Single-Sex Education

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Arrieta 1

Luis Arrieta

Contemporary Composition

1 February 2018

Mrs. Van Hill

Single-Sex Education

The American Council for CoEducational Schooling, says that single-sex education, “. . .

reduces boys’ and girls’ opportunities to work together and reinforces stereotypes.” The

American Council for CoEducational Schooling is correct, there are negative effects of

single-sex education. The question remains, if Affo’s argument is agreeable. Schools should not

have single-sex education because it does not let students experience diversity, does not prepare

them for the real world (future), and can cause gender stereotyping.

Single-sex education does not let students experience diversity. According to Affo,

single-sex classrooms will go a long way in improving education for both genders. “Mixed

gender schools teach students to respect gender differences from a early age,” says in

“Single-Sex Schools: The Pros and Cons” In other words students are taught at an early age to be

respectful about gender differences in mixed gender education. Evidence like this shows the

reader that mixed gender classrooms are good for letting students experience gender differences.

This proves that mixed gender classrooms lets students experience diversity in the classroom by

having both genders while single-sex education classrooms does not.

Similarly, single-sex education does not prepare students for the real world. “​When

children develop relationships with the other gender, they are provided with experience for later

on in life when both genders work alongside each other in all aspects of jobs and professions​,”
Arrieta 2

says in “Single-Sex Schools: The Pros and Cons”. suggest that when

genders develop relationships they are given experience that can be useful later on in life when

they work alongside people of the opposite gender. This is important because it shows that

children who attend mixed gender classrooms are given experience in working with opposite

genders. This proves that single-sex education does not prepare students for the future while

mixed gender classrooms do by giving students experience with working with opposite genders

which can help in the future when having jobs that require working with opposite genders.

However, some may disagree that mixed gender education is a better option than

single-sex education. On the other hand others believe that single-sex education is a better option

than mixed gender classrooms because single-sex classrooms send a higher percentage of their

students to college. However, the fact remains that although single-sex education have a higher

percentage of their students to college once those students get a job they will have no kind of

experience with working with opposite genders.

Single-sex education should not be a thing because it does not let students work in a

diverse environment, it does not prepare them for future jobs or professions, and causes gender

stereotyping. Single-sex education reduces boys’ and girls’ opportunities of working together

which is a huge part of today's society.

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