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1. Glycated hemoglobin
 hemoglobina glicosilada
Glycated hemoglobin is a hemoglobin that is measured primarily to identify the average plasma glucose
concentration over extended periods of time.

2. Diastolic blood pressure

 La presión arterial diastolica
La pressure arterial diastólica mide la pressure en los Vasos sanguíneos entre latidos

3. Hyperglicemia
 Hiperglicemia
Hyperglicemia is a condition in which an excessive amount of glucose circulates in the blood plasma.

4. Hirsutism
 Hirsutismo
Hirsutism is excessive hairiness on women in those parts of the body where terminal hair does not normally
occur or is minimal.

5. cholesterol
 colesterol
Cholesterol is a fat (lipid) that is produced by the liver and is crucial for normal body functioning.

6. Obesity
 Obesidad
Obesity is a medical condition in which excess body fat has accumulated in the extent that can have an
adverse effect on health.

7. Acne
 Acné
Acne is a chronic inflammatory skin disorder that involves the pilosebaceous units.

8. Thin Limbs
 Extremidades delgadas
The thin limbs are thick descending limb

9. buffalo hump
 Joroba de búfalo
Buffalo hump refers to a lump of fat that develops in the top of the back, between the shoulders.

10. Hypertension
 Hipertensión
Hypertension is a chronic medical condition where in the blood pressure in arteries is high.

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