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How - what can you do after having a physical dream?

As you know, physical dreams affect dramatically to our physical and mental health. So, what will you do
after them? I will divide us into two groups: a group which have members of those who are able to
remember in their dreams. The other group are those who can’t.

For the first group, I think that when you can remember all or a part of them, why don’t you think
calmly about your dreams’ reasons? If those reasons relate to many problems in your life which you
can’t solve or you haven’t completed yet, such as: your difficult works, your arguments,..., you should
share them with your friends, your parents even psyschologists. Your situation will be better and you
will have a nice dream instead of nightmares. However, if the reasons for your physical dream don’t
come from these problems, you have to think clearly about your health, especially mental health! They
are probably insomnia, fatigue or many diseases which make your body uncomfortable to sleep. You
should improve your health by adding nutrients, doing exercises or seeking professional advice.

And for the other group, not remembering what you dream might sound good right? Of course, you
must have slept very well so that you don’t wake up remembering your dreams! However, growing
researches have pointed out about a modern sleeping problem: (term?). This means that your body
stops breathing intermittently during sleeps. There are various reasons for this, obesity, stress or
respiratory disorders. How do we spot this?

Actual shouting from nightmares (but families can recognize this) + not remembering having nightmares
= ……. (1 slide hinh`)


Finally, in my opinion, whether you are in group 1 or 2, dreams still affect to your health. I think if we
share our troubles, problems, with people, be it friends, families or experts, we will feel relieved and will
improve our well-being. At the end of the day, this all comes down to our better sleeping dreams!

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