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Calvin Chase

Math 3

Cover Letter
For this unit, we were supposed to find the last line of sight from a orchard with a

radius of 50. We derived the distance formula from the pythagorean theorem and later

used similar triangles and inverse trig. I have chosen the pieces of work in this portfolio

because they display how we used inverse trig, distance formula, formulas of circles

and the pythagorean theorem. The last line of sight would be from (0,0) to (50,0.6) and

it would take 11.732 years.

Personal Growth

During this unit I learned that algebra and geometry work hand in hand. Every

shape, line and angle has an algebraic expression. I have a not necessarily new but

more firm understanding of using graphs to solve my equations, but I still would rather

use formulas and solving a problem symbolically than drawing it on a graph. I also have

a firmer understanding of inverse trig, pythagorean theorem and formulas of a circle

(using pi).

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