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00965-55080885 :‫ملخصات جابر الشمري ( نابستر) – واتس اب‬

‫الملخص من غير شرح ال يعطي الطالب الفائدة كاملة – غير محلل من ينشر الملخص او يستخدمه من غير اشتراك‬
Sys380 – Chapter8
❖ Resistance to Change
• Resistance is a common issue that is faced by change managers during the
change process. The signs of reasons why employees resist change can vary, It
can be considered as:

1. Cognitive components ‫معرفية‬: what they think about it.

2. Affective components ‫عاطفية‬: how a person feels about change
3. Behavioural components ‫سلوكية‬: how they act in the face of change

resistance takes many forms, and it can be constructive as well as damaging.

However, Resistance is a resource not a problem

• Advantages of Resistance
those who resist are those who are going to be affected directly by change, and who
therefore have a good understanding of how it might work. Their feedback can be
particularly valuable and can be seen as constructive feedback.

• Disadvantages of Resistance
Resistance can threaten organizational performance, competitiveness, and survival,
and lead to job loss in some cases. Resistance can also mean a failure to learn new
skills and abilities, with long-term implications for individual employability.

• Outcomes that can encourage support for change include:

1. Security: Increased demand for particular skills; stronger organizational

competitive position and improved job security
2. Money: Higher bounces
3. Authority: Promotion, power, more discretion in decision making
4. Status: Prestige assignments with matching job titles, a bigger office
5. Responsibility: Increased job scope, visibility
6. Better conditions: Improved physical environment, new equipment
7. Self-satisfaction: Greater sense of challenge and achievement
8. Personal contacts: More chances to meet and work with influential people
9. Less time and effort: Operational efficiencies

00965-55080885 :‫ملخصات جابر الشمري ( نابستر) – واتس اب‬
‫الملخص من غير شرح ال يعطي الطالب الفائدة كاملة – غير محلل من ينشر الملخص او يستخدمه من غير اشتراك‬
❖ Why do people resist change?
The reasons fall into three categories concerning:
1. the content or substance of the change,
2. the process through which change is implemented, and
3. the uncertainty that change can be generated

• Sldes10 – Reasons of resistance

❖ There are three approaches to manage changes:

1. Let Nature Take Its Course

Allowing those who will be affected by change to recognize and to adjust to the
implications in their own time. largely ‘hands-off’ approach based on the view that
people respond to change by progressing through a stage response
Example: resistance is a stage that will ‘pass’ without management intervention

2. Attraction Strategies
seek to overcome or avoid resistance before it develops. The focus should lie with
system changes and improvements, rather than with changing the behaviour of
individuals in an existing system. resistance can be avoided if the change manager is
able to design and present proposals ‫ مقترحات‬in ways that are suitable to those who
will be involved.

3. Contingency Approaches
action to deal with resistance should be based on the cause or causes; people may
resist change for more than one reason. Those resisting people have to be managed

➢ approach to managing resistance has two dimensions:

A. Pace: change manager to decide the optimal speed of the change; how quickly or
how slowly should this happen?
Moving quickly if there is a crisis affecting performance or survival
Moving slowly where information & commitment from others will be needed to
design and implement

B. there is six Management strategies for managing resistance, appropriate in

different situations:
1. education ‫ – التعليم‬keeping people informed
2. participation ‫ – المشاركة‬involving people actively
3. facilitation ‫ – التبسيط‬providing technical and emotional resources
4. negotiation ‫ – التفاوض‬offering incentives to reduce resistance
5. manipulation ‫ – التالعب‬making selective use of information
6. coercion ‫ – االكراه‬threatening undesirable consequences

00965-55080885 :‫ملخصات جابر الشمري ( نابستر) – واتس اب‬
‫الملخص من غير شرح ال يعطي الطالب الفائدة كاملة – غير محلل من ينشر الملخص او يستخدمه من غير اشتراك‬
Sys380 – Chapter9
❖ Organization Development (OD) is important for any company. The classic OD
approach focuses on change that is planned, incremental and participative. Its
outcomes are geared towards the improved effectiveness of the organization and
it has a long-term focus to achieve its action-orientated goals. The primary used
in change are groups or teams, and this approach focuses on changing the
attitudes and behaviors of employees.
Traditional OD – Slide Page-5

➢ OD Steps

the traditional OD approach is the role of the “OD practitioner,” who may be either
internal or external to the organization.

1. Problem identification. becomes aware of the problem

2. Consultation with an OD practitioner. The client and the practitioner together
3. Data gathering and problem diagnosis. Interviews, observations, surveys, and
analysis of performance data occur to assist in problem diagnosis.
4. Feedback. The consultant provides the client with relevant data
5. Joint problem diagnosis. As part of the action research process, people are
involved in consideration of information and discuss what required changes
6. Joint action planning. The specific actions that need to be taken are identified
7. Change actions. The introduction of and transition to new techniques and
behaviours occur
8. Further data gathering. Outcomes of change are determined and further actions

➢ OD Skills
In coaching people through such change processes, OD practitioners need a variety
of skills, including:

1. Intrapersonal skills: having a well-developed values including the ability keep up

organizational situations.
2. Interpersonal skills: which are needed in order to work with groups, gain their trust, and
“provide them with counseling and coaching.”
3. General consultation skills: including knowledge about intervention techniques to assist
them in diagnosing problems.
4. Organization development theory: to ensure that they have a current understanding
the whole situation

00965-55080885 :‫ملخصات جابر الشمري ( نابستر) – واتس اب‬
‫الملخص من غير شرح ال يعطي الطالب الفائدة كاملة – غير محلل من ينشر الملخص او يستخدمه من غير اشتراك‬

➢ Criticisms of OD approaches;

1. OD definitions and concepts: OD may consist of single or multiple interventions,

so establishing the relationship between “OD” and enhance “organizational
effectiveness” is difficult
2. Internal Validity problems: the change that occurred because of intervention or a
range of other factors.
3. External validity problems: does OD and its techniques are appropriate to all
organizational setting.
4. Lack of theory: There is no comprehensive theory of change to assist researchers
in knowing what to look for in what they study.
5. Problems with measuring attitude changes: how people may act to same
situation different times.
6. Problems with normal science approaches to research.

❖ Appreciative Inquiry ‫استفسار تقديري‬

The appreciative inquiry approach is a large-scale or large-group intervention

technique. It seeks to identify what is currently working best and to build on this
knowledge to help develop and design what might be achieved in the future. Four
techniques are outlines as key steps in this process:
• Discovering or appreciating the best of what is currently practiced.
• Building on this knowledge to help envision (or dream) about what the future
could be.
• Designing (through collective dialogue) what should be.
• Sustaining the organization’s future.

❖ Positive Organizational Scholarship (POS)

Positive Organizational Scholarship (POS) emerged in the early 2000s to encompass
approaches such as appreciative inquiry and others including positive psychology and
community psychology. It moves away from the previous focus on negative
outcomes and centres on the positive aspects of organizational life. POS can be
considered a coaching method to assist organizations in identifying their “best
plays,” to understand the behaviors and dynamics underlying them, and then to
work out how to spread them to other parts of their “game” (the organization).

00965-55080885 :‫ملخصات جابر الشمري ( نابستر) – واتس اب‬
‫الملخص من غير شرح ال يعطي الطالب الفائدة كاملة – غير محلل من ينشر الملخص او يستخدمه من غير اشتراك‬
❖ Dialogic Organization Development
Dialogic OD has arisen just in the last few years and seeks to contrast itself with
traditional OD through an emphasis on ‘generative conversations’ rather than
persuasion ‫ اقناع‬based on the collection of ‘facts.’ Real change is seen as only
occurring if there has been a change of mindset, a change of what participants see as
the reality of a situation. The move from traditional OD to dialogic OD may also be
seen as a move from the change manager as coach to a stronger sense of the change
manager as interpreter.

❖ Sense-Making Approach
The sense-making approach made famous by Karl Weick challenges three key
assumptions of other change approaches: 1) inertia ‫التعطيل‬, 2) the need for a
standardized change program, and 3) unfreezing. Inertia assumes that organizations
reach a point in which there is a gap between environmental change and
organizational adaptation. Weick argues instead that organizations are in a constant
state of flux and are constantly undergoing changes to better fit the environment.

Weick also claims that standardized change programs do not trigger the drivers for
change and are therefore ineffective. These drivers for change are different,
direction, paying attention and updating and respectful.

The third assumption is unfreezing. This follows on from the assumption of inertia. If
an organization is inert, then in order to change, it must unfreeze. If the concept of
inertia is challenged, so is the need to unfreeze. Weick claims that an organization
must first be frozen to assess change, rebalanced, and then unfrozen. This is a
fundamental challenge to common change management thinking. The sense-making
approach to change is most in line with the interpreter image of change, as it alerts
managers to the different influence that interpretations of change can have.

‫ملخصات جابر الشمري ( نابستر) – واتس اب‪00965-55080885 :‬‬
‫الملخص من غير شرح ال يعطي الطالب الفائدة كاملة – غير محلل من ينشر الملخص او يستخدمه من غير اشتراك‬
‫‪Sys380 – Chapter10‬‬

‫‪❖ Factors Cause Change to Fail‬‬


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