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“Meeting the famous”

INTERVIEWER: Hello and welcome again to your program "meeting the famous."
Today we have the pleasure to meet an amazing actor.
Let’s make some noise for “Zac Efron”

ZAC: Hi and thanks a lot for invited me, I’m so exciting to been here.

INTERVIEWER: So how are you?

ZAC: I am very good, well with a lot of work and projects in mind.

INTERVIEWER: So what do you do, exactly?

ZAC: I’m an actor of course!

INTERVIEWER: oh! It’s fantastic; tell me about your films, what is your favorite movie?

ZAC: my favorite movie is “good neighbors”

INTERVIEWER: I haven´t seen it, but I guess it’s pretty romantic.

ZAC: it is not at all, it’s a comedy!

INTERVIEWER: really? I love that kind of movies, I will see it today, promise.

ZAC: you'll love it, I swear.

INTERVIEWER: what kind of movies do you like to act most?

ZAC: I feel more comfortable in action or comedy films.

INTERVIEWER: and when you started to acting?

ZAC: I think it was around 11 years old on a school musical.

INTERVIEWER: you were really young! Amazing! And…Which movies have marked your career?

ZAC: shamefully, “high school musical” but I do not like to talk about that, it's my dark past!
It was so embarrassing for me.

INTERVIWER: In which other films you have participated?

Zac:I started to participate in movies with classification for adults as guardians of the

INTERVIWER:What is the film to have that classification?

Zac:Well, it is a comedy about the work of a guard and a training but includes scenes
very sexually speaking.

INTERVIWER:Ok, I had the opportunity to see "my grandfather is a danger" and it's very
fun, look a good time.

Zac:Yes, enjoy that movie too much but does not show my personality.
INTERVIWER:Ok, I understand you and still so is good, Thak You Zac to make you know
and I thank you for coming, I hope it's not the last time.

Of course not, as long as you invite me.

INTERVIWER:ladies and gentlemen ... Zac Efron.

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