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5/16/2019 Senior Portfolio: 5 Year Plan - Google Docs

5 Year Plan

My future plans in the next 5 years are the most important in my life because these are

going to be the years that determine my career and financial future plans. I don’t have strict plans

because if for some reason my plans would not work I can easily change them and not worry so

much. I do however, have general expectations like going to a 4 year University and graduating

with a mechanical engineering degree and after that get a good paying job. Soon after graduating, i

hope to find a job that I can start with and get experience with, so I can get a better job if I don’t do

so already.

So, after high school I am going to Uc Merced which has already accepted me with the

major of mechanical engineering. I will hope to graduate with this major as I don’t know how hard

it is going to be. I may switch to another major because I know that many people switch majors

when they go to Universities. I hope that i don’t switch majors because that can make my time

longer at Uc Merced since there are different classes for different pathways. At this point I would

mainly be focusing on my studies on not on any financial projects. Those projects can wait till after

I graduate because I know mechanical engineers make a good amount of money.

As for the place I will be living at, I will be living with my parents still because they have

allowed me to and supported me. If that doesn’t turn out to happen I can rent with other people

near the campus as it is not very far. I don’t think I will have to rent because I know how

supportive my parents are since I have two older siblings that went through this process and my

parents supported them through the whole experience. The University is not very far from our

house so it makes transportation easier for me since I will be driving there everyday. I feel like I get

some advantages for living lose to the Uc for many reasons. 1/2
5/16/2019 Senior Portfolio: 5 Year Plan - Google Docs

I don’t have to worry much about financial problems because I am staying at home which

saves thousands of dollars because housing at Colleges cost a lot. I’ve seen how much money my

older siblings got left over just from staying at home instead of living on campus. I also hope to get

a good amount of money from scholarships and financial aid so I have less worries. I will also be

getting a scholarship just from going to Uc Merced from Gateway Scholars which was a program i

was in for all four years of high school.

In conclusion, I feel like I have pretty good plans and expectations for me. I have seen what

my siblings have done which will help me immensely in my time at Uc Merced. I can’t wait till I

attend Uc Merced because that's going start the being of my future and will determine a lot of my

future. I have a lot of support from family and friends which believe it or not helped me choose to

attend Uc Merced. 2/2

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