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Q&A of chapter 7

1:What is organizational change?types?

Ans: Organizational Change any alterations in the people, structure, or technology of an

Types of Change
1. Structure
2. Technology
3. People
2:What are organizational development & Global (OD) ?
Ans: Organizational Development (OD) – techniques or programs to change people
and the nature and quality of interpersonal work relationships.
Global OD – OD techniques that work for U.S. organizations may be inappropriate in
other countries and cultures.
3:What are the types of Techniques for Reducing Resistance to Change?
 Education and communication
 Participation
 Facilitation and support
 Negotiation
 Manipulation and co-optation
 Coercion
4:What are Changing Organizational Culture?
 The occurrence of a dramatic crisis
 Leadership changing hands
 A young, flexible, and small organization
 A weak organizational culture
5:What is stress?

Ans: Stress – the adverse reaction people have to excessive pressure placed on them from
extraordinary demands, constraints, or opportunities.
6:What are Factors Causes Stress?

1. Role Conflicts – work expectations that are hard to satisfy.

2. Role Overload – having more work to accomplish than time permits.

3. Role Ambiguity – when role expectations are not clearly understood.

4. Interpersonal Demands – pressures created by other employees.

5. Organization structure – excessive rules and an employee’s lack of opportunity to participate in


6. Organizational leadership – the supervisory style of the organization’s managers.

7:What are the types of Personal Factors that can Create Stress?

1: Type A Personality – people who have a chronic sense of urgency and an excessive
competitive drive.

2: Type B personality – people who are relaxed and easygoing and accept change easily.

8:What is creativity & innovation?

Ans:Creativity – the ability to combine ideas in a unique way or to make an unusual association.

Innovation – turning the outcomes of the creative process into useful products, services, or
work methods.

9:What is idea champion?

Ans: Idea champion – individuals who actively and enthusiastically support new ideas, build support,
overcome resistance, and ensure that innovations are implemented.

10:What are innovation & design thinking?

 Innovation and Design Thinking:

 A strong connection exists between design thinking and innovation.

 With a design thinking mentality, the emphasis is on getting a deeper understanding of what
customers need and want.

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