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Carnell 1

David Carnell

Mrs. Mua

Public Health Honors


My Weightloss Journey

My accomplishment that I am most grateful for is my weightloss, (which is personal

significance).My weightloss, journey was a tiring, struggling, and a battle day by day but with

dedication and motivation I was to lose 70 lbs in the time span of April of 2018 to April of 2019.

My accomplishment hasn’t been a four year process because until last year I didn’t care about

my size and I didn’t care about trying to fix it, in my eyes I was “thicc”.

Through the course of my project, I had to undergo three main factors that helped

contribute to my weightloss was me getting sick, me having surgery, and me dieting, which I

will go into detail about. First a little bit of background information, I have a very weak immune

system and get sick very easily and had chronic strep throat , thus last year (my junior year)

during flu season I contracted not only the flu but strep throat at the same time, which resulted in

me missing two weeks of school and losing more than 10 lbs. Secondly, since I was constantly

getting sick and getting strep last summer my mom decided to have my tonsils and adenoids

removed. Though the procedure went perfectly fine, the recovery process was excruciating. The

pain was so intense even to drink my medicine, that the only time I felt no pain was asleep, so for

most part of 3 weeks I only slept and drank my medicine (which would put me to sleep), and out
Carnell 2

of all that pain when I was finished recovering I was 30 lbs lighter! After that and even currently

I have lost the rest of the weight doing a cabbage soup diet with my mom.

The important of the accomplishment is more personal than anything in the fact that, I

had never considered myself big back then, but seeing myself after losing so much weight, and

having so much to lose just made me strive to get to a point where I can never look that way


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