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1.Who are aliens?

People who live on Earth are called humans. Aliens are believed to be
creatures that live on other planets, other than Earth.
2. Do you know that there is a big chance of finding life on Mars?

Life on Mars
Even with the largest telescopes it is very hard to see much detail on Mars. In the late
1800s, some scientists thought they could see straight lines crossing the planet's surface.
These lines joined greenish areas that looked as if they were covered by plants. These
scientists thought that the straight lines were canals built by Martians to carry water to
their crops.

Spacecraft pictures have shown that these canals do not exist. There is no sign of any life
– plants or intelligent Martians - on the planet. We now know that Mars is a very cold, dry
planet, where liquid water cannot exist on the surface. However, there are large areas of
water ice at the polar caps. There is also a lot of ice in the frozen ground – much like the
permafrost areas of northern Canada and Russia.
Large, dry channels also show that there was once a lot of running water on the surface.
Recent results from Mars Express and other spacecraft show that there may be liquid water
deep underground. If Mars was once warmer and wetter, life may have begun on the red
planet. Simple life, such as bacteria, may still exist beneath the frozen surface.
In 1996, a group of scientists told the world that they had found evidence of bacteria inside
a meteorite that had come from Mars. However, this idea is not very popular with most
other scientists. If life is found on Mars in the future, it would be the first proof that we are
not alone in the Universe.

3. Can we find life on other planets?

Life On Other Planets – Is It Possible?


Whether you imagine aliens as friendly beings, like E.T., or something a

bit scarier (think “Signs”), the thought of life on other planets is
interesting. Could there really be other life in the universe? Scientists
think it’s likely.

Alien from Another Planet Image - Science for Kids All About Life on Other
Could there really be other life in the universe? Scientists think it’s likely.
Find out more all about life on other planets.

In recent years, scientists have discovered many stars that have planets
orbiting around them. There are probably many more out there yet to be
discovered. Chances are, at least some of these stars might have planets
like Earth.

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The Kepler telescope, launched in 2009, is looking for planets like Earth.
So far, it has found more than 2,700 possible planets. A few of them are
similar to Earth.

Kepler Telescope in Space Image

The Kepler telescope, launched in 2009, is looking for planets like Earth.
So far, it has found more than 2,700 possible planets. A few of them are
similar to Earth.
Fun Facts about Life on Other Planets for Kids

Scientists are looking for three things: a planet with gases like oxygen
and carbon dioxide that support life; a planet with water and a planet
that’s not too cold or too hot.

The Kepler telescope’s most exciting discovery was the planet Kepler
22b. This planet is a little larger than Earth, but it is about the same
distance away from its star as the Earth is from the Sun. Scientists
believe it might have water on it.

The Kepler telescope is currently broken. Scientists hope they can fix it.
If they can’t fix it, the project will be over.

Life on other planets probably won’t look like the aliens you see in
movies. Chances are, it might look more like bacteria, which can survive
hostile conditions and hot and cold temperatures.

Alien Seen from Movies Image

Life on other planets probably won’t look like the aliens you see in
movies. Chances are, it might look more like bacteria, which can survive
hostile conditions and hot and cold temperatures.

4. Do aliens have space ships?

Boron sounds boring, and not just because of the phonetic resemblance.
It’s not an element that we use much, other than in some kinds of
fiberglass. It’s not toxic or dangerous to humans.
Do you remember Yip Yips, the aliens who landed on Sesame Street
from Mars? They curiously looked at clocks, telephones and computers
and always read “Earth Book” which has all the information about things
on Earth. Here is a funny video of them:

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