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Jehovah Circles
in W. D. Gann's
The Magic Word

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in the public interest
published by
Gann Study Group
The Magic Word (1950) is one of the two most peculiar books by W. D. Gann, the other being
his romance The Tunnel Thru the Air (1927). Most of Mr. Gann's books have as their clear subject
detailed discussion of the financial markets, giving dates and prices for highs and lows and discussing
methods of analyzing trends. Even in The Tunnel Thru the Air he enters into such a discussion in quite
a direct way at times, as when he talks about pyramiding or when he gives the details of Robert
Gordon's various "campaigns". The Magic Word, unique among his books, has none of these details
that are so interesting to traders and investors. Its message and purpose certainly seem obscure.

As he did in the case of The Tunnel Thru the Air, Mr. Gann includes artwork on the cover of this
book. The central diagram on the cover displays the geometry of seven circles within a circle:

This geometrical symbol, organized in a different way, is found on p. 2 of the book (on the
cover two circles are on top; on p. 2, one circle is on top):

Not only does Mr. Gann present this geometry in two different formats, but he also calls
attention to it explicitly on p. 93 of The Magic Word: "If you take seven pennies, or seven circles and
place one circle in the center and six circles around it you can then draw another perfect circle around
the rim of the six circles, making the sacred seven. With the word Jehovah you place O in the center
and the balance of the letters around it, making the sacred circle. This is the sacred, Magic Word of
Power. In the past, people have lost the way to use it. The Word has never been lost. It always existed
and it always will. It is symbolic of God and the Divine Power."

In his 1909 interview with the editor of The Ticker and Investment Digest, Mr. Gann states that
his investigations into the operation of the financial markets led him to the conclusion "that natural law
was the basis of market movements" and that "to speculate scientifically it is absolutely necessary to
follow natural law." It can be shown that the arrangement of the circles just presented is according to
"natural law" and actually is related to a remarkable number of other symbols and processes:

Sacred Geometry 101A: 7 Pennies

[the pattern on the cover of The Magic Word is seen at 1:28]

The Snowflake and the Flower

"The basic principle of the Flower of Life is a circle, or a sphere. And in every circle, no matter
what its size, seven smaller circles can fit exactly inside it in this pattern. This is an eternal truth.

"You see this in the Flower of Life, where there are seven primary circles hidden inside the
larger circle. This relationship of 7 in 1 is also the basis of the Fruit of Life pattern." Drunvalo
Melchizedek, The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life, Vol. II, p. 288. (Here is an illustration of the
Flower of Life and the Fruit of Life figures:
circles-to-13-circles_800px.jpg .)

Metatron's Cube
[the inner seven circles of which are arranged as shown
on p. 2 of The Magic Word, a variation of the cover design]'s_Cube

Fruit of Life
[shows how the aforementioned inner seven circles
are part of the formation that "begets the five Platonic solids"]

The Meaning of the Monas Hieroglyphica with Regards to Number

Jim Egan
[the pattern shown on p. 2 of The Magic Word is found on pp. 221, 222 of this e-book]

The Crown Diamond of the Believers’ Tree of Life:

The Measurement of the Tabernacle of David
Bora ben Elazar
[the pattern shown on the cover of The Magic Word is found on pp. 107-110 of this e-book]

Rachel Fletcher
Nexus Network Journal, April 2005, Volume 7, Issue 1, pp 141-160
[the pattern on p. 2 of The Magic Word is seen on Fig. 10, p. 146 of article]

Simple Method to Calculate PI
"A Hexagram, represented by the Star of David,
is a Two-Dimensional (Orthographic) projection of a Cube."

How to Turn a Hexagon Into a Cube

Hexagon = cube

"Market movements are made just the same as any other thing, which is constructed. It is just
the same as constructing a building. First, the foundation has to be laid and then the four sides have to
be completed and last, but not least of all, the top has to be put on. The cube or hexagon proves exactly
the law, which works because of time and space in the market. When a building is put up it is built
according to a square or hexagon. It has four walls or four sides, a bottom and a top; therefore, it is a
cube." W. D. Gann, "Master Charts," p. 6

Also it has been found that the existence of a hexagon is implied within the 10 points known to
the Pythagoreans as the Tetraktys. "A triangle subdivided into 9 subtriangles can be construed as a
hexagon with three equilateral triangles formed by extending the edges of alternating sides of the
hexagon until they meet (such as in the figure of the Tetractys)."
geometry . According to Manly Palmer Hall, "The key to harmonic ratios is hidden in the famous
Pythagorean tetractys, or pyramid of dots," by which he means that the numbers 1, 2, 3, and 4, "in their
proportions," "reveal the intervals of the octave [2:1 and 4:2], the diapente [3:2], and the diatessaron
[4:3]." According to W. D. Gann, "... the cycle theory,
or harmonic analysis, is the only thing that we can rely upon to ascertain the future." The Tunnel Thru
the Air, p. 77

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