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5/17/2019 AVID Testimonial - Google Docs

Natalie Franco
Mrs. Brewer
AVID Testimonial
In such great ways AVID has been the best program I have ever joined. AVID is like
having a 2nd family, who's always looking out for you, having your back, and guiding you
through life. It gives you comfort to know that you have people supporting you, plus it eliminates
the stress of college, and career choice. As many students may know, a lot of us have yet no
clue what in the world we would like to become in the near future. We are often stressed by
parents, family members, and just even adults, that we must know by Junior year, what we wish
to become. But even that is not enough time to determine who we would like to become for the
rest of our life. AVID has helped me understand, that no everything is to be rushed, sometimes
good things happen at a slower pace.
Before I ever joined AVID, I had no real knowledge of what even college was. I came
from the cuts of Delhi, the best thing I knew about school was that I had to go almost everyday. I
had no interest in college, or in a career, because my family already had the mindset that
college was unaffordable. But once I got involved into the AVID program, my whole perspective
towards college entirely changed. I went from knowing that my future job might be in a factory,
to having hope that one day I might just become a forensic scientist. I never even knew about
scholarships, until I was told by my 8th grade AVID teacher, Mrs. Joslin, that I was able to apply
to one. That was my first scholarship, it was only $250, but even a little bit of money could be
great help in any situation. I started researching universities, and colleges all across the U.S.,
my interest blossomed, and I knew that I wanted to become someone. I wanted to go to a
college, get my degree, get a good job, make money, and help out my family. At first my family
laughed at this dream, they wondered how we were going to pay off the college? I explained to
them that I can receive scholarships, for nearly anything, and that there is financial aid at almost
every college. It took a lot of convincing to make my mom realize that my future is not going to
be working in a factory.
AVID has made a better person, AVID just doesn’t teach about colleges, and
scholarships, it teaches you communication skills, writing skills, and learning skills. If it wasn’t for
AVID I would probably have at least 3 F’s. Those cornell notes that I take everyday, in almost
every class, have helped me study, and pass almost all my test. I ended 7th-9th grade with a 4.0
GPA, it was incredible, my mom never ever saw such good grades. Now there was hope in both
my mom and I, that in the near future I could get a better paying job than hers. AVID also has
bonus, the field trips that we go to, are fun, interesting, and a new memory that I won’t ever
forget. Plus, its a 2nd family, highschool is a really rough time, but when you know you can
count on friends and teachers there, some of the stress eases off. AVID is like a stress free, fun,
and inviting period, it's my favorite class in my whole schedule.
In conclusion, AVID has been one of best choices I have ever made in my whole life. It
has helped me realize so many things, I have discovered more, understood more, and I have
more hope now. There's no doubt in my mind that I will attend a college, and that I will get my 1/2
5/17/2019 AVID Testimonial - Google Docs

major in a field. There is no rush, and I thank Mrs. Brewer for guiding us, without her, this AVID
family wouldn’t be complete, thank you so much. 2/2

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