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Interview Criteria for Faculty Selection

Sl No Parameter
Excellent Very Good Average Below
Good Average



1. Selected 2. Not Selected

Names of Interview Panel:



interview criteria and questions.) 1. Knowledge and background preparation to teach the subject matter
2. Knowledge of multiple teaching methods to include critical teaching skills 3. Problem-solving skills in a
teaching / learning environment 4. Commitment to a positive learning environment and an enthusiastic
belief and attitude towards the encouragement of learning 5. Sensitivity to diversity (academic, cultural,
ethnic, socioeconomic and the disabled) * 6. Willingness to take initiative in co-curricular activities,
special events, shared governance, and participation in department / division activities 7. Interpersonal
skills and mutual respect to be effective with students and staff 8. Verbal communication skills 9.
Written communication skills may be included if you are requesting a written exercise

Candidate followed directions in preparing for demonstration • Content and knowledge pertinent to the
position • Effective student / faculty interaction • Presentation enthusiastic and interesting • Candidate
was well prepared • Handouts were appropriate to the presentation

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