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Gun Control

By- Jake Hawley

Gun Violence In America
The definition of a mass shooting by the national gun archive is where 4 or more people
were killed or injured by a single shooter. Although This definition does not include gun
violence related to gang violence, robberies, private homes, etc.

So far in 2018 alone the U.S. has encountered exactly 154 mass shootings. Those shooting
have resulted in exactly 1,107 deaths, in which 185 of those deaths were children and

More than 2,000 were injured and left with broken families, psychological damage, etc.
The Second Amendment
The second amendment is worded as-

“A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the
people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

This amendment was approved to the constitution and bill of rights on december 15th.
1791, and has remained untouched since creation.
Weaponry- 1795

Harpers ferry Springfield rifle model 1795. This was the highest class rifle that was in
production during the creation of the second amendment. This musket sustains no
recoil, (so no magazine) , small ammunition size, and could only reach targets about
50 yards. Away. There was also no mass domestic gun violence that was recorded
during that time period
Weaponry- 2018

The AR-15 Tactical assault rifle, is a high class semi automatic gun that is readily
available;e to the public at many chain stores throughout the U.S. today. This rifle
suatu and high recoil, a 30 round clip firing 5.56mm ammunition, and can easily hit
targets 150 yards away. This gun has also been discovered to have been used in more
than 45 of the recorded 2018 mass shootings.
Repeal Of The Second Amendment?
Looking over the statistics it has become a conflict of interest on weather or not to repeal
the second amendment. The repeal would stop all commercial production/sale of firearms,
and would as well require a recall on all firearms in public possession. There is a large
group of people who are pro repeal, but i do not think that repeal will help solve the
problem, but will only fuel the fire.

I believe Complete repeal will promote black market sales of legalized firearms, and will
leaves citizens defenseless against armed assailants who act above the law. And
considering public safety systems are not in every place 24/7 it leaves our people
Gun Control Over Repeal?
Gun control is being considered the most popular middle ground in order to help rectify
the problem. Many cities, companies, and states are already adopting some of these laws.
SOme of the laws include moving the legal age to purchase a firearm from 18 to 21. More
of these gun controls laws that are in process of being passed are things like more
extensive background/psychiatric checks on purchasers. Establishing a licensing process to
possess a firearm, and eliminating public production of semi automatic, and other high
class weapons.
Does Gun Control Even Work?
Does it Work? Well that is a question of debate to most, but looking at the facts the answer
is easy. After the 1996 Port Arthur Massacre in Australia took place, the government too
immediate action to prevent another tragedy from happening and did so with gun control
laws. These comprehensive set of laws have not stopped gun violence in itself, but it has
put a complete end to mass shooting since 1996. And within a year of the laws passing
more than a third of the country's semi-auto firearms were sold back. The results of these
fast acting laws I believe should be enough to make change.
Australia's Gun Control Laws (comprehensive)
1- Banning Semi-automatic rifles, shotguns, and high caliber rifles.

2- 28 day waiting period thorough background checks, and a requirement to present a

"justifiable reason" to own a gun. ( self protection is not justifiable)

3- Additional applications and registration directly through the PD have slowed the roll for
prospective buyers and their weapons.
Should It Be Applied To The U.S?
I was a little Skeptical to get beyond any gun control regulation, but after extensive
research I believe that the U.S should adopt the same laws that helped Australia end mass
gun violence. Considering the results that they received I see no reason why the U.S could
not do the same. I feel that If such a large country accepted and put into effect these
statewide laws we could not only clean up our country, but could start a global influence of
gun control. If We produce the same results as australia did, we could not only end mass
shootings, but could help bring down domestic gun violence as well.
In conclusion
In conclusion I believe that the U.S should would yield huge benefit from uttering these
gun control laws into full effect. We as a nation have a voice to be heard, and i believe that
of we get behind the government and put our support towards gun control we could change
our country for the better, and save lives. We will still have guns, and will still be able to
defend ourselves, and continue to hunt and game, but at the cost of our time and a bigger
gun than the one you have. That seems like a small price to pay for the results they've been
giving. So let's together make a change.
-Beck, Katie. “Are Australia's Gun Laws the Solution for the US?” BBC News, BBC, 4
Oct. 2017,

-Allen, Felix. “How Many Mass Shootings Have There Been in America so Far in 2018?”

-The Sun, The Sun, 6 Sept. 2018,

“-Mass Shootings in 2018.” Gun Violence Archive,

-LII Staff. “Second Amendment.” Legal Information Institute, Legal Information Institute,
10 Oct. 2017,

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