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Thinking of Best Hotels And Resorts In Sonamarg?

The summers are upon us and with that comes long awaited summer
vacations as well. Usually, adults don’t get these. But for the kids, that
month and a half is everything. It is the optimal time for travelling,
learning and growing. So where do you take them this summer? The
beaches are too hot and the middle of the country is too dry. So, the only
realistic option is up north. Where in north you ask? Sonamarg.
For those of you who do not know, Sonamarg is a hill station about 80
kms away from Srinagar. Sonamarg is situated in the valley region. The
place is surrounded by snow capped mountains while the valley has all
encompassing lush green meadows. So, to boil it down, it is the ideal
place to spend your summers in.
With that being said, where do you stay in Sonamarg? Well fret not for
we got you covered. If you want to stay in a resort, then there are a
number of resorts in Sonamarg.
All these places offer free Wi-Fi and breakfast. Apart from this, the
rooms are clean and the services provided are top notch. However, if
you are someone with not so deep pockets but still want to stay in a
resort in Sonamarg, then Sonamarg has those too. They cost about half
of what the others do but still offer excellent service and is located at a
prime area.
However, if resorts are not your cup of tea but you still want to lie down
in the lap of luxury, then you can always find yourself a luxury hotel in
These places also offer free Wi-Fi. However, it is worth noting that
while most hotels qualify as a luxury hotel in Sonamarg. They have a
lot more to offer than their counterpart. But then again, they do charge a
lot more as well.
Lastly, if you do not want to spend so much and any regular hotel in
Sonamarg would do for you. Sonamarg has an abundance of them too.
All these hotels in Sonamarg offer free Wi-Fi and unlike the others
before it, they are quite easy on the pocket as well. So it is a win win
situation all the way round.
With all this said, we hope you have an exciting trip to Sonamarg!resorts
in sonamarg

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