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Treatment Program Master Treatment Plan Update

Name: Zambrano, Jose______ Number: ___AV2540_______ Plan Start Date: _1-14-19________________

Admission Date: ___9-12-18_______ Program Type__RDAP________ Primary Counselor: __Kolder______________

PROBLEM: Patient identified his presenting problems as: substance use disorder and criminal behavior. ___________

GOAL: Patient initially set general treatment goal of addressing overcoming dependence on drugs and alcohol and
has added socially oriented goals to include increasing positive relationships as per this up date and will prepare a
Statement of commitment in current journal (Criminal lifestyles). These goals were reviewed with per of this

Start Date


1.1-10-19 Patient will continue to increase his knowledge of substance use and utilize 4-10-19
cognitive/behavioral skills addressing his feelings while learning about relapse
2.1-10-19 Patient will continue to maintain abstinence and learn about triggers that affect 4-10-19
his interpersonal and intrapersonal issues learning to accept authority
3.1-10-19 Continue to recommend patient attend NA/AA as a support network in 4-10-19
maintaining his abstinence/sobriety

Obj. # Methods/Interventions Frequency

1. a.Patient to continue to acquire knowledge( increasing with awareness) to improve coping
skills and addressing above treatment goals/objectives
b.Patient to continue to practice 8 positive attitudes, Rational self analysis with review of Man
in the mirror and My box and Camera checks to achieve therapeutic goals.
a Patient to continue to complete all psychoeducational tasks/activities (in addiction to
above)to reinforce his awareness of addictive triggers and the interpersonal and intrapersonal
2. aspects of addiction learning about Living with others and Lifestyle balance (presented in
journals 4 and 5)
Patient is encouraged to attend AA/NA as a social network reinforcing lifestyle change Ongoing
Master Treatment Plan Review(4-10-19)

________________________________________ _____________________
Pt Signature Date

_______________________________________ ______________________
Counselor:RudolphKolder, MA,ATC Date

______________________________________ _____________________
TreatmentManager: VanessaHernandez, MA,LISAC,LAC Date

Proprietary Information – Not for Distribution – Copyrighted – Property of CCA 6/10/15

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