical

• A protolith is the original, unmetamorphosed rock from

which a given metamorphic rock is formed (proto-: first;
lithos: rock; both Greek). For example, the protolith of a
slate is a shale or mudstone

Crystalography and Mineralogy – Metamorphic rock mineralogy Bilal Al Farishi, B.Sc (Hons)., M.Sc
Is the process that occur in rocks
due to the effects of
• High temperature
• High pressure
• Chemically active fluids

Crystalography and Mineralogy – Metamorphic rock mineralogy Bilal Al Farishi, B.Sc (Hons)., M.Sc

When rocks are baked by heat of molten magma or
squeezed by the movements of huge tectonic plates or
by the pressure of overlying thick succession of rocks

They are altered or changed beyond their recognition,

i.e. change in Chemical composition, texture and

Crystalography and Mineralogy – Metamorphic rock mineralogy Bilal Al Farishi, B.Sc (Hons)., M.Sc

Crystalography and Mineralogy – Metamorphic rock mineralogy Bilal Al Farishi, B.Sc (Hons)., M.Sc
Batuan Metamorfik berfoliasi

Crystalography and Mineralogy – Metamorphic rock mineralogy Bilal Al Farishi, B.Sc (Hons)., M.Sc
Types of Metamorphism Contact Metamorphism-
 This type of metamorphism occurs locally adjacent to the igneous
intrusion; with high temp. and low stress
 There is little change in bulk composition of the rock
 Area surrounding the intrusion (Batholith) is heated by the magma;
metamorphism is restricted to a zone surrounding the intrusion,
this zone is know as METAMORPHIC AUREOLE.
 The rocks formed are non-foliated fine-grained rocks called as

Crystalography and Mineralogy – Metamorphic rock mineralogy Bilal Al Farishi, B.Sc (Hons)., M.Sc
Types of Metamorphism: Contact
Thermal, local, around intrusions. Size of aureole depends on:

Size of intrusion

Heat (composition)

Fluid content of

Fluid content of
country rock

Country rock type

Crystalography and Mineralogy – Metamorphic rock mineralogy Bilal Al Farishi, B.Sc (Hons)., M.Sc
Quartzite (kuarsit) Quartzite –
• Almost pure quartz in composition.
• Forms by alteration of quartz sandstone.
• Sand grains in the protolith recrystallize and fuse.
• Like quartz, it is hard, glassy, and resistant.

Crystalography and Mineralogy – Metamorphic rock mineralogy Bilal Al Farishi, B.Sc (Hons)., M.Sc
Metamorphic Rocks
• Marble - Coarsely crystalline calcite or dolomite.
• Extensive recrystallization completely changes the rock.
• Original textures and fossils in the parent are obliterated.
• Used as a decorative and monument stone.
• Exhibits a variety of colors.

Metamorphic Alteration

Crystalography and Mineralogy – Metamorphic rock mineralogy Bilal Al Farishi, B.Sc (Hons)., M.Sc
 Latin word “Marmor”– Shining stone.
 Calcareous metamorphic rock
 Though it shows granulose structure it is not as hard as Quartzite because of its
Calcareous composition; but can withstand reasonable load.
 Due to its pleasant colour and brilliant appearance when polished it is extensively
used as building stone.

Crystalography and Mineralogy – Metamorphic rock mineralogy Bilal Al Farishi, B.Sc (Hons)., M.Sc

Crystalography and Mineralogy – Metamorphic rock mineralogy Bilal Al Farishi, B.Sc (Hons)., M.Sc
 metamorphism occurs covering
larger area, which is subjected to
intense deformation under direct or
differential stress.
 Rocks formed under such
environment are usually strongly
foliated, such as slates, schist's, and
 The differential stresses result from
tectonic forces,
 e.g. when two continental masses
collide with one another resulting
into mountain building activity.
Compressive stresses result in
folding of the rock

Crystalography and Mineralogy – Metamorphic rock mineralogy Bilal Al Farishi, B.Sc (Hons)., M.Sc
Crystalography and Mineralogy – Metamorphic rock mineralogy Bilal Al Farishi, B.Sc (Hons)., M.Sc
• Slate, Argillite: Low grade metamorphic rocks with partly to
well-developed cleavage; almost all are meta shales,
• Phyllite: Higher grade than Slate, with incipient Foliation, shiny
surface; almost all are meta shales, metamudstones.
• Schist: Higher grade than slate, phyllite; characterized by
distinct metamorphic foliation, abundant platy minerals, some
segregation into layers common.
• Gneiss: High grade metamorphic rock; varies widely in
composition and mineral mode; characterized by distinct
compositional banding in most cases.
Crystalography and Mineralogy – Metamorphic rock mineralogy Bilal Al Farishi, B.Sc (Hons)., M.Sc
Foliated Metamorphic Rocks

Increasing metamorphic grade

Increasing foliation

slate phyllite schist gneiss migmatite

(partially melted)

(low grade) (high grade)

Crystalography and Mineralogy – Metamorphic rock mineralogy Bilal Al Farishi, B.Sc (Hons)., M.Sc
Crystalography and Mineralogy – Metamorphic rock mineralogy Bilal Al Farishi, B.Sc (Hons)., M.Sc
Index minerals are minerals used in metamorphic rocks as indicators of peak pressure
and temperature. The first appearance of a mineral defines an index zone that
identifies the minimum peak temperature and pressure obtained

Index minerals for progressive metamorphism in Metapelitic

Chlorite >> Slate, Phyllite
Biotite >> Phyllite, fine-gr Schist
Garnet >> Schist, Gneiss
Staurolite >> Schist, Gneiss
Kyanite >> Schist, Gneiss
Sillimanite >> Schist, Gneiss
Crystalography and Mineralogy – Metamorphic rock mineralogy Bilal Al Farishi, B.Sc (Hons)., M.Sc
Crystalography and Mineralogy – Metamorphic rock mineralogy Bilal Al Farishi, B.Sc (Hons)., M.Sc
Metamorphic Rocks Identification Guide
Dynamic Metamorphism
• Dynamic metamorphism occurs due to brittle or
ductile deformation of rocks that have
experienced significant strain. Metamorphism
associated with fault zones.
•Occurs between moving plates (very localized and
happens quickly).

Crystalography and Mineralogy – Metamorphic rock mineralogy Bilal Al Farishi, B.Sc (Hons)., M.Sc
Dynamic Metamorphism
Associated with major
San Andreas Fault
fault planes such as the
San Andreas Fault and
the Moine Thrust

Relatively localised or
small scale limited to
a few metres either side
of the fault plane

Rocks are crushed and

ground into angular
fragments under
intense shear pressure
Dynamic Metamorphism
• Breakage of rock by shearing at a fault zone.
• Fault location determines type of alteration.
• Shallow crust – Upper 10–15 km.
• Rocks behave in a brittle fashion.
• Mineral grains crush-forming fault breccia.
• Deeper crust – Below 10–15 km.
• Rocks behave in a ductile manner.
• Minerals smear like taffy
to form mylonite.

Crystalography and Mineralogy – Metamorphic rock mineralogy Bilal Al Farishi, B.Sc (Hons)., M.Sc
• Mylonite is a fine-grained,
compact metamorphic rock
produced by dynamic
recrystallization of the
constituent minerals resulting
in a reduction of the grain size
of the rock. Mylonites can have
many different mineralogical
compositions; it is a
classification based on the
textural appearance of the rock.

Crystalography and Mineralogy – Metamorphic rock mineralogy Bilal Al Farishi, B.Sc (Hons)., M.Sc
Facies Metamorfosis & Tektonik Lempeng

Metamorphosis dapat terjadi di setiap kondisi tektonik,

tetapi yang paling umum dijumpai pada daerah
kovergensi lempeng.
Shock Metamorphism
• Rarely, Earth is struck by a comet or an asteroid.
• Impacts generate a compressional shock wave.
• Extremely high pressure.
• Heat that vaporizes or melts large masses of rock.
• These conditions generate high-pressure minerals.

Crystalography and Mineralogy – Metamorphic rock mineralogy Bilal Al Farishi, B.Sc (Hons)., M.Sc
Metamorphic Facies
• Metamorphic facies – Mineral assemblage from a specific protolith at
specific P-T conditions.
• The same minerals result from the same…
• Protoliths.
• T and P conditions.
• Named for dominant

Crystalography and Mineralogy – Metamorphic rock mineralogy Bilal Al Farishi, B.Sc (Hons)., M.Sc

Crystalography and Mineralogy – Metamorphic rock mineralogy Bilal Al Farishi, B.Sc (Hons)., M.Sc
Facies Metamorfosis & Mineral Indeks
Facies: greenschist---------- amphibolite ----------- granulite

Grade: ----- Low-----------------Medium--- - ---------High

------slate ---phyllite -------- schist -----------------gneiss

Zone: index minerals are bold and large:

----------------------------------- garnets ------
-------------------------------------- --staurolite--
Crystalography and Mineralogy – Metamorphic rock mineralogy Bilal Al Farishi, B.Sc (Hons)., M.Sc

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