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Working Paper 1.

Committee: United Nation Environmental Program

Topic: Accelerating the deployment of Renewable Energy

Signatories: Afghanistan,
Canada,China,India,Pakistan,Palestine,Russia,Spain,Syria,Turkey.Unite Kingdom, United States
of America, Yemen

Defining renewable energy as the energy which can be used again and again or energy from a
source that is not depleted when used unlike non-renewable energy.

1-Fully aware of the main types of renewable energy which are:

a) Solar Energy
b) Wind Energy
c) Geothermal Energy
d) Biomass
e) Hydropower
f) Tidal Energy

2-Keeping in mind the advantages of renewable source of energy as:

a) Cheap
b) Environmental Friendly
c) Long lasting
d) Less waste products
e) Easily available
f) Mainly from Natural Resources
g) One time investment

Recalling the definition of deforestation as the ruthless cutting down of trees for mainly
obtaining wood or the action of clearing a wide area of trees

4-Bearing in mind the causes of deforestation as:

a) Urbanization
b) Lack of gas supply
c) To obtain firewood
d) For industrialization
e) For furniture making

5-Bearing in mid the disadvantages of non-renewable sources of energy which are:

a) Difficult to generate energy
b) Air, water and land Pollution
c) Soil erosion
d) Globalization
e) Ozone depletion
f) Rising of sea levels due to melting of glaciers

6-Taking in note the disadvantages of renewable sources of energy as:

a) Expensive
b) Deforestation
c) Floods
d) Difficult to maintain a constant supply of energy
e) Huge amount of labor required
f) Only short term advantage

7-Recalling the causes of water pollution as:

a) Chemicals
b) Acid rain
c) Industrial pollution
d) Eutrophication
e) Oil spills
f) Marine Dumping

7-Recognizing the barriers that hinder development of renewable sources of energy which are:

a) High Cost
b) Political Problems
c) Countries policies

Recognizing the fact that the United State of America has left the Paris agreement in 2017

Fully aware of the fact that Syria is not part of Irena(International Renewable Energy Agency)

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