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The complete

guide of
Basic starting guide for numerology?
If you are starting out with numerology, then in my opinion it is really
imperative that you find a good guide book. By a good guide book I
mean that a book that will be able to walk you through it and give you a
deeper look at who you are and what you are capable of.
The guide book should be able to provide you with information on the
many different numbers on your profile. Please keep in mind that you
are complex individual and you are not made of one number alone. So
when you are in search of a guide, you will have to consider a few
For the starters, you will have to decide if you want to work face to face
with someone or if you really okay with online consultations. In case of
online consultations you may get the chance to go on for a live chat or
call with a famous numerologist, or he can deal with your things through
In either ways you will surely be getting quick and consistent responses.
Now you might ask me what makes a good numerologist. First of all in
my opinion they should know their stuff. Please do not settle for
someone who is just going to figure out your life path and a few other
numbers without actually give you an in-depth profile?
Let me remind you that numerology is more than just the life path
number, and in reality it is a lot of things and the person you choose
should be able to give you a look at the future themes which you can
expect from your life.
At the end of the day they also need to have an understanding of what
they do. It can be very easy to say that you have a life path 5 and tell you
that you are destined for travel and move one. In reality someone who
knows that they are doing will be able to tell you the potentials and the
challenges of such a life path.
Again they should be able to tell you about your other numbers, say your
heart’s desire number and how this can really affect your life. So the
person you choose should be able to help you with you on your numbers
and tell you what they mean.
So at the end of the day choose a numerologist very carefully, and be
sure that you are going for one with a lot of experience, preferably
someone who got interested in numerology since it personally changed
their lives.
Therefore pick someone who is going to understand you and someone
who can give you a closer look at who you are and what you can achieve
in your life. Trust me, numerology can do a lot for a person so make sure
that you find the right one that will be able to help you figure out the
things you need and if you really want one then please visit
How does numerology really work?

Let me tell you that the working of numerology is very simple to

understand and really fun to learn. Now since names are composed of
letters and letters are alphabets in nature they need to be affixed a
numerical value in order to qualify numerology.

In reality there is a distinct pattern in which the alphabetical order is

paired to numbers between one and nine. They create a pattern that in
turn shows how related numerology is to mathematics. Yes, both are
sciences based on numbers and numerical patterns, however one is based
on facts and the other is based on beliefs in what the number means.

Let me give you a simple example when we multiply one and two is a
fact that we get the number two. Now belief on the other hand means
that the number nine stands for fortune. So this explains the difference
between mathematics as a branch in science and numerology as a branch
of astrology.
So numerology employs a pattern of combining numbers obtained from
using the known method of pairing alphabets to numbers to come up
with prime numbers that can be used to explain 3 aspects namely
expression, life path and soul urge.
Now these numbers are then compared to a list that give a meaning to
each digit explaining aspects in different areas of our life be it career
wise, relationship or financial aspects. So when you need to know the
number of your life patch you have to sum up the numbers that appear in
your full date of birth that is the day, month and year that you were born.
If you want to know your expression then you need to sum up the
corresponding numbers to your name to find the prime digit. This single
number represents your expression. Let me inform you that your
expression means the abilities and the talents that you naturally possess.
If you decide to delve into the field of numerology then you might be
fired by an observation that you may have in your life. You might be
brawn to anything that carries mystical aura around it. However
whatever works for you if your heart is at ease then you must be in the
right place. If you feel that you are in the right place then please visit

How to determine numerology?

Numerology is an intriguing field and lots of books have been written to

provide guidance in exploring this haven for the lovers of numerological
patterns. In general it is a pastime for some people and full time job for
It can also act as a safe haven for the troubled especially the journey
from discovery of the casual factors to working answers. Fascination
with numbers can lead you to become an expert of numerology or the
science of numerology can really satisfy your curiosity and give you a
reason to smile.

Surely it is fascinating to delve into the workings of numerology. I am

sure you are aware of the fact that depression is an extremely dire and
sadly debilitating condition if you think that you are suffering from it
then please visit a doctor immediately.
The doctor will be able to help you find what you have to do to help you
with your issues. They will be helpful in finding out what is causing the
issue and at the same time they can really give you medication that can
really help.
Please consider the secret to fighting depression as therapy and
medication. In a forum which talked about numerology and finding a
fantastic numerologist, some people who were there I saw had cited the
issue of depression.
Now apparently, some has found the use of numerology as a helpful
therapy for their depressions. So of course depression is very dire and it
really needs to be handled with counseling and the right drugs, but there
are some things numerology has helped individuals survive.
Now if you are having depression, it does not mean that you
immediately turn to numerology. Not all issues are the same and if some
people are put at peace by what they learned from their reading, then
some individuals will not be helped at all.
So it is still fine for someone with depression to visit a psychotherapist.
Now if you are concerned about how individuals will see you or how
your employers, teachers or even mother and father would react then
don’t worry. Now if you want to determine a good numerologist then
please visit

What is the relationship between depression and numerology?

Psychologists are subject to keep their sessions as confidential as

possible they wouldn’t share with any person what they discuss in their
sessions. If you do not like to, you do not even need to admit to any
body that you are their patient. Another thing you ought to do when you
are depressed is to converse with someone or any person.

This is especially helpful to you if you do not have the means to visit a
psychotherapist. Make sure that you talk to your best friend or to just
any person who will listen to you. If you continue to be in school you
can very well consider talking to your school psychotherapist, and I am
sure they may be able to help you.
Also when you find yourself sad please do not lose hope. I personally
know that hopelessness is a major trait of this disorder but it is very
important that you hold on to any hope. This is what some of the people
in the numerology forum which I visited recently found with a aid of a
Yes, against the odds of the illness, they were able to seek out hope.
They learned the way to look forward and how to see the longer term as
something that they have control over. Let me remind you that our 20s
are very important part of who we are.
Most of us are growing up during this time, for some it’s when they find
who they are and for others it’s a stepping stone towards that goal. The
20s can also be a very stressful and rather humbling experience. As you
try out your wings, you may fall and even break a few things. Now if
want to learn more about numerology then please visit

All you need to know about numerology?

Detours may be more common that you expected and more that often
than not, things aren’t going to go as you planned. In reality a lot of
things are expected from a post grad in their 20s. They and the people
around them expect them to be grownups now but are they really?

Most probably not, at least not in the sense where they find who they are
and find emotional maturity. Instead 20 something’s can go through a
type of adolescence. The adolescence in your teens was a physical and
hormonal adolescence.

The one you are experiencing now is more emotional and life driven.
You don’t have to fight for your freedom and privacy anymore because
you have already got it. Now the problem is you may not exactly want it.
Detours and dead ends are very common and you may even find
yourself getting derailed at times.
Instead of breaking down and obsessing over everything that has gone
wrong you should take this time and run with it. Take it for what it is, no
more no less. Now if things get frustrating don’t let them get the best of
who you are. These are valuable life lessons and they will really help
you find who you really are.
Life isn’t always pleasant and you may find yourself have to deal with
detours and broken dreams. You may even go through a crisis as you try
to find your true path. There are a lot of things you can do to figure out
who you are.
In reality life coaches can help, but you can also go to a numerologist.
They can give you a look at your life path and the numerology meanings
of the numbers in your life.
It’s not all gloom and doom though, and this decade 2017 also presents a
lot of great life experience. You now have more controls over what you
are doing, over who you are, so enjoy it. Trust me; your 20s are a time of
life lessons, exploration and finding who you are.
Value what you learn at this stage in your life because they will be
helpful as you grow older. There are a lot of tools you can use to find
who you are, one of those tools is called numerology and if you want to
consult a numerologist that can surely help you then please visit

What numerology can do for you to achieve your goals and success
in your life?

Success is something that most of us really want to have, however what

are the parameters that demarcate it? What leads us to name somebody a
success? Are some people more susceptible to success? For example
groups who have master numbers in numerology are those people who
are more successful than others.
But are they better than the rest of us in anyway? Success is among the
most private things the world over and how you see it is not necessarily
likely to be how someone else sees it. When you are looking for success,
the first thing you have to do is to make sure; you have a good idea of
what success is.
Do not let what other groups say influence your idea of what success is.
Your success is going to be your own and it should be meaningful to
you. So to start, you must list down a lot of targets, then when reached
will make you feel successful.
Now for example one of your plans could comprise having your own
house when you are in your 30s. Success to you might also stand for
being able to finish all of the pending projects that you are having.
Success could involve getting to the top of your companies hierarchy by
your 10th year in the company.
Again it can also involve something that is a bit more peculiar, perhaps
something like travelling across the world. So don’t be afraid to set some
objectives. Just guarantee those goals are sensible and they are
achievable and time oriented.
Setting such parameters for your goals is going to help make then much
easier to get hold of. Keeping objectives practical also helps to add
making then a great more doable. Set as many targets as you possibly
can just to help make sure they are going to meet the categories of a
smart plan.
Now about the real problem- will you be able to really find success in
life? Undoubtedly, the answer is likely to be a yes. You are without a
doubt going to able to find success in life. Defining a success based on
how someone else sees it can only bring about some emotional stress.
More frequently than not, it would just be a matter of finding out what
success is going to be for you and if you want to find out what
numerology can do for you to achieve your goals and success in your
life then please visit

An introduction to the master number in numerology.

If you happen to be wondering whether or not you have master number

in your numerology profile, then you can go to a numerologist for some
help. Once you have determined your numerology numbers, you can use
the numbers to assist your determine what it is you have got to do to
acquire success.
There are a lot of other ways that you can really sue to assist you to
determine what your plans are. There are lots of people behind the
success of numerology readings. These people can tell you the
numerology can help you to change your existence.
If you have the right tools, you will surely find that numerology also be
also be a lot of help to you too. Numerology is a way of looking at
things and it works on the premise that there is a lot more to numbers
than simple computations.
Nothing is haphazard and even the day you were born tells more of who
you are than you previously thought. One good thing about numerology
is that it will tell you some of the things you need to do. It will reveal a
really important number that is the existence path.
This tells you the path that you path is meant to go. Most of us already
know what we are designed to do, but many more are only settling for
what they already have, even if it makes them miserable. You could also
use numerology when you like to get to know and individual.
If you are wondering if you are compatible with somebody you will be
able to use numerology to resolve that. You could also sue numerology
to establish if you have the proper job or what this year 2017 means for
you and the people around you.
We can really do well to help you get an introduction into numerology
and get an idea of what numerology can really do for you to achieve
your goals and success in your life. Now if you would like to know more
about numerology then please visit

Valuable information on numerology names.

In general looking into the future interest more individuals than what we
might think. People usually look into mediums, seers and to name
numerology to be able to help then determine what it is that they have to
do in life.
Now why shouldn’t they, life is full of twists and turns enough and we
all could do with some guidance every now and then. There are great
deals of ways that you might use to look into your future. Astrology is
very popular among a lot of people.
Even if you do not believe in the method you might still exhibit some
fascination when somebody reads predictions from the newspapers.
Astrology is normally helpful to predict what will happen in a day or
even in an entire year.
This method is going to depend on the movement of the stars and the
planets. Numerology name is another technique that is chosen by many
people. This works on the premise that a specific numbers, which are
situated in your name and in your birth date are going to help make you
who you are.
Predictions in numerology extend from the kind of job that would suite
you the best to a few of the things which could happen in a specific day.
Numerology can also predict the themes of a specific month or in an
entire year.
You can very well use other techniques of predictions like palmistry or
tarot card readings. You can also check out a medium that may help you
get a reading for what is in store for your future. These strategies in
reality are going to be able to enable you to determine a number of
things in your life.
Some individuals are likely to see it as a taste of what life can be. Now
for some people it will be that move that is about to help them make
heads or tails about some of the things that they have to do in their life.
There s no harm in trying it out. Now if you thing the a numerology
name or some other method can allow you to go to the best then go
ahead and do so and visit

Have you found out the right numerologist?

If you want to find the right numerologist it is incredibly central that you
make sure that your life is your own. You should not let the predictions
rule that you are as an individual. Make sure that you take them as
suggestions and know that, at the end of the day the verdict is yours.
For a lot if individuals the question lies here is not about to involve how
to but it is going to look into the prospect of can you. There are lots of
individuals who will be skeptical at how accurate a prediction is going to
be like.
However things will always be worth trying out. So if you think that
numerology name or some other method can allow you to the best, then
go ahead and do so. Tell me something honestly do you have a life plan
in your life?
Do you really have objectives that you really want to get? If you don’t
have any plans then why so? What is it that is checking you from
making plans in life? Were you informed that plans could help make a
additional prosperous life?
If you don’t have the slightest idea of how you can start off planning out
your life, you can very well visit and get some numerology readings that
might help you a great idea of where things in your life are proceeding.
Trust me; there are a lot of advantages of having plans in your life.
For one thing is sure, plans will help you give life bearing. If you have
been trapped in a dead end situation for a very long time now, it may
very well be a direct consequence of not having a proper plan. When
you have plans, you will then have something that you really can work
If you don’t do that, you put yourself at risk of stagnation. You will be
wedged where you are with nowhere. Now if you want to determine
numerology and find the right numerologist then please visit

What is the advantage of planning in your life?

The advantage of planning is observable in its consequences. Most of

the people who have effectively laid out plans for their lives are happy
and contented. If you are trying to find something just like that in your
life then you should most for sure start off planning for the future.
You really need to be smart and you would need to guarantee that you
keep these things at heart when planning. In general planning stands for
specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and time oriented. These
should be the characteristics of the plan that you are making.
These factors can result in very fruitful planning. If you have had trouble
with your plans failing then there is a good chance that those plans were
not smart. All you need to do is to reassess your plans and make changes
where it is necessary.
In general there are many things that can keep people from dreaming or
from listing plans about the future. Fear is one of the top reasons. Lots of
people are afraid of what consequences can come from plans falling
Again many are afraid to set their hopes high in the first place because if
they don’t become true, there will much let down for them. So this is the
place where smart plans may really help. Let me remind you the
numerology reading can be especially helpful when it pertains to taking
a closer look into whom you are as a person.
I am sure you may already be aware of your own character, but readings
will be able t help you get a good look at your life potential. Please keep
at heart that you always have to keep your life plan smart.
If you are unsure of how smart your plan is you can very well ask over a
friend of a family member to look it over for you. Now if you really
want that you could also check out a special life coach or a numerologist
then please visit

What is a numerology report?

At some point in our lives, we realize that things won’t always go as

planned. No matter how much we want something, no matter how much
we plan for it, things can still fall apart. Failure after all, is an inevitable
part of our lives.
The important thing is that we learn to move on as it doesn’t even matter
what method we choose to help us get over failure. We can see a shrink,
talk to a doctor or consult a numerology report if you want. Now the
important thing is that your chosen method should work for you.
The experience of going through failure can be likened to the experience
of loss or bereavement. Let us say that you have worked on something
all your life only to see it fall through. With its loss so did you lose all of
the other things that were associated with it.
Afterwards you can find yourself going through the motions of grief
such as denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. You can
go through the stages or may find yourself going through different order.
Some people will even find that they missed certain stages or that some
emotions were less significant than others.
In reality it is a personal process and we all go through it differently.
What you really have to remember though is that you will eventually get
to acceptance.
So if you are in a denial mode now or if you are in a deep depression
don’t try to repress it or dull it with something that can harm you. Just
allow yourself to feel it. However, you should always keep in mind that
acceptance is always on the horizon.
You also need to teach yourself to control yourself to a certain degree. If
you are angry, be angry but do not allow it to ruin your relationships or
do not allow it to hurt the people around you. One of the ways that helps
you to get over your failure is talking.
Try to talk to a friend you understand what you are going through. Talk
to a shrink if you have to. Planning your future or getting started on a
plan B is also a great way to pick your spirits up and to help you get over
your failures. Now if you want to know more about numerology report
then please visit

What is the number in your numerology profile?

Numerology report can also be a great tool to help you find out what you
next move in life should be. However, you are in no way limited to just
that. There are so many methods available to you. Make sure that you
explore what your options are.
Find what works for you the best and start from there. Always keep in
mind failure does not define who you are. What defines you is how you
move on. Each number in your life is significant. With numerology you
can take a look at these numbers and discover who you are meant to be
and what you are meant to do.
One of the most important personal details used in numerology is your
date of birth. It is not an insignificant random number. It is something
that affects your entire life. Not only it is used to determine your life
path number, it can also be used to determine yearly themes in your life.
There are two numbers in your numerology profile that make use of
your date of birth; this includes your life path and your year number.
You will have one path number and it is reduced from your date of birth.
On the other hand, there are 9 year numbers.
It moves through a cycle with your life path as your fist year number.
This means that if you were born with a life path number 5, your
personal year number when you turn two will be a 6. Your life path
number is a number that will stay the same all through your life.
It is going to affect who you are and what you are drawn to. It is often
used to determine career choices because it can reveal your innate
strengths and weakness. If you want to get to know who a person you
really are then you should look with this number of their own.
There are 9 different life path numbers. Plus the master numbers which
are considered especially important. Unlike the life path which is static,
your year number move through a 9 year cycle. The cycle starts with a
year 1 and ends in a year 9. Now if you want to know what is the
number in your numerology profile then please visit

What is your personal year?

Your birth month and your birthday numbers are used to determine your
personal year. Their reduction is added to the current year. For example
if you were born on September 21, then your year number for 2017 is 7.
Please keep in mind that personal years do not start at january1, it starts
at your birthday and extends to the next one.
If you are interested about finding your path number and your year
numbers, go to your numerologist. There are a lot of places online where
you can get free reports and free numerology readings. You should also
consult your numerologist regarding how you can get the best of your
life path and of you year numbers.
Please take full advantage of your life numbers. Use full advantage of
your strengths and learn how to deal with your weakness. Your year
figures or numbers are going to have their pros and cons as well.
Knowing what they are can really help you to be better prepared for each
Using numerology you can figure out themes for certain years in your
life. You can do this using the numbers in your birthday and the
numbers of the current year. Each year is going to be significant and
there are numbers that people look forward to have while there will be
those that people wish they had never encountered.
One interesting year is the personal year 2 as it can bring just as many
challenges to a person’s life as it can create opportunities. A personal
year number refers to the number that will dominate a year in your life.
Of course it won’t change the number in your profile but you may find
certain themes popping up throughout the year. You can get a
numerology reading for your personal year from a numerologist. The
year number 2 is described as a year of waiting and seeing.
Since you are coming off a year 1 which is a year of new beginnings,
you may feel slowed down or even restricted by a year 2. Most people
who have this number may live the year being in the background or
getting left behind while everyone else is moving ahead.
Delays, stoppages and detours can be very common and this is
something that you do have to prepare for it. If you are person with a life
path of 1, 5, 8 or 9 then this year can be a big challenge for you. Patience
is an important key and you do have to put it into practice. Now if you
want to know what is your personal year then please visit

How to use numerology in 2017?

2017 may not be the ideal year for furthering relationships but it can
present opportunities to deepen your relationship with your partner.
Those who shave it should be prepared as you can be more emotionally
drawn out than you usually are.
Some of you who have encountered this may even report having to go
through a depressive stage. So the key to finding success with this year
is to focus on honing the skills that you have in preparation for the
upcoming future.
Please look for activities where you can be productive in and look for
things that can keep your occupied while you wait for things to progress.
In my opinion you should also start to look forward to this year if you
have a personal year number 3 this can present you with opportunities to
meet new people.
In general personal years in numerology follows a sequence like for
example if 2017 is your personal year then you can check for the
numerology name meanings of each year with your numerologist. There
are several major numbers in numerology which includes the life path,
soul urge, destiny numbers etc.
These are all relevant and each one is an important part of a person’s
profile. However numerology use extends beyond these numbers. The
major numbers in your profile are very important. They tell you who you
are, who you are meant to be, what your talents are, how others see you,
what you really want in life and more.
However in this blog we won’t be looking at you life path or even your
heart’s desire. Instead we will look at some of the other numbers in
numerology. The following numbers are not minor in any way they are
still very important they just aren’t used that often. Now if you want to
know how to use numerology in 2017 then please visit

Karmic lessons of interpreting karmic number?

Karmic lesson represents the lessons that you have to learn in life. Most
people have multiple karmic lesson numbers while others won’t have
any. Your numerologist can calculate your karmic numbers. They will
be breaking the letters in your name numbers, those missing will be your
karmic lessons.
Now for example if you given name are John Doe then one of your
karmic lesson numbers is 3. This means that you have to learn to enjoy
doing creative things. Not many people know that numerology can be
used to determine compatibility.
Name numbers are used to determine if couples are compatible with
each other or not. 2 have the most compatibility with other numbers. 1, 5
and 8 have the least. Some of the most compatible numbers include 2
and 2, 2 and 4, 2 and 7.
Negative compatibility reading does not have to mean that it is the end
of a relationship. It just means that you have to work on it a bit more.
Some of the best relationships are between couples who managed to find
common grounds despite their differences. Just the same, having great
compatibility cannot ensure a long lasting relationship. You still have to
work on it.
Numerology also takes on note of what numbers mean for people and
religions around the world. Each number is going to have meaning, holy
and unholy. Take the number 7 for example; many in Christian faith
consider this the God number.
However there are also some who consider this an unlucky number.
There are several uses for numerology. Some people even use it to
divine a life path for their pets. Some use it to predict themes for a
particular day, month or year in their lives.
There are also some who use numerology to get a glimpse of who
someone he or she really is. Now to explore all that numerology has to
offer for you please visit

How to discover the profound world of numerology?

If you haven’t yet discovered the profound world of numerology,

numbers and mystics then I would advise you that you should give it a
thought. At first I personally was a little skeptical of it as I have read my
horoscope in the newspaper on several occasions and it couldn’t have
been further from the truth.
I took a numerology life path reading the other day and figured I would
have the same result. I just couldn’t believe that someone would be able
to predict anything about me just using my name and birthday. Yes, it’s
just doesn’t seem logical by today’s standard.
Well honestly, I was in for one heck of a surprise. I answered the
question and then waited for about fifteen minutes for the information to
be calculated and sent back to me. What I found was that not only was
the information describing my personality correct, but it had even
predicted events that many of my goals and aspirations.
First is said that I hate working for people and will likely pursue some
sort of freelance career, which is exactly what I am doing at present.
Okay you may say maybe it is a coincidence. Then it went as far as
saying that I have a keen interest in health and fitness.
Dead on once again, I have been very interested in health and fitness all
my lifetime. So okay the coincidences are building up. The silver bullet
for me was the fact that it said that when the going gets tough I am likely
to take off or find and escape like depression.
It actually went as far as saying I have problems with depression at some
point in time in my life. Completely amazing as I was suffering from
depression when I was a teenager, I was really suffering from depression
and was not performing the way I should be.
But let me tell you I have completely come out of it. Now this revelation
completely knocked off my seat. There is just now way they can send
out a generic response for each birth year and expect to get results like
that, there’s got to be something more going on. Now if you want to
know how to discover the profound world of numerology then please

How to know about numbers in numerology?

Let me inform you that the number 11 is a very interesting figure in

numerology. Like every other number, it has its own pros and cons but
as a master number, the number 11 contains special meaning. There are
a lot of famous people with an 11 for a life path and this includes many
well known politicians.
If you have an 11 life path or if there is an 11 in any place in your
numerology profile read on to find out what this means for you. Now
before going any further, let us first look at what master numbers are. In
reality master numbers are the double numbers ranging from 11 to 99.

These cont be reduced any further as they contain special meanings all
on their own. Most numerologists only consider the 11 and 22 as
significant numbers, but there are also those who also value the
significance of the numbers 33 to 99.
You can start interpreting soul numbers to find out if you have an 11 in
your profile. You can also do the same when interpreting personality
11 have a potential to be a source of inspiration for other people. This
inspirational nature comes without much effort. They can also be very
energetic and they can be intuitive. Most people with number are
considered as idea guys and girls.
Without trying too much they came up with a lot of great ideas that can
not only benefit themselves but others as well. Those with the number
are also likely to have a good idea of what they have to be in life.
Diplomacy and tact are also interesting features of the 11.
However as good as the 11 can seem, it does have its set of negatives.
To star with 11 may find themselves stalled early in life. They may be a
cause of concern for family members because they can seem lost during
early adulthood.
Success will come for some with an 11 but it is usually going to come
later in life like in their mid 30 and 40. They could also have a lot of
nervous energy and can experience depression early in life.
Some famous people with 11 for their life path include US Presidents
Barrack Obama, Bill Clinton, and Ronald Reagan. Tony Blair, Prince
Charles, Michael Jordan, and Tim McGraw are celebrities who have the
11 for their life paths. Now if you want to start interpreting you destiny
number and soul number and want to find out what is in card for you
then please visit

Is numerology really worth your time?

The truth is that when you think free you usually associate it with
worthlessness. So when you wonder if this number reader is going to be
worth your time you don’t know what to think. You probably say to
yourself if he is giving away no cost personalized reports does that mean
he is a fraud? At least that is what most people think.

You don’t understand why this person would be helping people for free
if really was so good. So I have to say I was quite skeptical of his
service. Regardless I decided to swallow my fear and plunge head first
into my personalized reading.
All I did was to go to his website and request a free report. Within 24
hours I was mailed a detailed personalized chart that told me in details
about my potential natural talents, insights in my life path and as well as
what he called my soul urge.
Your soul urge is what you desire to be, to have and to do in your life.
After I requested my report I was convinced that he was a rip off
because he did not mail the chart right away. He sent me an email saying
I will mail it to you as soon as possible. So basically at that point I
thought he was an email harvesting spammer.
However then the next day, to my surprise I received a shockingly
accurate personalized life path email. I was shocked simply because I
had already thought it was a scam. Now when I stepped back from my
judgment and opened my mind to what really happened I say that it was
a pretty fair exchange.
He basically said tell me where to send the reading and within 24 hours I
got a free reading from this world class expert. I don’t quite know what
it is and how they come up with the reading but I intend to find out.
If you too would like to get free reading from the site where the story
mentioned above was conducted at, I guarantee you based on personal
experience that the world of numerology, numbers and mystics is sure to
amaze you and if you want to give it shot then please visit

All you need to know about numerology calculator?

Numerology calculator is more of a rage these days. From celebrity,

actor’s politicians to even roadside Romeos numerology have certainly
travelled a long road. The latest generation inquisitiveness to learn
occult science seems to fascinate me so much.
As a fitness freak, I found numerology to be as fascinating as an aero
plane for a 3 year old. Numerology has been made easy to due to the
internet revolutions, the numerology calculator is software or a widget or
a program which enables users to calculate the name numerology.
Many will find a lot of numerology calculator in web these days. Some
are not even numerology system. People in general give their own
values to numerology these day and sell in the web. Authenticity is
always a lost word it seems as genuine numerology is hard to find.
Even the Pythagoras numerology cannot match the Chaldean one, the
meanings of alphabet in relevance to the cosmos is very significant in
Chaldean numerology rather than Pythagoras. The numerology tellers
have been rapidly growing, with many people having distinct tastes for
different methods.
The numerology calculator is widely speculated in these areas where a
proper numerology system is needed for one to start their career as a
numerologist. There are other numbers that can be derived using
You can derive your destiny number from your birth name. Each letter is
given a numerical equivalent and the digits added together as with your
life path number, until reduced to one or in the case of 11, 22 and 33 two
The western approach of numerology is entirely different from that of
eastern approach, the Indians developed the science of numerology
through intuitions and the westerners developed it through knowledge.
Now if you want your free numerology reading then please visit

My own personal experience with numerology?

Fort Worth, Texas is primarily known as the start of the West in Texas.
It's also known for rodeos, cattle, horses and the Basses. Few know it as
the once home of numerology. But I did.
During my early years, I discovered psychics and loved the fun of
finding what they saw. In that same era, I discovered Marie Norris, the
best numerologist Fort Worth ever had. Her father had been an army
officer at Ft. Worth, the actual army fort. But she was as far from that
world as anyone could be even forty years ago.
She said she had studied numerology at Stanford University. I had no
way of checking that. But I needed no degree to realize she was on the
payroll of several Texas oil companies to help discover oil. She was also
a Fort Worth society favorite. Often, they would hire her to give
numerology readings to their guests during an event or party.
They were willing to overlook that her presence often meant roaches and
other such pests when she left. That's why they preferred that she have
her own contained area, preferably a guest or pool house. It was also a
great way to offer privacy.
Many well-known, mooned family names of Fort Worth were in her
phone directory. They enjoyed the out-of-the-ordinary world she drew
them into. Many claimed she was their key to more money.
One thing they all agreed on is they preferred she come to them, not they
to her. Her home was in an older area near downtown. Due to Ms.
Norris' love of animals, she often had far too many cats and even more
mice and roaches. Stacks of newspapers appeared where there should
have been furniture. Her home was a bit hard to attend. In fact, for me, it
was the ghastly smell that caused me to leave the house while she did
her hundreds of calculations.
At first, I had no idea what she was doing. She would compile rows and
rows of mathematical calculations on the front and back of several pages
of paper. She would nod off while calculating. I was afraid she was
asleep. But then she nodded back and continued her work.
The first time I saw her she insisted that I would be in a green car the
next time I came. I blew that off since I had a somewhat new red car.
But the next time I came, I drove up in a green car. It was difficult to get
an appointment since she had no secretary or answering machine. But
she intrigued me, and I kept coming back to see what she saw for me in
the numbers.
All she ever asked was my name and birth date. I really didn't
understand her purpose was to create a numerology reading for me.
Before, my psychics simply used cards or such. She would then tell me
where I would live, who I would be with and what were the best things
for me.
Since she didn't teach me about numerology, I never knew much about
her occupation. One day I called for an appointment and sadly found she
had died. Sigh.
She seems so foreign to me now when I can find a good numerologist
online. But I'll never have a personal or interesting numerology reading
again the way she did it. Now if you want your own numerology reading
then please visit
What is numerology?

Numerology is basically the study of symbolism of numbers. Generally

it is used to determine a person’s personality, strength and talents along
with obstacles to be overcome, inner needs, emotional reactions and
ways of dealing with others.

In reality the roots of numerology can be traced back some 10,000 years
or more to Egypt or Babylonia. Pythagoras, who developed most of the
basic theorems that has formed the foundation of modern mathematics
which includes the right triangle theorem which are taught in math’s
classes even today.
This is credited with formally organizing the field about 2600 years ago
in ancient Greece. Again at the turn of twentieth century an American
woman LDOW BALLIET along with several of her contemporaries
published a few books and started the modern phase of numerology.

The field of numerology grew slowly through several decades. At

present now in the last half of the century increased research and
publishing along with a marked resurgence of interest in numerology is
slowly taking place.
Let me inform you that everything in the universe vibrates at is own
particular frequency. By finding the vibration rate of any object one can
establish the quantities and energies associated with it.

Now by applying the principle of numerology along with using only the
name and birth date as the basic data one can determine the major
frequencies of different people. In general a numerological analysis of
the calculated frequencies provides significant information of peoples
personalities and character.

In the basic mathematical operation used in numerology, the numbers

are reduced by simple addition. For example the number 15 is for
instance reduced by adding 1+5 to get 6, similarly the number 1974 can
be reduced by adding 1+9+7+4 and we get the number 21.

This number 21 can be adding 2+1 to get 3, in numerology all numbers

are reduced to the single digits 1 through 9 except the special master
numbers 11 and 22,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,11 along with 22 and they represent
the major vibration rates associated with peoples characteristics.

Let me now reveal the secrets of numerology, letters in individuals

names are converted to numbers and then added together. These
numbers, in turn are also reduced. The letter A for instance is 1, the
letter B is 2, the letter C is 3 and so forth. The following table shows the
number assigned to all 26 letters in the English alphabet.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9




So at the end of the day by applying the simple mathematical formula to

the numbers representing a person’s name, and birth date, a
numerologist can derive four major core elements and some twenty or
thirty modifiers. So a symbolic evaluation of these elements and
modifiers provides a remarkably complete and accurate analysis of your

Let me remind you that about half the information in the analysis
incidentally comes from the birth date and half from the name. With
numerology metaphysical mystery shatters the myth of death. True to
life medical mystery explores the existence of past lives from the
perspective of the scientific and medical community and the universe of
metaphysical beliefs.

These worlds converge in a hotly contested legal case over an unclaimed

inheritance worth millions, the outcome of which threatens to upend
legal, medical and religious institutions worldwide.

This article which is intelligent and riveting will surely entertain you
while enlightening you as to the schools of thought challenging the myth
that death is the final chapter. It is more truth than fiction and this article
is a must read for anyone interested in the spiritual laws that are
underpinning of our life’s journey.

The symbolic analysis of the single digits and master numbers is the
essence of a numerology report or any other numerological character
analysis. Since so many numbers are present and modify each other, the
analysis is, as you might expect, a considerably complex operation.
When you understand the basic symbolism of the numbers outlined
below, though, you’ll have a useful grasp which should make it easier
for you to interpret the various parts of the report.

1 Independence, Individuality, Attainment;

Leadership, Pioneering, Administrating.

This number brings strong leadership potential. As a person with this

number develops this ability, they may be able to assume a significant
position in the business or political world. One of the major lessons
of this number is to learn the benefits of being independent. A person
with this number must first learn to stand comfortably on their own
two feet without leaning on other people. After that, they can advance
themselves by using their ability for organizing, leading and
managing. Some people spend much of their lives on the first part of
the lesson. Others learn that part quickly and devote most of their
lives to important leadership roles.

2 Cooperation, Closeness, Sensitivity;

Balance and Harmony, Supportive.

People with this number have an innate sensitivity and an extreme

awareness of their own and others' feelings. Because they are so
touched by the subtleties of everyone's emotions, they can understand
a great deal from a word, a gesture or even an unspoken thought. One
of the major lessons of this number is to learn to balance that
sensitivity so it contributes to one’s well-being instead of tripping
oneself up. Rather than becoming hurt or resentful because of their
unusual sensitivity, one must learn to use their responsiveness for
their own and others' benefit. Although their sensitivity may feel like
a weakness, particularly in their younger years, it is, without question,
one of their important strengths.

3 Expressing Self, Joy of Living;

Enthusiasm, Optimism, Creativity, Sociability.

Individuals with this number have a special gift, the potential to

experience great delight in the pleasures of life. They sometimes
affirm this delight with exhilarating enthusiasm; sometimes savor it
with intense but quiet pleasure. One of their major lessons of this
number is to learn to fully appreciate and express this wonderful joy
in living. Those with this number enjoy people and spend
considerable time socializing, either with many friends in varied
activities or in the company of a few intimates engaged in quiet
diversions. They're also apt to enjoy using their considerable creative

4 System and Order, Service, Sense of Limitation;

Managing, Working Hard, Practical, Down-to-Earth.

Those with this number have the potential to work long, hard and
patiently. If there's a job requiring a good deal of time, much difficult
work and careful attention to detail, they can probably do it well. One
of the major lessons of this number is to learn the advantage of using
system and order. A person with this number may choose a line of
work in which their systematic approach can be developed. They're
likely to be good at establishing new routines and maintaining
existing ones. They will also experience limitations and restrictions at
times in their life. Rather then struggle against these, it is necessary to
learn to live with them, to accept them and make a meaningful life,
not in spite of the limitations, but because of the limitations.

5 Constructive Use of Freedom;

Variety, Excitement, Progressive, Creative.

A person with this number displays considerable versatility—the

ability to do almost anything they attempt with superior skill. This
innate capacity allows them a boundless freedom most people can
only dream about. One of the major lessons of this number is to learn
to use this freedom constructively. Since these individuals have so
many talents and so many opportunities for the use of those talents,
they probably have to learn to focus their energies on a limited
number of ventures rather than attempt to take advantage of all the

6 Balance, Responsibility, Love;

Supportive, Comforting, Serving, Helping.

People with this number demonstrate an innate ability to comfort,

help and serve others less able than themselves. They devote much of
their effort to other people. One of the major lessons of this number is
to learn the special satisfactions that come from the responsibilities
one accepts. Since others will quickly recognize the caring ways of
those with this number and turn to them for the help they can provide,
they are apt to commit themselves to far more than their fair share.
Although their sense of responsibility is one of their important
strengths, they may have to learn that they don't have to be
responsible for everything or everybody.
7 Analysis, Understanding, Introspective;
Search for Truth, Spiritual Understanding.

Individuals with this number have a fine analytical mind and are
capable of much in the way of learning. They usually have the
potential to understand fundamental truths as well as the capacity to
search for ultimate meanings. They may involve themselves in
complex technical, scientific or philosophical studies. One of your
major lessons of this number is to use one’s abilities to learn the
peace of mind which can only come from knowing oneself and
accepting and expressing one’s deepest feelings.

8 Material Satisfaction, Accomplishment;

Desire for Success, Power, Recognition.

This number brings strong business ability. As a person with this

number develops their executive and administrative talents, they may
want to run their own business or, at the least, play a significant role
in some commercial venture. One of the major lessons of this number
is to learn the satisfactions of the material world and the power which
comes with its mastery. Those with this number may have to learn
that the attainment of wealth or power is not an end in itself, but only
a means to an end. The goal, quite simply, is the happiness and
satisfaction which can be achieved along with the material freedom.

9 Selflessness, Humanitarianism;
Giving Without Thought of Return, Compassionate.

People with this number have an innate love of their fellow man.
They usually enjoy people as individuals and, at the same time, have
a marked concern for humanity in general. They may involve
themselves in philanthropic or humanitarian activities. One of the
major lessons of this number is to learn to give of oneself as selflessly
as possible, without thought of reward or return. As one can well
imagine, this is a difficult lesson to put into practice. Much of a
person’s effort may be spent in learning to balance their personal
needs and ambitions, however large or small, against their inborn
desire to contribute to those in need.

11 Illumination, Nervous Tension;

Spiritual Channel and Teacher.

When those with this number use their spiritual awareness, they can
intuitively perceive a great deal about the non-material world—and
religious, psychic or metaphysical forces. They have the potential to
act as a channel for these awareness’s. They must learn to develop
their ability to tune into these spiritual areas and then transmit their
unique knowledge and increased perception of the deepest truths to
others. This may prove to be one of the more important lessons that
they learn.

22 Master Builder, Latent Power, Nervous Tension;

Spiritual Understanding of Material World, High Ideals.

When those with this number use their spiritual awareness, they are
likely to intuitively perceive a great deal about the non-material
world—and religious, psychic or metaphysical forces. They have the
potential to apply these unique philosophical perceptions to the
accomplishment of practical, down-to-earth undertakings. They may
be able to develop or manage sizable ventures, particularly ventures
with significant humanitarian ends. Learning to use their non-material
understandings for the benefit of the material world may prove to be
one of the more important lessons in their life.
Now if you want to discover your hidden strength and talents and how to
make the best use of them or to bring more love and joy into your
romantic relationships then please visit

Does numerology really works?

Let me inform you that the core is the heart of any numerology analysis
which involves the personality portion of the reading. Now much of the
most important information in a numerology report is derived from the
four elements which make up the core.
Therefore the four elements are the life path expression, soul surge and
birthday. Again the life path is the most important number in the core
and this is certainly the most important number in a numerology report.

If one can use only one dumber to describe a person the number would
undoubtedly be the life path. In reality the life path describes the major
lessons to be learned in a person’s life. In reality the life path describes
the major lessons to be learned in a person’s life.
In reality these lessons often determine the central focus of your life.
The life path also clarifies the environment which is most conducive to
learning the lessons involved and describes some of the major
characteristics likely to be present in an individual’s makeup.

Now most people have little trouble relating to their life path. Some
people though for their own reason have little interest in pursuing the
particular direction. So the life path is derived by calculating the sum of
the month day and year of birth.

The expression is the second most important number in the numerology

core. This describes a person’s potential talent and the natural abilities as
well as the related character traits. Now for most of us, these talents and
skills are there at birth although they are usually developed as an
individual grows and matures.

However very often these particular abilities are of primary importance

in a person work or career. Frequently the talents described by the
expression form the central feature of an individual’s career.

So the expression is derived by calculating the sum of the number values

of all the letters in the name that is the letters in the full name appearing
on the birth certificate. The soul urge is the third most important number
in the numerology core.

This describes the person’s inner motivation that is what a person wants
to be, to have and to do along with the potential abilities and obstacles
which accompany that motivation. In reality the soul urge is influential
in determining a person’s point of view and the principles on which he

Although the life path and expression are generally easy to see in the
inner motivation is often a very private matter unless revealed through
the use of numerology. Now the soul urge is derived by calculating the
sum of number values of all the vowels in the full name.
The birthday describes some important personality characteristics
however it’s the least important of the numerology elements. In reality
it’s simply the reduced form of the number of the day on which a person
is born.

In general difficulties are generally encountered in life when a particular

energy isn’t used in a balanced manner. So repeated numbers point to
this kind of difficult and they occur when a number appears more than
once in the four core element, or in the sub elements used to calculate
those core elements.

Let me remind you that repeated numbers occur in about half the
numerology reports. When repeated numbers are present the energy
connected with those numbers cause obstacles since they are
overemphasized or virtually ignored.

Let me give you a simple example, with a balanced number1 energy, a

person would be working among others things to be as independent as
possible. Now with repeated no1 person to be likely to be experiencing
difficulties since he or she is being dominant since I am
overemphasizing the 1 energy or dependent almost ignoring the 1

The information in these pages barely scratches the surface on this

exciting subject. If you’re interested in learning more about numerology,
you may want to read the book, Numerology: the Complete Guide,
written by Matthew Oliver Goodwin—the same author of the text and
program algorithms used in Numerology Report, Relationship Report
and Yearly Report modules of Personal Numerologist and Professional
Numerologist. The book is published in two volumes: Volume 1 covers
the basics of personality analysis; Volume 2 covers advanced personality
analysis, changing names, naming babies and the progressions.

When it comes to picking names for new-born children, marriages,

businesses—or you—it’s often a good idea to obtain a personal
consultation with a professional numerologist. They can often provide
additional important insights and can be found by contacting your local
new age book stores. You can still run reports using the Numerology
Report module, though, to get the general picture.

So if you want to better understand your unique strengths, weakness,

deep inner needs and emotions or what the future holds in store for you
and if you want to discover your hidden strength and how to make the
best use of them to bring more love and joy into your romantic
relationships and if you are excited about these informative life inspiring
numerology readings then please visit

The basic numerology concepts defined.

Let me remind you that besides the core elements, there are additional
numbers, which describes specific features of a person’s character. Since
the traits describes by these numbers modify the core elements the
numbers are called modifiers.
A karmic debt describes significant difficulties encountered often for a
good part of our life- while an individual learns to use an energy which
feels somewhat foreign to his nature and particularly arduous to
understand and apply.
In reality karmic debts occur in many but however not all numerology
reports. Karmic debts are defined when the number 19 is reduced to a
form a core element or when the numbers 13, 14 and 16 are reduced
respectively to 4, 5, 7 core elements.

The karmic debts are referred to as 19/1 and you should read as 19/1,
13/4,145 and 16/1. Now intensity points describe particular strengths or
weakness in the personality although there are much less significance
than the difficulties indicated by the karmic debts.

Sometimes an intensity point also describes inner feelings which are not
consistent with the outwardly manifested characteristics. Most but not
all numerology reports contain intensity points. All the letters in any
name as we mentioned previously can be converted to numbers.

When we check how many one is there in a particular name there are
often an average amount of a particular number. So this is just what a
numerologist will expect. An intensity point occurs when there are more
or less of a specific number than the average expected.
A karmic lesson is a character weakness similar to an intensity point but
more strongly emphasized. A karmic lesson occurs when there are no
letters representing a specific number in a name and no core elements
with that number either.

Most numerology reports contain karmic lessons. a modified karmic

lesson is a character weakness similar to a karmic lesson but a bit easier
to handle. A modified karmic lesson occurs when there are no letters
representing a specific number in a name but there is at least one core
element which does contain the number.

Modified karmic lessons appear in some numerology reports. In reality

the personal year does not actually predict what will actually happen to a
person but instead describes the energies that will be working with
during that year.

It also indicates the potential opportunities available during this time.

The important influence changes each year until its nine cycles finishes.
The first year in the cycle is a one year, the second year, a two year etc
until the last year in the cycle occurs which is a nine year.

After the ninth year, a new one year starts the cycle all over again. The
personal year is derived by calculating the sum of the month and day of
birth with the current year. This sum is reduced to a single digit or
master number.

Let me remind you that overall accuracy as referred to in this article

would be better defined as the amount the subject related to the report at
the time of reading. This is a very significant distinction.

It is important to keep in mind that a numerology reading describes the

potentials that a person came into his life with. It does not mean that the
person has actually realized all these potentials at the time they read the
Some people do not access the potentials described in their numerology
reading until the right events unfold in their life, and some people do not
really know themselves as well as they think, as evidenced by someone
close to them rating the report more accurately.

Using the statistical results found in this study, it is possible to make a

correction for this difference resulting in an average accuracy of 84.9%
instead of 81.2%. It is also important to note that the largest segment of
participants rated the accuracy of this report a remarkably high 90%.
Now if you want to discover how to navigate the opportunities and
challenges of the next 12 months and achieve your important goals with
the right knowledge and timing to recognize the major opportunities that
can advance your career and personal life this year then please visit

A close analysis of numerology.

Since your birth date is fixed, the elements and modifiers related to the
birth don’t change during a person’s lifetime. On the other hand names
often undergo changes during one’s life either by choice like Robert
becomes bob or due to specific situations like marriage in particular.
So when names change, there can be frequently substantial modification
made to a person’s energy and personality. So you can very well use the
numerology report module either from your personal numerologist or
professional numerologist in order to analyze any name that a person
now uses, has used or it thinking of using.

You can analysis as many different names as you like for comparison
study simply by running the appropriate numerology report. In reality
the same birth date is always used with the different names one is
Now a numerology report using the birth date and the birth name
describes the person’s basic traits as they would be seen at birth and as
they would be expected to grow and develop. The characteristics
described are innate traits that would in all probability be present much
of the life.

If any obstacle is described in the report they are likely to be resolved or

at the very least partially resolved as the person mature. Even though
other names may be used as one gets older, the characteristics of the
birth name are likely to be strongly felt throughout the life.

So in most instances, even when a person is born with a name which is

changed shortly after birth the traits described by that name still leave a
heavy imprint. I am sure you are aware of the fact that most of us use
names other than our birth names.

We generally use middle initials, drop middle names, and pick up names
used by friends or family. Sometimes we too use different names for our
signature or change names by marriage or adoption. So at any one time
in our lives the characteristics we exhibit would be a combination of the
traits of all the names, we are currently using plus the traits of our birth

So the numerology report using the birth name describes your basic
characteristics. You can very well run another numerology report using
the name your currently use rather than your birth name. Try to compare
the energies in both the reports.

Now let us assume that both reports show your business skills. If your
current name report shows more business facility than your birth name
report you can expect that you generally display added ability in that

However if on the other hand the current name report exhibits less
facility in business matters, you should expect that your lowered facility
will probably be apparent instead.
In case of other areas like adoptability, ease of getting on with people,
creativity, ease of expressing feelings, now to name just a few in general
the characteristics of your birth name are likely to be modified so that
they appear closer to the traits of your current name.

Now suppose, however that the current name report emphasizes a

specific capability that is not even mentioned in the birth name report.
The current name report may for instance show the potential for
considerable organizational ability which the birth report has nothing at
all to say about that kind of skill.

In general the chances are good that you weren’t born with any
appreciable organizational ability. Since there are little there to begin
with, it’s unlikely that it will be built up into anything of any
consequence and irrespective of the possibilities mentioned in the
current name report.

Now you might ask me why it works that way. So let us look at a
similar situation. If you were born with a great talent as a painter, it’s
easy to see that you can develop that talent further. This is particular so
if you’re current name reemphasizes that talent.

If on the other hand your birth report suggest little painting talent it’s
hard to imagine that you are going to turn into another Leonardo da
Vinci, no matter what your current report says. Let me inform you that
about 5% of the time, interestingly enough people can exert the force of
their will and manage to develop skill that is not mentioned in the birth
name report.

Although they are not likely to become another Leonardo they

occasionally develop a talent much further that might be expected. It
works the same way of course with other abilities too. You can develop
your basic talents, for sure but you can only occasionally build up ability
when there is little or nothing thereto begins with.
If you have several different current names like, one that you use in
business, another that you use with your family, and still another with
friends then run a numerology report for each name and then compare it
with your birth report.

Now please remember to always use the same birth date. So if you are
trying to find a more optimum name, there are several things to keep in
mind. For the starters, you need to choose a name to balance the energies
already in your birth report.

Let me give you a simple example if your 1, 4 and 8 which are

pragmatic energies are too strong you may be inflexible. So by choosing
a current name that de- emphasizes this energy, this trait can be bought
into better balance.

Again on the other hand, if you already have some business ability but it
is not emphasized then you may want to choose a name that is stronger
in this area. After that, examine the modifiers whichever name that is
birth or current that gives the more balanced use is the one that
Now if you want to understand your unique strengths, weakness, deep
inner needs and emotions or what the future holds in store for you and if
you are excited about these informative and life inspiring numerology
readings then please visit

What is the importance of birth name?

Let me inform you that when you change your name by marriage you
can get some ideas of how your life might change from the new name. If
you want to know that then please compare a report using your married
name with another report using your current name.
Then compare both reports to your birth name report too. If there are
several possible marriage names, you may want to look at them and pick
the one that feels most comfortable. You can get some idea of what
children are going to be like by looking at their birth reports and that too
even before they are born.
Since you usually don’t know the exact birth date in advance, some
people run reports for several different possible birth dates. Some people
even run several different names for each date to make sure they find the
name they like the best.

If you want some more information you may want to compare a new
born baby’s birth report and current name report then one report using
the name you expect on the birth certificate, the other using what you
expect will be the current name.

You can pick out names for businesses with your personal numerologist
and professional numerologist the same way you pick out names for
people. Sometimes, too, if a business is just being started, you may have
a choice of what date you decide what date to begin operations.

You may also what to run a number of numerology reports combining

different birth dates with different business names so that you can
compare them. Now if the life path or expression of a business turns out
to be a number 1 or a number 8, then the potential for money and
success may be markedly increased.

The real success of any business is dependent of course on more than the
name of the business. It also depends as you might expect on the main
people running the business. So run numerology report for all these
people and you can get some further indication of what to expect when
they are all working together.

If you are new to numerology you may be wondering how the letters and
numbers associated with your name and birth date can say anything at
all relevant about you. If you visit a professional numerologist you will
personally witness the benefits you will receive.

I am giving you the example of David stone who received the

numerology readings. . As a 30-year-old computer programmer he was
making good money and advancing rapidly in his career. But something
wasn’t right.

No matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t rid himself of a profound

feeling of dissatisfaction. His numerology report indicated an intense
love for people and an aptitude for communication.

These skills were emphasized; the analytic side of his character was just
mentioned in passing. At first David scoffed at the report. Upon
reflection, though, he began to realize that perhaps he had been
overlooking an important part of himself.

Not long after, he went back to school. Four years later, he became a
satisfied, happy psychologist, who couldn’t believe that he ever worked
at a computer terminal. Now you might ask me how numerology works.

Let me reveal it to you that it all starts with you name and birth date.
They are the data base from which a numerologist is able to describe
your sight unseen. Number values are assigned to the letters in your
By adding these along with the numbers in your birth date in a multitude
of different combinations, a numerologist establishes your key numbers.
He then interprets the meaning of these key numbers, which results in a
complete description of your personal characteristics.

I can give you some case studies showing how a numerology report and
reading can really benefit you. I personally know a couple who were
able to improve and perhaps even save their bumpy marriage with the
aid of numerology.

From the very beginning the guy was always trying to change the girl.
However instead of the girl changing fights and more fights resulted.
Then they had numerology readings done, the guy gained a whole new
insight about the girl what motivated her, why she did thing the way she
did, what her basic needs were.

With new understanding came new respect. After reading her

numerology report the guy no longer tried the change the girl each time
she did something different than he would have. For the first time he
realized that she was not trying to be difficult, she was just being herself.

However not surprisingly their fights grew less frequent and the
marriage began to flourish. Numerology has even helped parents to
better understand and communicate with their children. Mary Gilroy had
a numerology reading done for her 18-year-old son who was getting
ready to start college.

Although Mary recognized most of the traits described in the report, her
son did not. A long discussion resulted, perhaps the first heart-to-heart
talk they'd had since he'd become a teenager.

By using the numerology report as a vehicle for self-discovery, she was

able to awaken within her son a new understanding of his abilities and
potential. He left home with a new look of self-confidence about him,
his numerology report in hand for future reference.
Donna Thompson was a teacher who devoted herself to caring for her
children, her husband, her house, her neighbors, even stray animals.

Yet for years, the one person she neglected was herself. Eventually that
neglect began to take its toll -- on her and her loved ones. She couldn't
understand why she felt so frustrated and resentful so much of the time.

When her numerology report revealed that she tended to allow herself to
be treated like a doormat, the point finally hit home. She suddenly
realized that she had to balance her own needs along with everyone

It took some work, but she no longer ignores herself, and no longer lets
herself be taken advantage of. She's a lot happier because of it. And so is
her family. Now if you want to recognize the major opportunities that
can advance your career and personal life this year and achieve your
important goals with the right knowledge and timing then please visit

How a numerology reading can really enrich your life?

Whether you use a numerology reading or report to examine your life,

take advantage of unexplored opportunities, confirm talents, that in your
heart you know are there, or simply figure out where to go next, it can be
a penetrating tool to help you better understand yourself.
You see all the diverse parts of your personality and how they uniquely
come together to make the person you are. Through this complete view
you are able to make the most of your strengths in a way that wasn’t
possible. So try to discover your unique path to success.
If you are like most people you are always looking for new ways to get
the most out of life. And why not? It’s only natural to want to improve
your finances, career and relationships and the very best you can be.

Now that’s where numerology that is the study of numbers comes in.
this powerful tool can help you the several diverse and often
contradictory parts of yourself providing you with the kind of inner
guidance and direction you never had before.

So to take advantage of opportunities for career and personal success,

you need to determine your life path which is basically the part of a
complete numerology profile that reveals your major life lesson in life.

Fully understanding this lesson will really contribute both to your

growth and ultimate success. All you need is your date of birth. Start by
adding the month, day and year of your birth together. Like if you were
on November 23, 1949, you add 11+23+1949 for a total of 1983.

Next add all the digits of this sum together 1+9+8+3=21. Add again
until a single digit is obtained 2+1=3. Now I discuss the entire life path
from number 1 to9 in details.

1 Life Path
you were born with strong leadership potential. As you develop this
ability, you may be able to assume a significant position in the business
or political world. One of your major lessons in life is to learn the
benefits of being independent. You must first learn to stand comfortably
on your own two feet without leaning on other people. After that, you
can advance yourself by using your ability for organizing, leading and
managing. Some people spend much of their lives on the first part of the
lesson. Others learn that part quickly and devote most of their lives to
important leadership roles.

2 Life Path
you have an innate sensitivity and an extreme awareness of your own
and others' feelings. Because you are so touched by the subtleties of
everyone's emotions, you can understand a great deal from a word, a
gesture or even an unspoken thought. One of your major lessons in life
is to learn to balance that sensitivity so it contributes to your well-being
instead of tripping you up. Rather than becoming hurt or resentful
because of your unusual sensitivity, you must learn to use your
responsiveness for your own and others' benefit. Although your
sensitivity may feel like a weakness, particularly in your younger years,
it is, without question, one of your important strengths.

3 Life Path
you were born with a special gift, the potential to experience great
delight in the pleasures of life. You sometimes affirm this delight with
exhilarating enthusiasm; sometimes savor it with intense but quiet
pleasure. One of your major lessons in life is to learn to fully appreciate
and express this wonderful joy in living. You enjoy people and spend
considerable time socializing, either with many friends in varied
activities or in the company of a few intimates engaged in quiet
diversions. You're also apt to enjoy using your considerable creative
ability in acting, singing, speaking or writing.

4 Life Path
you were born with the potential to work long, hard and patiently. If
there's a task requiring a good deal of time, much difficult work and
careful attention to detail, you can do it well. One of your major lessons
in life is to learn the advantage of using system and order. You may
choose a line of work in which your systematic approach can be
developed. You're likely to be good at establishing new routines and
maintaining existing ones. There may be times, though, when you feel
like you're in a rut, giving considerable effort without a sense of
accomplishment. Seeing your work as building a foundation will
minimize the frustrations.

5 Life Path
you were born with considerable versatility—the ability to do almost
anything you attempt with superior skill. As you can imagine, this innate
capacity allows you a boundless freedom most people can only dream
about. One of your major lessons in life is to learn to use this freedom
constructively. Since you have so many talents and so many
opportunities for the use of those talents, you need to learn to focus your
energies on a limited number of ventures rather than attempt to take
advantage of all the possibilities. If you do not learn this important
lesson, you may dissipate your energies trying to do too many things
with little to show for your efforts. You also have a fine creative
imagination and are attracted by variety, unusual people, unusual
interests, travel and adventure—and are drawn to new and progressive

6 Life Path
you have the innate ability to comfort, help and serve others less able
than yourself. You devote much of your effort to other people. One of
your major lessons in life is to learn the special satisfactions that come
from the responsibilities you accept. Since others will quickly recognize
your caring ways and turn to you for the help you can provide, you are
apt to commit yourself to far more than your fair share. Although your
sense of responsibility is one of your important strengths, you may have
to learn that you don't have to be responsible for everything or
everybody. There's an artistic side to you, too, and you may enjoy
expressing yourself in music or other artistic endeavors.

7 Life Path
You have a fine analytical mind and are capable of much in the way of
learning. You have the potential to understand fundamental truths as
well as the capacity to search for ultimate meanings. You may involve
yourself in complex technical, scientific or philosophical studies. One of
your major lessons in life is to use your abilities to learn the peace of
mind which can only come from knowing yourself and accepting and
expressing your deepest feelings. Because you keep your most intense
emotions to yourself, this may be harder than you think. You also have
fine intuition which you may not always trust, but it can bring you the
highest levels of understanding.

8 Life Path
you were born with strong business ability. As you develop your
executive and administrative talents, you may want to run your own
business or play a significant role in some commercial venture. One of
your major lessons in life is to learn the satisfactions of the material
world and the power which comes with its mastery. You may have to
learn that the attainment of wealth or power is not an end in itself, but
only a means to an end. The goal, quite simply, is the happiness and
satisfaction which can be achieved along with the material freedom.

9 Life Path
you have an innate love of your fellow man. You enjoy people as
individuals and, at the same time, have a marked concern for humanity
in general. You may involve yourself in philanthropic or humanitarian
activities. One of your major lessons in life is to learn to give of yourself
as selflessly as possible, without thought of reward or return. As you can
well imagine, this is a difficult lesson to put into practice. Much of your
effort may be spent in learning to balance your personal needs and
ambitions, however large or small, against your inborn desire to
contribute to those in need.

Now this was just a small sample of what you can really learn about
yourself with numerology. An extensive work up can provide
comprehensive insights into your unique talents and deep inner needs
and if you are interested then please visit

Is really a scam?

Let me tell you that numbers are vibrations. Now just as the planets
affect our outer and inner lives numbers represent vibrations that we
sense whether we are aware of it or not and respond to it with our
actions, feelings and thoughts.
Every New Year the change in numbers creates a vibration shift in our
lives. When the number in our lives change- for instances a new address,
new uniform number, new telephone number these transition affect us
energetically and we all share the influence of this transformation.
In reality how you are affected specifically each calendar year by this
change in energy is referred to as your personal year number. Now
knowing your personal year cycle can really help you interpret the
several changes happening within and around you.

Trust me; this is akin to reading the weather report before planning a
trip. Varied energies are conducive to different activities and behaviors.
There is a time to act, to wait, to change to explore or treat. Yes there is
season for everything.

Now I am going to explain in details how to find your personal year

number. First reduce the month and day of your birth to a single digit.
You do this by adding each individual number of the date until the sum
number equals a single digit.

Now for example if your birthday is December 19th, let me remind you
that December is the 12th month. You add the digits of the month or 12
and day that are 19. This comes to 1+2+1+9=13. You want to reduce the
sum until you get a single digit so in this case you will add 1+3=4.

Then reduce the current year for which you are making the calculation to
a single digit. For example the year 2017 would become 1, 2+0+1+7=10.
Now add the single digit representing your birthday to the single digit
representing the current year. Thus in this case we add 4+1=5. In 2017 5
is your personal year for you.

Another example, if your birthday is July 29, you add 7+2+9=18. Then
reduce the 18 (1+8=9). Then add that single digit sum (9) to the current
year (which in our example is 2010 which reduces to 3). 9+3=12. 12 is a
double digit so we reduce it further by adding 1+2=3. This person is in a
3 personal year in 2010.

Now to simplify the entire process, you add the day and month of your
birthday and keep adding until you reach a single digit. Now add that to
the number the single digit total of the current year. So if you total is a
double digit, add those two numbers together until you reach a single

So I am sure you got it? So you can very well look up your personal
number below. Once you do that you can look up your friends, your
family’s and even your pets. Again you can do this every year. So have

Now if you have ever read a book on numerology or had a numerology

reading or report done for yourself then you must have an understanding
of how valuable numerology can be to better understand yourself and
your loved ones.

One of the short comings, though of most books and online numerology
readings and reports is the basic approach they take to keep things
simple and manageable. This results in a less than ideal reading or

An innovative approach developed by which as

renown numerologist and author of highly respected numerology. This is
a complete guide on numerology and use energy groups and repeated
numbers to overcome most of the limitations of the simpler methods.
First, let’s define what is meant by Energy Groups and Repeated
Numbers. In numerology there are 11 basic numbers: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,
8, 9, 11 and 22. But these numbers can be further associated by the
common similarities they have. This results in four different groups as

1. Pragmatic Energy Group: 1, 4, 8

2. Caring Energy Group: 2, 6, 9
3. Expressive Energy Group: 3, 5
4. Sensitive Energy Group: 7, 11, 22

These groups become important when we look at all the numbers in the
core of a numerology reading. The core, as defined by Goodwin,
consists of the Life Path, Expression, Soul Urge and Birthday. A number
is repeated when it occurs in more then one of the core positions, or in
the sub-numbers behind one of the core numbers. The best way to see
this significance is through an example.

Let’s compare a reading using Goodwin’s approach vs. the more typical
approach used by others for the following core numbers:

 6 Life Path
 9 Expression
 5 Soul Urge
 6 Birthday

In the common approach there would be a description for a 6 Life Path,

then a description for the Expression, then the Soul Urge, and finally the
Birthday. In this approach, these would be 4 separate descriptions, with
no attempt to tie together the 6 Life Paths with the 9 Expression and the
6 Birthday. But, in Goodwin’s system these 3 elements, because they all
have numbers that are similar and in the same Energy Group, would be
described as a whole, because each number and position affects the
Goodwin would describe the 6 Life Paths, 9 Expression and 6 Birthday
as one unique combination of numbers. First he would describe the 6
Life Paths by itself, followed by the 9 Expression and then the 6
Birthday. Finally, the entire combination of the unique 6-9-6 energy
contained in the Life Path, Expression and Birthday would be described.

He would also describe the occurrence of the repeated 6’s (6 Life Path
and 6 Birthday), which is a very strong influence in this chart, but which
is ignored by most other approaches. Whenever a number is repeated in
the core, it means that this person is much more likely to be running
their energies at either the under-balanced or over-balanced end of the
spectrum for that number—rather then using this energy in a more
balanced way. A thorough numerology reading or report would
emphasize this out of balance use of energy when describing the 6-9-6

As you can see, using Energy Groups and Repeated Numbers adds a
new dimension to a numerology reading. Whether you get a numerology
reading from a professional numerologist or an online numerology
report, first ask if they use Energy Groups and Repeated Numbers, as
this can make a big difference in the depth, completeness and accuracy
of the reading.

For a more in-depth discussion of what to look for in a numerology

reading or report, please visit

Is your home really happy for you?

So did you know that your address can affect your happiness? Since
numbers are vibrations, your address sets the tone of your entire living
space. You and I am sure want to make sure that your house or
apartment number is compatible with you and the others living there, as
well as create an energy that is conducive to your lifestyle.

Although your street address, building address and zip code certainly
have an impact the most influential number for your well being is your
house or apartment number since that is what is most personal to you.
Now I am going to discuss how to calculate the numerology of your
house or apartment.
First, write down the full number of your house or apartment. Next, add
all of the numbers together to find the sum. Reduce the sum to a single

For instance, if you live in a house that is at 3608 Pine Terrace. Your
house number is 3608. You then add: 3+6+0+8=17. Reduce 17 to a
single digit: (1+7=8). If you live in a house 3608 Pine Terrace, you live
in an 8 house.

If you live in an apartment, your most influential number is your

apartment number, not your building number. Let’s say you live at 3608
Pine Terrace, Apt #31. In that case, you calculate the numerology for
your apartment number, which is 31.

You add the sum of the numbers 31 (3+1=4). Your apartment is a 4.

Letters have numeric value as well, if you lived in apartment 31C, you
would take the numeric value of the letter C (you can find the numeric
value of letters in the chart below) and add that to the apartment number.

For apartment 31C - add the sum of 31=4, plus the numeric value of
C=3. 4+3=7. Apartment 31C is a 7 apartment number.

1 = A, J, S
2 = B, K, T
3 = C, L, U
4 = D, M, V
5 = E, N, W
6 = F, O, X
7 = G, P, Y
8 = H, Q, Z
9 = I, R

You can look up YOUR home number below to see how it is influencing
you. If for any reason it is not the energy you desire, for instance, you
want it to be more compatible with your life path number, or you want a
different influence on your life, you can easily change the vibration by
putting another number inside your door. For instance, if you live in a 5
home and would prefer an 8 vibration, you can put a number 3 inside
your door and voila! Now you live in an 8 home! Have fun and live it

1 Home
Promotes independence, innovation, ingenuity, ambition, drive and
leadership. This is a wonderful home to live in if you are self employed,
especially if you work out of your home, or if there are people living
together who wish to maintain their autonomy and freedom. Living here
can strengthen your character, determination and self-confidence.

Challenges: If you would like to promote cooperation and harmony, the

1 can foster too much independence. If you want to find a partner, or are
prone to loneliness, this home can have too much ―self‖ energy and not
as much partnering. Particularly if your home adds up to 19, which is
considered a karmic debt number, you might find yourself feeling
unsupported and having too much work. To balance this, you can add a
number inside your door to change the vibration to one that is more
suitable to you especially if it is an even number. Since even numbers
are always divisible by 2, they promote sharing and cooperation.

2 Home
This home is sure to be a loving, cozy atmosphere, where others will
always feel welcome, nurtured, and loved. The energy of 2 is
sentimental and sensitive, so this is a lovely place for those who like
having photographs of family and friends, and have people over for
intimate gatherings, especially where feelings are expressed and
affection is shared. It is a wonderful place for couples who love to do
things together. It is particularly suited for couples, best friends, and
young families.

Challenges: Since the 2 lends it to strong feelings, sometimes people

can feel overly sensitive here. You can feel overwhelmed with emotions
and need to go outside or do more physical activities to ground you. You
can find yourself taking things too personally or needing constant
affection or validation. If you are living with someone else, you might
find there is an imbalance of give and take. You can balance this energy
by remembering to have healthy boundaries and express your feelings
openly and directly as they come up.

3 Home
This home is sure to have a cheerful, upbeat energy. 3 is a fun, vivacious
number, so this is a wonderful place to have lively social gatherings. It is
a highly creative vibration, so if you are wanting to start a family or an
artistic endeavor, this would be a great place! Feelings are openly
expressed here, as well is unique innovative ideas. This is a wonderful
home best suited for artists, singles, couples or families, or anyone who
loves to live life to the fullest and express them with joy.
Challenges: This energy can lend itself to you being scattered,
unfocused, or spending too much money. You need to make sure you
stay grounded and take time to focus on practical things. 3 energy can
also tend to have self-doubt, so make sure you are nurturing positive
feelings about yourself at all times.

4 Home
this is a solid, secure, protected environment. 4 is the most grounded
vibration of all, and relates to the earth, real estate and physical
structures. This would be a great place for investments, whether it is
related to properties, stocks, finances, or even your education.
Discipline, structure, and responsibility are supported here, so if you are
growing your business, finances or family, this is a great home for you.
This is a wonderful place if you prefer stability to change, or at least
want your home to be conventional, even if the rest of your life is

Challenges: 4 is the slowest and most grounded of all the numbers, so if

you like adventure, variety, excitement, or innovation, you won’t find it
here. You might find yourself working too hard or getting too bogged
down in your to-do list, particularly if you live in a 13 home, which is a
karmic debt number. It’s important that you balance work with play, and
practicality with emotions. Since 4 relates to structure, you want to make
sure the physical frame and foundation of your home are in good shape,
so don’t skimp on home repairs if you need them.

5 Home
if you love to socialize this is the place for you! 5 loves to party so there
is never a dull moment. 5 are the most gregarious of all the numbers so
this is a great place for people who love having people over and
entertaining guests. There are always surprises with 5, so if you love
excitement and adventure, you’ve found the right place. Perfect for those
who love to travel, meet new people, try new things, and enjoy your
freedom. If you want to break up your routine, get out of a rut, or just
have fun, you’ve found the right home!
Challenges: If you’re looking for quiet, reflection, or stability, you
won’t find it here. You might find this to be a temporary home rather
than a permanent one. Because 5 promote variety and change, you might
find it difficult to make up your mind or focus on practical matters. You
might find yourself over-indulging in food, sex, or alcohol, especially if
your home ads up to 14, which is a karmic debt number. A 5 home is
best avoided if you are prone to addiction of any sort. If you maintain
your discipline and stay focused on your personal goals, you will find
the right balance.

6 Home
Perfect for families, couples, or artists, this home will inspire beauty,
love and harmony. Your home is truly your sanctuary. People will feel
immediately welcome when they walk into your home because of the
balanced energy. It is best to have art and beauty around you, so you
would want to decorate your home with pretty colors, comfortable
furniture, and plants. You will feel the need to nurture and take care of
others, so children and animals thrive here. Almost every type of person
can feel happy in a 6 home. You are very lucky to live here!

Challenges: Since 6 promotes family responsibility you might find

yourself spending too much time taking care of everyone else, and not
enough time nurturing yourself. Make sure you are listening to your
needs first before rushing and doing things for other people. You might
find yourself liking being at home so much you never want to leave!
This can be a good thing, but it’s great to get out and socialize as well.

7 Home
If you are a mystic, writer, researcher, or spiritual seeker of any sort, you
will love living here. 7 is a private vibration, and can be somewhat
secretive. It inspires deep thought, reflection, and powerful insight. If
you love to come home and have quiet time to read, reflect and restore,
you will thrive here! To promote tranquility, water is a lovely element to
add to this home, if you don’t already live near a body of water. You can
have some thrilling spiritual and intellectual insights here, so it is a
wonderful home to promote dramatic shifts in your consciousness.

Challenges: If you like entertaining, or love to party, you can find

yourself going a little stir-crazy. You might find it too isolating or lonely
at times. It is important that you eliminate any clutter in your
environment as well as your thoughts to harmonize with your home’s
energy. You can change the vibration of the address by adding a number
inside your door, but avoid adding a 1 since that would contribute to the
solitary nature of your home). Make sure to take good care of your roof
and make all necessary repairs, since 7 homes are prone to roof damage
– particularly if it is an address that adds up to 16, which is a karmic
debt number. Since 7s love to escape, you would want to avoid this
address if you are prone to alcohol or drug addictions.

8 Home
If you are an entrepreneur or are career driven in any way, you’ve found
the right place! If you are running your business from your home, even
better! 8 is a number of prosperity and abundance, so any financial
endeavor will be promoted here. 8 is also a number of passion, therefore
you will be encouraged to engage with people you feel strongly about,
and activities that you love. Physical activities that require strength will
be energized. If you want to expand your status in the world, position in
life, financial wealth, or size of your family, this is a great home for you!

Challenges: 8 is a number that teaches you about money and abundance,

so you can have big gains here as well as big losses. You will find the
need to keep expanding, therefore no matter how large your home is,
you will always want more – more furniture, more people, more
upgrades, and more stuff in general. Make sure not to put too much
money into your home, especially if your motivation is to impress other
people, or your dream home can become a money pit. Be careful don’t
focus too much on your career that you forget to spend time with the
wonderful people in your life.
9 Home
everyone is welcome in a 9 home! 9 is the number of universal love and
compassion, therefore feelings of love and acceptance are promoted.
Your intuition will be at an all time high. You might find yourself
receiving phone calls and visitors from people seeking your advice.
People will be drawn to your home because of the loving energy there. 9
is an international number, so might feel the need to travel, or welcome
visitors from other parts of the world. You will find yourself conjuring
memories and emotions from the past so you can have healing and
forgiveness. Feelings will need to be expressed, as well as creativity.
Ultimately, you will learn a great deal about yourself and other people
from living here and will find many emotional rewards.

Challenges: This address is particularly suited for groups that promote

the good of the whole such as dorms or schools, or individuals with an
open heart and mind, but not as good for families. 9 is an idealistic
energy, and can be difficult if you need to make more money or become
more ambitious. You can find yourself dwelling on the past or emotions
too much, or fear abandonment or rejection. If you learn to
numerologist .com love yourself without the need for approval from
others, and listen to that strong intuition of yours, you will thrive! And if
you believe in it then please visit

Does Karmic Lessons in Numerology point to your weaknesses?

The nine single-digit numbers, 1 through 9, each have very specific,

easy to recognize attributes. The 0 (zero), however, has no attributes, no
character traits, no description whatsoever. It's a blank page but with a
twist. The zero is the chameleon, the great enhancer, the multiplier and
the gateway to infinity and immortality.
What are the numbers that make up your Numerology? When the
number 0 is found in a Numerology chart, it is always the result of one
or more deductions -- after all, it is not possible to add two numbers and
arrive at zero.
And whenever numbers are deducted, it's done in order to find a
shortcoming, a weakness or a missing link. The zero then takes on the
attributes of the 9: global awareness, compassion, tolerance, loves and
sacrifices, hence its nickname of "The Mother Theresa number."

This makes sense in the usual elegant way of Numerology, since the
number 9 can never be found as the result of deducting any single-digit
number from another single digit.

The zero also has the ability to fine-tune and enhance the qualities of any
other single-digit number. The 10 becomes a higher octave 1, the 20
raises the qualities of the 2, and so forth.
All of this is relatively mundane. It gets much more interesting when
you pull the zero out of the environment of personal Numerology charts
and look at it from a different perspective.

Nothing vs. something

For as long as we can remember, a dialogue has been going on between

those who think everything started from nothing and those who believe
that in the beginning there was something. And you and I, as children
and young adults, found ourselves standing in between and getting an
earful from both sides.

Most of us chose a side early on and went on with our lives. Then there
are some of us who just can't make up our minds. I have to admit, for a
long time I was one of those. My parents never propagated one side or
the other, so I was left hanging, free to make up my own mind, which I
did eventually.

Here's my two pennies worth: both sides are correct and both sides are
wrong. I.e.: zero is something, and the something we refer to as the
origin of everything is nothing.

I know, this sounds plain ludicrous. But as a useful analogy, let's look at
the most important numerical development since -- well, since forever;
the application of the 0 and 1 as the basis for everything digital.

The symbolism here is beautiful. In what is, without a doubt, a time of

exponential growth, we come up with this fantastic concept that, when it
comes to finding answers for everything, only the 0 and 1 matter. Enter
the digital age.

It's all relative

The question is this: Could the 1 exist without the 0, and vice versa?
(The answer, of course, is no. Remove either the 0 or the 1, and the
digital age is a goner.)
But let's get creative and put it another way: Can consciousness exist
without unconsciousness?

Or: Can immortality exist without mortality?

Life without death?

Oh boy, this is really tricky. Because eventually it gets you to the final
question: Could there be nothing at the beginning of everything without
there being something? Or could there be something without there being

I will refrain from answering these crazy questions. I am just dropping

them at your feet to do with as you please. As for me, I am happy to
know that asking these kinds of questions is extremely satisfying and
enjoyable, even as I am convinced that the answer is worth absolutely

At least if the answer is a product of the mind and subsequently accepted

or rejected by said mind. All the brain power in the world can't produce
the answer because it doesn't exist in the world of zeroes and ones, or
any other number. It never will. This is one question to which the answer
cannot be spoken or thought or expressed or judged or touched or even
imagined. That's not where the answer exists.

What you can do though, is look around. See the way a father holds his
child, watch a teenager risk his life to save a dog from drowning,
recognize the depth and sacred consciousness in the eyes of a horse,
smell the smells of a wet forest, look at the on and the stars on a clear
night, sit on a terrace with a double espresso and feel the sun on your

You can let your heart be touched by the generosity of strangers or the
bravery of a soldier. You don't have to judge any of these things. You
can just let it happen, and it always, and I mean always, feels good.
And when you feel good, "IT" feels good, and it no longer matters
whether the origin of everything was nothing or some "thing". All that
matters is what exists now, you, me, everything else, and "IT." Whether
that complaints "IT" is something or nothing doesn't
make one iota of a difference. Now if you feel that does Karmic Lessons
in Numerology point to your weaknesses? Then please visit

What are the new findings in numerology?

Tell me what is your lucky number? Are you a little extra carefully when
it’s Friday the 13th? Do you really think that 7 bring you good fortune or
that things always come in3s? Now welcome to the world of
numerology the study of numbers and their subtle influence on you.

People often came to Edgar Cayce with questions about lucky numbers
or how a change of name might lead to more advantageous
numerological forces. To the surprise of some people, the readings were
generally supportive of the study of numbers.
While warning against superstition, the readings suggest that there is
some significant impact made on our personality and destiny by
numbers. People were cautioned to remember that any sign (like
astrology and numerology) or attunement enhancer (like a stone) should
not be worshiped or revered for itself, but instead used as an aid to move
toward a spiritual ideal.

But how can you use the study of numbers to grow spiritually? If one
aspect of your spiritual quest is greater self-understanding, then perhaps
numerology can play a role. The purpose is not to use numbers to
manipulate life, but instead it is to become more aware of unseen forces
that may inexplicably lead you toward certain tendencies in your
personality, vocation, and relations with others.

How do you determine which numbers are personally significant? Most

numerologists and the Cayce readings as well, state that birthdates and
name hold the key. It's easy enough to see how a birth date contains
numbers (e.g., Edgar Cayce's was 3-18-1877).
The numbers are then added together. Edgar Cayce's birth date would
lead to this addition: 3 + 1 + 8 + 1 + 8 + 7 + 7 = 35. A multiple digit
number is then further reduced by adding the digits, such as 3 + 5, which
results in Cayce's birth date being an 8.

But what about a name? How do you get from letters to numbers?
Several systems are available (and the Cayce readings did not explicitly
favor one over another), but most modern numerologists use a system
whereby the letters of the alphabet are taken in order and assigned a
value of 1 to 9, with the cycle repeating each time 9 is reached.

For example: A = 1, B = 2.. .1 = 9, J = 1, etc. From your name, you can

calculate a series of numbers which are then added together. For
example, Edgar Cayce becomes 5 + 4 + 7 + 1 + 9 + 3 + 1 + 7 + 3 + 5 =
45 = 4 + 5 = 9.

This process can be done for your birth date, your full name, just the
vowels in your name, and just the consonants in your name. Each of
those measurements, according to numerologists, describes a distinct
dimension of your life.

Next comes the question: How do you interpret the significant numbers
you have calculated? On this point the Cayce readings offer very few
clear instructions. Perhaps we are indirectly invited to experiment with
different systems of interpretation and come up with the one that seems
to work best. In such a spirit of exploration, the A.R.E. has initiated a
numerology research project.

Since we wanted to include the thousands of people who we suspected

would desire to be part of this program, it was necessary to find an
interpretative system that was computerized for rapid processing.

Several different systems were pilot tested with volunteer participants,

and one of them was finally chosen which received the most favorable
review, in terms of accuracy and helpfulness.
In the initial phase of the research, slightly over 6,000 people enrolled in
the project. A fee covered the cost of the personalized numerology
profile and research materials. Part of the research process was personal

A comprehensive collection from the Cayce readings on numerology

was provided for study. A research workbook led the participants
through a series of questions to evaluate the personalized numerology
profile. There was also a section in the research process whereby a
friend or family member made independent evaluations of the profile's

By the spring of 1986 there were 1,000 participants who had completed
their research materials and returned them to A.R.E. This group was
made up of 75% women and 25% men. The average age was 47 years
old. Overall, the group was highly sophisticated in their backgrounds
with the study of esoteric, holistic, or transpersonal topics.

They reported an average of 12-1/2 years' involvement in these studies

and an average 4-1/3 years' membership in the A.R.E. The most frequent
occupation was homemaker (16%), with large representation also by
business/management professionals (13%), office/clerical workers
(13%), educators (11%), and retired persons (11%). Overall the group
was not particularly experienced with numerology. Only 16% responded
that they had had a numerology chart done on them sometime before this

Many evaluation questions were posed in the research workbook. Four

of them proved to be most significant in the final analysis. All but the
first one were answered both by the research participant and
independently by the friend or family member.

1. On a scale of 0 to 10 how would you rate your expectancy of good

results for the numerology profile (10 being the highest positive
expectation)? (This question was the only one of these four which was
answered before reading the profile.)
2. Having carefully studied your personal numerology, how would you
rate on a scale of 0 to 10 its overall accuracy (10 being the highest

3. For which of the following 5 categories did the profile do the best

a. strengths of character
b. weaknesses of character
c. vocational tendencies
d. pertinent advice for change
e. tendencies in interpersonal relations

4. For which of the same 5 categories did the profile do the worst job?

The most interesting result is, of course, the measure of overall

accuracy. The chart below shows how often a particular ranking was
chosen by the participants themselves in evaluating their own profiles.

Points Frequency

10 102

9 367

8 302

7 127

6 35

5 35

4 15

3 12
2 5

1 0

0 0

1000 people total

The average score was a remarkably high 8.12! Participants overall were
very pleased with the accuracy of their profiles as they described
personality traits and tendencies. However, for about 7% of the people
the profile was not particularly impressive.

They scored it with a 5 or less. We can only speculate about whether or

not that 7% figure should really be higher. One argument would be that
people who liked their profiles were more likely to finish the research
and mail in the results.

If that is true, then some figure higher than 7% would give a truer
picture of the segment of people for whom numerology (at least Mr.
Goodwin's system) does not seem to fit well.

It's interesting to note some differences between people who were very
pleased overall with the profile's accuracy compared to those less
pleased. The group that was relatively unhappy with their profile was
significantly less experienced with esoteric studies and significantly
newer to A.R.E. membership.

In other words, the more "experienced" people tended to rate the

profile's accuracy higher. In addition, the analysis of results shows that
people who had never before gotten a numerology reading tended to
score this one significantly lower than did those who had gotten
numerology readings in the past. In other words, this profile seemed to
benefit by the comparisons.
There is also the question of how influential a person's expectations may
have been. Once again the more "experienced" people (i.e., longer time
studying esoteric topics and longer time an A.R.E. member) had
significantly higher expectations.

The participant's age had no relationship to expectations, but gender did;

women had clearly higher expectations of good results. There was also a
strong correlation between expectations and overall rating for accuracy.
A person who had high expectations before reading the profile was more
likely to rate the chart as highly accurate.

A question might well be raised as to the reliability of a single rating on

a 0-10 scale. Could one or two very impressive hits or misses in the 10-
page profile have dramatically biased the overall rating?

To check for such a problem, we asked each participant to judge hits and
misses throughout the profile reading and then mark directly on the
pages. Finally, each participant counted the total number of hits and

An analysis of the data showed a very high correlation between this

more exact method of counting hits and misses when compared to the
more general rating for "overall accuracy on a scale of 0-10." In other
words, this more shorthand version of rating the profile's accuracy was
probably very reliable.

It is also important to take note of the ratings for overall accuracy

provided by the friends and family members. Perhaps they offer a
greater degree of objectivity. Here again we find a remarkably high
overall average: 7.52 on the 0 to 10 scale.

When compared to the 8.12 average for the participants themselves, we

find that even this difference of only about half a point is significant
(from a research, statistical perspective).
In other words, the "objective," other evaluator tended to rate a profile's
accuracy as high as, but significantly less so than, the person for whom
the profile was given. However, is this difference because of greater
objectivity or because of lack of adequate knowledge? We cannot say.

For what descriptive categories did the profiles perform the best job?
The chart below shows that "strengths of character" was the area that
participants felt the project best measured. Conversely, the highest
percentage of people rated "vocational tendencies" as the category least
accurately described.

Best Job Worst Job

strengths of character 645 44

weaknesses of character 66 183

vocational tendencies 92 346

pertinent advice for change 72 199

tendencies in inter-personal relationships 121 218

But how did their rankings compare to the independent ones made by a
friend or family member? For the evaluations described in the chart
above, there was a significant difference: self-evaluations were more
inclined to rate the profile as picking up well on weaknesses than were

Perhaps this simply means that we know our own weaknesses best or
that we tend to be harsher critics of ourselves than our friends are of us.

One final analysis was done, which in some ways is the most revealing
of all. The skeptical reader has probably remarked by now, the ratings
on these numerology profiles were high because people wanted them to
be high. Having spent money on a profile, these people were inclined to
rank the accuracy high so that their investment looked like a good one.
It's just human nature."

A smaller group of randomly selected participants were sent photocopies

of two different profiles. All personal references were removed, and
these people were told that we were testing two different systems for
doing numerology.

Unbeknownst to them, one system was the regular numerology program

done on their own name and birth date; the other "system" was the
regular program run on someone else's name and birth date (randomly
chosen). They were to pick one of the two as being "best."

The results were strongly supportive of the validity of the numerology

program. Of the 28 respondents, 22 correctly selected the profile done
on their own name and birth date; 6 selected the profile done on
someone else.

If the numerology profile program does not validly describe the person
for whom it is given, then we would have expected about a 50/50 split:
approximately 14 correct selections and 14 incorrect ones. The actual
results were so good that they would be expected by random chance
only about 1 time in 200.

As further evidence, we can look at another set of evaluations made by

each of the 28 people on both profiles. They gave a 0-10 ranking to each
profile for accuracy and for helpfulness. The table below summarizes the
average rankings. Keep in mind that these evaluators didn't know that
one profile was on their actual birth date and name, whereas the other
profile was a "bogus" one.

"Real" Profile "Bogus" Profile

Accuracy 8.28 6.78

Helpfulness 7.68 6.11

These differences in numerologist scam average rankings are again
significant from a research standpoint and add further support to the
hypothesis that a numerology profile may be a useful tool for self-
analysis and if you believe in it then please visit

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