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Using technology

effectively to teach about

Karina K.R. Hensberry
University of South Florida,
St. Petersburg USA.

Emily B. Moore
University of Colorado, Boulder, USA.

Katherine Perkins
University of Colorado, Boulder, USA.

This article describes how well designed fraction simulation software carefully introduced
in classrooms can assist students to understand fractional concepts through problem
solving and reasoning. How to implement such an approach in the classroom is examined.

Introduction from the PhET Interactive Simulations Project at

the University of Colorado Boulder in the United
“This is pretty cool,” announces Alera, a 6th States. The PhET project has designed a suite of
grade student, as she explores the PhET Build a free interactive simulations, or “sims”, for teaching
Fraction interactive simulation (all names are mathematics and science. The sims, which cover a
pseudonyms). Third grader Jenny responds range of topics for all grade levels and are available
similarly to PhET’s Fractions Intro Simulation, at, can be used to teach
giggling and making sound effects as she investi- many of the standards described in the Australian
gates fractions. You read that correctly: students, Curriculum: Mathematics.
excited about learning fractions! In this article, Interactive simulations are dynamic virtual
we describe classroom use of technology that environments that model a system and allow
successfully engaged fourth grade students users to interact with that system, as well as
(typically aged 9 –10) in the United States in receive feedback during their interactions
learning about fractions. The activities involved (Hensberry, Paul, Moore, Podolefsky, & Perkins,
the use of an interactive simulation designed 2013). Similar to virtual manipulatives, these sims
to support student learning of fractions, and provide students with a “visual representation of
whole-class discussion where students were a dynamic object that presents opportunities for
prompted to reflect on their learning with the constructing mathematical knowledge” (Moyer,
simulation. We found this discourse-rich Boylard, & Spikell, 2002, p. 373). Both types
environment coupled with simulation use to of tools support conceptual understanding, are
be motivating to students and supportive of designed to be used interactively, encourage and
their growing understanding of fraction ideas. support the active process of knowledge construc-
tion, provide immediate feedback, and support
What are PhET simulations? students to make connections between multiple
representations (Moyer et al., 2002; Reimer &
Computer technology is most effective when Moyer, 2005). Additionally, PhET sims build
combined with standards-based instruction upon the capabilities of virtual manipulatives by
(Li & Ma, 2010) and constructive practices including implicit scaffolding — guidance and
(Vahey et al., 2010; Wenglensky, 2005). One feedback provided without the use of explicit on-
example of computer technology that is designed screen text instructions — to support students in
based on constructivist principles and intended developing informal rules and relationships (Paul,
to support standards-based instruction comes Podolefsky, & Perkins, 2012; Podolefsky, Moore,

APMC 20 (4) 2015 19

Hensberry, Moore & Perkins

& Perkins, 2014). This implicit scaffolding allows The first tab, Intro, functions like a virtual
for students to use effectively the sims with mini- manipulative lab with the goal of allowing
mal written instructions, making them flexible students to explore the concept and symbolic
for teachers as well as useful tools for struggling notation of fractions. Specifically, students can
readers or second language learners. Finally, build fractions by either dragging fraction pieces
something we do not typically see with virtual into the central play area or by modifying the
manipulatives but is a common element of PhET symbolic notation of a fraction by clicking the
sims is the inclusion of content-focused games in yellow arrows. These actions enable students to
which students can test their understanding and learn to model and represent unit fractions and
revise and refine their ideas. their multiples to complete a whole, through
While technology can have inherent benefits exploring, for example, how 4 is the amount
for both teachers and students, how that technol- obtained by taking the whole, dividing it into
ogy is implemented in the classroom also impacts four equal parts, and taking one of those parts.
learning (Drijvers, 2012). Here, we highlight Translation among representations is also
one sim and offer a classroom example of its use supported by the sim’s ability to model for the
to explain the ways teachers can use sims and user how a change in one representation results
provide students with opportunities to actively in an immediate and corresponding change in
explore and discuss mathematical ideas to support another representation. For example, as a student
them in building conceptual understanding. changes the numerical value of the denominator,
the number of partitions in the shape and the size
An example PhET simulation of the fraction pieces change as well. In the Intro
tab, students can also explore realistic representa-
PhET’s Fractions Intro sim (http://phet.colorado. tions (e.g., cakes or graduated cylinders), and
edu/en/simulation/fractions-intro) has four tabs what the same fraction looks like in different
(Figure 1), and focuses on early fraction concepts pictorial representations (e.g., circles, rectangles,
as part of the Australian Curriculum: Mathematics or a number line). The sim begins with one
for Years 1–5. Notice that there are few words and whole for simplicity, which students can change
no directions. Each PhET sim is designed to be using the “max” buttons to increase from one
intuitive and to implicitly guide — rather than to six wholes.
use on-screen text directions to explicitly guide The second tab, Build a Fraction, challenges
—student interactions. students to create specific target fractions (see
Figure 2). Goals of this tab are to enable stu-
dents to build an understanding of fractions as
partitioning and iteration (see Siebert & Gaskin,
2006), to support representational fluency, and
to provide scaffolding toward building an under-
standing of equivalence. Students are presented
with several fractions (represented pictorially) that
they must construct — or ‘build’— using symbolic
(i.e., numerical) cards. Other challenges present
students with symbolic fractions, allowing stu-
dents to construct these fractions using a pictorial
representation. As students progress through each
series of challenges, the type and number of build
pieces available are constrained in order to implic-
Figure 1. PhET’s Fractions Intro simulation addresses itly guide students to build fractions in more than
learning goals related to developing an understanding one way (e.g., building 6 with five sixth-sized
of the definition of a fraction, and fraction equivalence, 1
as well as make a connection across representations.
pieces, or building 3 with two sixth-sized pieces
Ms Brown displayed the sim at the front of the room when there are no more one-third sized pieces
for all students to see. This helped to focus their available). Students must build all of the target
whole-class discussions. fractions correctly to complete a given level,

20 APMC 20 (4) 2015

Using technology effectively to teach about fractions

Figure 2. Challenges in the Build a Fraction tab implicitly support students to develop representational fluency
and an understanding of fraction equivalence.

Figure 3. The Equality Lab and Matching Game tabs of PhET’s Fractions Intro simulation. These tabs address
content goals related to equivalence.

but they can do so at their own pace and in any Teaching with PhET simulations
sequence with no penalties for building a target
fraction incorrectly. How might you make use of sim technology in
The third tab, Equality Lab, is similar to the order to support your students’ knowledge of
Intro tab in that students can make and modify fractions? We have found that the sim, effective
fractions, though Equality Lab allows students to teacher facilitation, and a well-designed activity
explore equivalent fractions rather than a single sheet can work together to create an effective
fraction. Multiple representations of the frac- learning environment for students. Each compo-
tions (i.e., pictorial, symbolic, number line) are nent supports how students approach the lesson,
displayed (see Figure 3). the mathematics content, and their interactions
The final tab, Matching Game, features a with the technology. PhET sims are intentionally
game in which students must identify equivalent designed to be intuitive, flexible tools and can
fractions. Once students select a pair of pictorial be integrated into instruction in many ways: as
or symbolic fractions that they believe to be part of a student-centered lesson; as a pre-class
equivalent, the computer displays both fractions activity; as a post-instruction assignment (e.g.,
on a number line—to indicate whether the homework); or in lieu of or in conjunction with
solution is correct or to provide visual feedback traditional concrete manipulatives, to name a
if students’ selections are incorrect. Students few. This section first describes effective teach-
accumulate points for each correct answer ing strategies enacted by one teacher, who used
and are provided with opportunities to revise Fractions Intro and engaged students in discourse
incorrect solutions. around the ideas they explored in the sim.

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Hensberry, Moore & Perkins

Figure 4. Examples of activity sheets used in Ms. Brown’s class. After completing the explorations guided by the sheet
on the left, students were asked to describe the role of the top and bottom numbers in a fraction. The sheet on the right
includes the questions that were the culminating activity for the week, focusing students on developing their own rules
for determining equivalence.

Next, we highlight the use of PhET sims with by Ms. Brown that can support learning math-
student-centered, ‘hands-on-sim’ activities and ematics with sim technology. The unit addressed
provide guidelines for designing and evaluating US fraction content standards equivalent to
sim-based activities. those outlined in the Australian Curriculum:
Mathematics for Years 3 and 4. Each day, students
Teacher facilitation in the classroom explored the sim without instruction for five
Interactive simulations provide students with a minutes, and then worked through an activity
shared experience upon which to reflect, creating sheet that guided their exploration with the sim
unique opportunities for whole-class discussions. for 15— 20 minutes (see Figure 4 for an exam-
The following vignette from a four-day sim-based ple). Throughout the lesson, Ms Brown engaged
unit using the Fractions Intro sim, taught by students in reflection and discussion about the
fourth grade teacher, Ms Brown, highlights mathematics.
strategies teachers can use to effectively engage This vignette occurred toward the end of the
students in sim-based lessons. This vignette offers first day’s lesson, after students had utilised the
an example of an authentic classroom episode sim and completed the first page of the activity
useful for highlighting specific strategies teachers sheet. Students had already established that
can use to support learning with this technology. pieces in any given fraction must be equal in size,
Simulations offer many more opportunities and were working on understanding fraction
beyond what is represented in this episode. For notation. Ms. Brown invited students to sit at
instance, Ms. Brown could also have taken advan- the front of the room for a class discussion about
tage of affordances of the sim to support thinking the components of a fraction. She projected the
about fractions as partitioning and iteration. first tab of the sim onto the interactive white
We use italics throughout this section to board and displayed the fraction 4 (see Figure 1)
explicitly highlight the effective strategies used as students shared out what they had discovered

22 APMC 20 (4) 2015

Using technology effectively to teach about fractions

through their interactions with the sim and small Ms Brown prompted Carolina to make a
group discussions. prediction when she asked, “What would happen
if…?” She frequently used prediction questions
Ms Brown: How would you describe the top during classroom discussions and while circulat-
number in a fraction? … Derek, what do you ing as students worked. This type of practice
think? can support students to engage in mathematical
Derek: Me and Randy said that that the top practices such as making conjectures. The sim
number was one of the add-ins. is a useful tool for supporting problem solving,
Ms Brown: What do you mean by that? perseverance, and reasoning skills, as students
Derek: The top number is how many is in, can check their predictions and receive immedi-
or is not in, the bottom number. ate feedback regarding the accuracy of their
Ms Brown: Okay, so Derek is saying the top predictions. Many of the students in Ms. Brown’s
number, is how many are “in” the bottom class had independently taken on this important
number. What do you mean by that? behavior of asking questions and making
So, in this example? [Points to the screen.] predictions in their small groups as well.
Derek: In this example, one is how many …
pieces there are in the four different slots. Ms Brown: Okay, lets move to the bottom
Ms Brown: Okay, does anybody have anything number. Take a look at the second question
they want to add on to Derek’s thinking? [on the back of your worksheet]. How would
Jessica? you describe the bottom number of a fraction?
Jessica: Tereza and Taka decided that it’s like We’ll start with that. So what’s that bottom
how much you shaded in the fraction. number, Rick?
Rick: How many that there are in all, like, there’s
Here, Ms Brown pressed Derek to communi- (sic) four squares.
cate precisely, and pointed him toward a specific Ms. Brown: Can someone paraphrase what Rick
example in the sim to help facilitate his explana- is saying? [Long pause.] Rick, say it one more
tion. Ms Brown also encouraged students to build time, and then if you have an idea of what
ideas together when she asked Jessica to add on to Rick is saying you can say it in a different way.
Derek’s thinking. This co-construction of ideas is Rick: It’s how many spaces there are in the circle
an important part of building understanding in a or whatever you are using.
discourse-rich mathematics classroom. Ms. Brown: Okay, Dave, what is Rick thinking?
Next, M. Brown revoiced student ideas by Dave: He, like, the bottom is how many are in
restating Derek and Jessica’s contributions (and all, and then the top number is how many is
later, Carolina’s) in a more precise manner: shaded in.
Ms Brown: Okay, so the bottom number is how
Ms Brown: Do you guys agree? Derek and many what in all? A lot of you are saying,
[Jessica’s] groups had a similar understanding. “how many in all”. How many? Hudson?
They said the top number was kinda (sic) Hudson: Spaces.
how much you shaded in. [Students agree Ms Brown: Spaces. How many?
in unison.] Carolina: Pieces!
Ms Brown: Okay, so what would happen if Ms Brown: How many pieces, and what do you
I increased that top number right now? notice about the pieces?…If I increased the
Carolina, what would happen? bottom number, what would happen? [Pause.
Carolina: If you put it at [two-fourths], then two Points at projected sim on board.] So right
of the shapes would be shaded in. now there’s (sic) four pieces. If I click up and
Ms Brown: Okay, do you agree with Carolina? the bottom number increases, what happens?
So she said, if we increase the top number to [Several students speaking at once.]
two, then two pieces would be shaded in? Ms Brown: It changes the amount of what?
[Students agree in unison.] Student: It will make the pieces smaller.
Ms Brown: The pieces will get smaller, yes.

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Similar to revoicing, Ms Brown has asked Dave can help you evaluate how the sim-based activity
to rephrase what Rick has said. Asking students aligns with PhET’s recommended strategies:
to rephrase what others have said encourages them • Does the activity begin with 5–10 minutes
to listen to each other, which is an important of free exploration time? This allows students
part of class discussions (Cazden, 2001) because an opportunity to explore the sim and
it can allow students to learn from one another begin thinking about the concepts before
(Hintz, 2014). Furthermore, paraphrasing allows continuing.
an unclear explanation to be made clearer to other • Are explicit directions on how to manipulate
students, and may support students in developing the sim minimised or removed? Providing
their argumentation skills. Ms Brown’s regard explicit directions can trigger direction
for precise and clear explanations is also evident following as opposed to reasoning and
when she asks Hudson and Carolina to more sense-making. With their intuitive controls,
accurately describe how many of what the sims allow teachers to ask open-ended ques-
bottom number represents. tions without providing explicit instruction
Finally, notice that in this discussion, neither on sim use.
Ms Brown nor the students ever use the terms • Is the activity sheet short and does it contain
“numerator” or “denominator”. Formal language minimal wording? In this way, the activity
can overwhelm or distract students if it is intro- sheet acts as tool for guiding and organising
duced too early; Ms Brown chose to introduce progress. Making use of ‘concept tables’ and
formal language the following day, after students providing sim representations like those in
had explored fraction ideas on their own. The sim Figure 4 can reduce the need for lengthy
allowed students the opportunity to build con- directions. Together, these approaches allow
ceptual understanding through their exploration teachers the time to solicit and flexibly
before being introduced to formal vocabulary. respond to student-generated ideas through
facilitated discussion.
Activity design for classroom use • Does the activity solicit student ideas? Does it
In addition to the sim and teacher facilitation, provide opportunities for students topractice
an activity sheet like the one used by Ms Brown mathematical reasoning? Inviting students —
can be an important part of a successful sim- in paired or whole-class discussions — to share
based lesson. An effective activity sheet will keep ideas, demonstrate and justify their findings,
students’ primary focus on engaging with and and engage in problem posing and sense
learning from the sim — as opposed to demanding making through the use of the sim provides
their focus be on the activity sheet itself— while opportunities to direct attention, give feed-
also gently guiding student engagement toward back, and increase student ownership over
the learning goals, and providing a space for their learning.
students to record ideas and findings. The authors
have outlined strategies for designing activity We found that the discourse-rich, sim-centred
sheets elsewhere (Hensberry et al., 2013; PhET unit described above led to learning gains on
Interactive Simulations, 2012). A particularly assessments that measured students’ procedural
effective strategy for these activity sheets is seizing and conceptual understanding of fraction ideas
opportunities within sims to challenge students related to numerator, denominator, and equiva-
by asking open-ended questions such as: “What is lence. Learning gains were observed with
the largest fraction you can make?”, “How many all students, including English-language learn-
ways can you represent 6 ?”, and “Develop a ers and special education students (Hensberry,
strategy for identifying equivalent fractions.” Moore, & Perkins, [in press]). These findings
Whether you write your own activities or use indicate that use of PhET interactive simulations,
or adapt activities from the PhET activity data- coupled with teacher facilitation and activity
base ( sheets that support students’ engagement and
browse-activities), the following list of questions discussion of mathematical ideas, can result in
effective lessons incorporating technology.

24 APMC 20 (4) 2015

Using technology effectively to teach about fractions

Hensberry, K. K. R., Moore, E. B., & Perkins, K. K.

Conclusion (in press). Effective student learning of fractions with
an interactive simulation. Journal of Computers in
PhET interactive simulations are a new tool for Mathematics and Science Teaching.
Hensberry, K. K. R., Paul, A. J., Moore, E. B., Podolefsky,
teaching conceptual mathematics and mathemati- N. S., Perkins, K. K. (2013). PhET Interactive
cal practices. New research and feedback from Simulations: New tools to achieve Common Core
teachers suggest that PhET sims engage students Mathematics Standards. In D. Polly (Ed.) Common
Core Mathematics Standards and implementing digital
and support student learning of mathematics. technologies (147–167). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
As we saw in Ms Brown’s classroom, sims can Hintz, A. B. (2014). Strengthening discussions.
provide students with shared experiences, serving Teaching Children Mathematics, 20, 318–324.
Li, Q. & Ma, X. (2010). A meta-analysis of the effects of
as a context to focus whole-class discussions. computer technology on school students’ mathematics
Bringing the class together after students have learning. Educational Psychology Review, 22(3), 215–243.
had time to explore the sim and develop some Moyer, P. S., Bolyard, J. & Spikell, M. A. (2002). What
are virtual manipulatives? Teaching Children Mathematics,
concepts on their own allowed for rich conversa- 8(6), 372–377.
tions that supported student learning of fraction National Council of Teachers of Mathematics [NCTM].
ideas. We encourage educators to explore the (2000). Principles and standards for school mathematics.
range of PhET simulations available and browse Reston, VA: Author. Paul, A., Podolefsky, N. P., &
Perkins, K. K. (2012). Guiding without feeling guided:
or contribute to the activities database. Implicit scaffolding through interactive simulation
design. In Proceedings of the 2012 Physics Education
Note to readers Research Conference, AIP Press.
PhET Interactive Simulations. (2012). PhET’s Teacher
Resources: Goals, Facilitation, and Activity Design.
Share the ways you are using PhET sims for Retrieved from
teaching mathematics, and send us your contributions/view/3610
Podolefsky, N., Moore, E. B. & Perkins, K. K. (2014).
suggestions for new sim topics by emailing Implicit scaffolding in interactive simulations: Design strategies to support multiple educational goals. Retrieved
Reimer, K. & Moyer, P. S. (2005). Third-Graders Learn
Acknowledgement About Fractions Using Virtual Manipulatives:
A Classroom Study. Journal of Computers in Mathematics
This work was supported by grants from and Science Teaching, 24(1), 5–25.
Siebert, D. & Gaskin, N. (2006). Creating, naming, and
the O’Donnell Foundation and the justifying fractions. Teaching Children Mathematics, 12(8),
Hewlett Foundation. 394–400.
Vahey, P., Lara-Meloy, T., Moschkovich, J. & Velazquez,
G. (2010). Representational technology for learning
References mathematics: An investigation of teaching practices
Cazden, C. (2001). Classroom discourse: The language of teaching in Latino/a classrooms. Proceedings of the 2010
and learning (2nd Ed.). Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann. International Conference of the Learning Sciences,
Drijvers, P. (2012). Digital technology in mathematics Chicago, IL.
education: Why it works (or doesn’t). Proceedings from Wenglinsky, H. (2005). Using technology wisely: The keys
The 12th International Congress on Mathematical Education to success in schools. Teachers College Press.
(ICME). Seoul, South Korea.

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