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Backpack Radio August 2014

For Dr. Tomkins confirmed for 10AM Pacific on August 4th

Name: Dr. Jeffrey Tomkins to discuss

human/chimp DNA, Neandertal DNA
and junk DNA/pseudogenes
Title: Research Associate at ICR
Specialty: Genetics

Segment 1 (13 minutes)

BIO: Dr. Jeffrey Tomkins earned a master’s degree in plant science in 1990 from the
University of Idaho, where he performed research in plant hormones. He received his
Ph.D. in Genetics from Clemson University in 1996. While at Clemson, he worked as a
research technician in a plant breeding/genetics program, with a research focus in the
area of quantitative and physiological genetics in soybean. After receiving his Ph.D., he
worked at a genomics institute and became a faculty member in the Department of
Genetics and Biochemistry at Clemson. He had become a Christian as an undergraduate
at Washington State University in 1982, with a goal to eventually work as a scientist and
author in the creation science field. In 2009, Dr. Tomkins joined the Institute for
Creation Research as Research Associate. He is the primary author of The Design and
Complexity of the Cell.

Game Plan for first two segments:

-Explain the argument evolutionists are making with these studies
-Talk about the data, and explain what it actually means
-After discussing this in detail for the first two segments, we will give people an idea of
how to talk about this to their friends who make this claim as evidence
(for example, I have an atheist friend who loves to wear a shirt which says 98% chimp)

Below are the articles I am looking over. We can probably discuss a few.

Human-Chimp Genetic Similarity: Is the Evolutionary Dogma Valid? -

One of the major missions in ICR’s current research emphasis is to scientifically
challenge the evolutionary tree of life as a valid biological paradigm.1 A common
manifestation of this evolutionary dogma is the claim that humans are 95 to 99 percent
genetically identical to chimpanzees.2 In evaluating this claim, the ICR research team
has initiated new research3, 4 and is deeply involved in the review of pertinent scientific
literature.5 Two research questions raised by the DNA similarity claim are as follows:
1) Is this value accurate? 2) If accurate, what is its biological meaning?
Backpack Radio August 2014

Evaluating the Human-Chimp DNA Myth--New Research Data

A recent presentation at the 2011 Creation Biology Society (CBS) meetings has stirred
the pot once again on the human-chimp DNA similarity issue among creationists,
intelligent design proponents, and some evolutionists.1 It was reported that a query of
40,000 chimp genomic DNA sequences against the most recent assembly of the human
genome provided an average similarity estimate of 97 to 98 percent.2 Evolutionists
frequently cite such percentages as an indication of common ancestry, but the ICR life
sciences team has been examining the question of human-chimp genetic similarity—and
what we’ve discovered raises significant challenges to the standard claims.3

New Research Evaluating Similarities Between Human and Chimpanzee

DNA (PDF) - In M. Horstemeyer, ed., 2013, Proceedings of the Seventh
International Conference on Creationism, Pittsburgh, PA: Creation
Science Fellowship. Visit the ICC

Abstract: A preliminary study was performed by Tomkins comparing 40,000

chimpanzee genomic sequences against the human genome which indicated that
reported levels of human-chimp DNA similarity were significantly lower than commonly
reported. The present, follow-up study was then completed in which chimp
chromosomes were sliced into new individual query files of varying string lengths and
queried against their human chromosome homolog. This allowed for comparisons to be
optimized irrespective of the linear order of genes and sequence features. The definition
of similarity was the amount (percent) of optimally aligned chimp DNA. For the chimp
autosomes, the amount of optimally aligned DNA sequence provided similarities
between 66 and 76 percent, depending on the chromosome. Only 69 percent of the
chimpanzee X chromosome was similar to human and only 43 percent of the Y
chromosome. Genome-wide, only 70% of the chimpanzee DNA was similar to human
under the most optimal alignment conditions. While, chimpanzees and humans share
many localized protein-coding regions of high similarity, the overall extreme
discontinuity between the two genomes defies evolutionary time-scales and dogmatic
presuppositions about a common ancestor.

Using ENCODE Data for Human-Chimp DNA Comparisons

In 2012, a variety of research papers associated with the ENCODE project
(Encyclopedia Of DNA Elements) described how the human genome was pervasively
copied—transcribed—into an amazing array of functional RNA molecules that regulate
how genes and the genome function.1
Backpack Radio August 2014

How Similar Are Human and Ape Genes? - by Dr. Tomkins

In the past, evolutionists have tried to prove human evolution by comparing only similar
DNA segments between humans and apes—disregarding the non-similar DNA
regions.1 Many evolutionary studies have involved the selective use of protein-coding
segments in the genome called genes. But comparing just the genes of humans and apes
produces much higher DNA similarities than many other regions of the genome would

1st Phase Complete in Human and Chimp Genome-Wide DNA Comparison

The ICR life sciences team has been conducting a large-scale comparison project of
human versus chimp DNA sequence, the first phase of which has now been completed.
The research involved the use of 40,000 purportedly random chimpanzee DNA
sequences obtained from the National Center for Biotechnology that were produced as
part of the chimpanzee genome project.1, 2 The sequences, on average, were 740
nucleotides each and were compared to four different versions of the human genome
that were each ~3 billion bases. The DNA sequences were compared using a commonly
employed algorithm called BLASTN.1

Ongoing Telomere Research at Odds with Human-Chimp Chromosome 2 Model

Life sciences research at ICR has recently been focused on the cell’s telomere system. As
described in earlier articles, the chromosome end-capping (telomere) system found in
the cells of plants and animals contains features that protect the ends of linear
chromosomes.1, 2 The telomere is a uniquely designed mechanism that makes higher
forms of cell life possible, in contrast to single-cell bacteria that have simpler, circular

New Human-Chimp Chromosome 2 Data Challenge Common Ancestry Claims

One of the leading arguments used to support the concept that apes—particularly
chimpanzees—and humans descended from a common ancestor is the “chromosome 2
fusion model.” This scenario involves the claim that the end-to-end fusion of two small
chimpanzee-like chromosomes (now called 2A and 2B in chimpanzees) formed one
stable large chromosome in humans (chromosome 2). This is thought to explain the
difference in the 23 chromosomes humans have and the 24 chromosomes found in great
Backpack Radio August 2014


Human-Chimp Similarities: Common Ancestry or Flawed Research?
In 2003, the human genome was heralded as a near-complete DNA sequence, except for
the repetitive regions that could not be resolved due to the limitations of the prevailing
DNA sequencing technologies.1 The chimpanzee genome was subsequently finished in
2005 with the hope that its completion would provide clear-cut DNA similarity evidence
for an ape-human common ancestry.2 This similarity is frequently cited as proof of
man's evolutionary origins, but a more objective explanation tells a different story, one
that is more complex than evolutionary scientists seem willing to admit.

Chimp DNA Mutation Study—Selective Yet Surprising

Scientists just published a study describing chimp DNA mutation rates and compared a
number of cherry-picked genomic regions to human—and this research doubled their
evolutionary timeline.1 However, the selective data did not account for the vast chasm of
documented genome differences that were not included in the analyses.

Human and Chimp DNA--Nearly Identical? – Dr. Tomkins

For the past several decades, the standard mantra has been that humans are 98 percent
genetically identical to chimpanzees. However, this claim is based on cherry-picked data
and does not take into account the vastly different regions of the two respective

Journal Reports Bias in Human-Chimp Studies

Two reports in the Journal of Creation (JOC) provide a current review and refutation of
the “nearly identical” human-chimpanzee DNA similarity paradigm.1,2 Creation biologist
Dr. Jerry Bergman and I authored these papers after the Answers Research Journal
(ARJ) published results from the ICR research project detailing large-scale genome-
wide DNA alignments between human and chimpanzee.3 Additionally,
severalARJ papers published earlier in 2011 describe how the chimpanzee genome was
sequenced and assembled—another important aspect of the DNA similarity
paradigm.4,5 This significant group of research papers represents a fairly thorough
refutation of the claim that humans and chimpanzees have nearly identical genomes and
marks an important phase in ICR’s research program in the biological sciences.
Backpack Radio August 2014

Segment 2 (9 minutes) – The bad news for evolutionists!

Anti-Evolutionary Secrets of the Bonobo Genome

The popular press recently announced the completed bonobo genome sequence.
Bonobos are close relatives to chimpanzees. Unfortunately, much of the popular
reporting misrepresented the data in the original Nature journal paper.1

Gorilla Genome Is Bad News for Evolution

Evolutionists have long maintained that modern primate species (including, in their
view, humans) are branches on an evolutionary tree that lead back to a common
ancestor. But the recent news of the published genome sequence for the gorilla in the
journal Nature adds more solid data to the growing problem facing the current model of
primate evolution.1

Epigenetic Study Produces 'Backwards' Human-Ape Tree

A recently published study in the epigenetic modification of DNA regions similar among
humans and three different apes not only provided a completely mixed up picture of
evolution, but one that was entirely backwards.1

New Research Undermines Key Argument for Human Evolution

One of the leading arguments for human evolution from a shared common ancestor with
apes is the “chromosome 2 fusion model.” This hypothetical model proposes that the
end-to-end fusion of two small ape-like chromosomes resulted in the human
chromosome 2, which supposedly explains the difference in chromosome numbers
between humans and great apes.1 A graphical depiction of the fusion model showing the
orientation of telomere and centromere sequence was published in a previous issue
of Acts & Facts.2

Chromosome Comparison Shows More Chimp-Human Differences

Since the original 2005 chimpanzee genome report, researchers obtained and made
available for public use additional chimpanzee DNA sequences, courtesy of federal tax
dollars.1 However, this new chimpanzee DNA sequence is somewhat flawed—it is not
represented on its own merit because researchers assembled the chimp genome’s
sequence fragments based on the human genome framework.2, 3
Backpack Radio August 2014

Epigenetics Proves Humans and Chimps Are Different

One of the rapidly expanding and exciting research fields in molecular biology is the
area of epigenetics. In the study of epigenetic modifications, scientists analyze DNA that
has been modified in such a way that its chemistry is changed, but not the actual base
pairs that make up the genetic code of the sequence. It’s like a separate control code and
system imposed upon and within the standard code of DNA sequence.

Human-Chimp DNA Comparison Research Yields Lower Genetic Similarity

The ICR life sciences team has completed the second phase of its project comparing
human and chimp DNA sequence. As we reported in a previous research column,
40,000 purportedly random chimpanzee DNA sequences were obtained from the
National Center for Biotechnology (NCBI).1, 2 The chimp sequences (740 nucleotides
each on average) were compared to four different versions of the human genome using
the commonly employed genetic algorithm called BLASTN.3

New Research Debunks Human Chromosome Fusion

Humans and great apes differ in chromosome numbers—humans have 46 while apes
have 48. The difference is claimed to be due to the “end-to-end fusion” of two small,
ape-like chromosomes in a human-ape ancestor that joined in the distant past and
formed human chromosome 2. This idea was first proposed by researchers who noticed
that humans and chimps share similar chromosomal staining patterns when observed
under a microscope.1 However, humans and chimps also have regions of their
chromosomes that do not share common staining patterns.

Genetic Recombination Study Defies Human-Chimp Evolution

Results from a recent study in human and chimpanzee genetics have shipwrecked yet
another Darwinian hypothesis.1 Genetic recombination is one of the key events that
occur during the production of egg and sperm cells, and secular scientists have long
thought it to be a major driver of human and ape evolution.

NOTE: If we feel we have given a good general into to the claims related to
chimp DNA, then we can do a brief segment about humans and Neandertal
DNA. If not, we will use this segment to finish our discussion about the
chimp research…
Backpack Radio August 2014

Segment 3 (6 minutes)

First Draft of the Neandertal Genome Sequence Released

The highly anticipated initial draft assembly of the Neandertal genome was announced
at the Annual Meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science
(AAAS) in the United States and at a European press conference.1 This genomic
milestone involves approximately 3 billion bases of ancient human (Neandertal) DNA
sequenced so far, which is the same amount of DNA contained in one set of human
chromosomes or a single genome coverage. This is a major event in the booming
scientific field referred to as “paleogenomics,” a discipline that studies ancient DNA and
is providing exciting new evidence in support of the recent creation model.

Neandertal: The Answer Is Epigenetics Not Evolution

Recent genome reports show that the Neandertals are essentially fully human, causing
scientists to reclassify them as "archaic humans."1,2 But what about the apparent subtle
differences in anatomy that first caused scientists to claim that Neandertals were a
completely different species? It turns out that the answer can be found in epigenetics,
according to newly published research.3

Ancient Human DNA: Neandertals and Denisovans

Questions about ancient DNA (aDNA) abound—particularly ancient human DNA. Are
the data real? Are they accurate? Are the newly published genomes of the Neandertals,
Denisovans, and others being sequenced similar to modern humans, or do they
represent forms of evolutionary pre-humans? To answer these questions, researchers at
ICR are currently analyzing the scientific literature and working with publically
available aDNA sequence data. Our goal is to use the results of this research to help
provide informed answers within both a scientific and a biblical framework.

DNA Proof That Neandertals Are Just Humans

The study of ancient DNA (aDNA) is currently all the rage in the field of genomics, with
more and more researchers jumping into the fray. Despite the fact that many problems
still plague the field, several new research papers are claiming that scientists can now
detect and study Neandertal genome sequence in modern human DNA databases using
only electronic tools.1,2

*Note: Jeff Tomkins wrote ALL of these articles!

Backpack Radio August 2014

SEGMENT 4 (14 minutes)

NOTE: Hopefully, we can transition to spend the last segment introducing

JUNK DNA and pseudo genes. Here are some of the articles we are
interested in and would love to briefly explain:

Junk DNA Myth Continues Its Demise - by Jeffrey Tomkins

Secular biology, intelligent design, and creationist communities are abuzz with the
recently reported data from 30 simultaneously published high-profile research papers in
the field of human genomics, proclaiming that the human genome is irreducibly
complex and intelligently designed.1 From an evolutionary perspective, this is a massive
blow to the myth of “junk DNA.”

Circular Intronic RNAs Defy Junk DNA Dogma

A completely new category of circular RNAs has been discovered, adding another layer
of amazing complexity to human genetics. These circular RNAs are formed from the
intron regions inside a gene that were once thought to be nothing but junk DNA.1

Pseudogene Plays Important Role in Cell Cycle

Once again, DNA sequence that was once thought to be nothing but a genomic fossil has
shown itself to be vital to human survival. In this case, if the so-called pseudogene is not
functioning properly, cell cycle dysfunction and cancer is the almost certain outcome.1

Beta-Globin Pseudogene Is Functional After All

One of the key arguments of human evolution has now suffered the same fate as many
other debunked icons of the errant paradigm of "junk DNA." In this case, it is new
research related to the beta-globin pseudogene—which now shows it to be functional
and important to hemoglobin gene regulation.

'Junk' DNA Keeps Your Heart Beating - by Jeffrey Tomkins

A new research study has shown that large regions of the human genome, once thought
to be useless junk, work to keep your heart functioning properly.1 When these areas of
the genome malfunction, cardiovascular failure is often the outcome, showing the
importance of every piece of God's handiwork.
Backpack Radio August 2014

Former Junk DNA Candidate Proves Indispensable

Some of the primary candidates for being labeled "Junk DNA" have been the highly
repetitive regions of the genome that, after years of study, seemed to have no
discernable function despite the fact they were found to be actively copied (transcribed)
into RNA. However, new research has shown that the RNAs encoded by these regions
are key players in promoting genome stability and function.1

Mouse Study Shows 'Junk DNA' Is Actually Required

It was once believed that the regions in between the protein-coding genes of the genome
were wastelands of alleged nonfunctional “junk DNA.” However, we now know that
these previously misunderstood regions are teeming with functional activity—and a new
study shows they are actually required for life.1

Novel 'Junk DNA' Sequences Jumpstart Protein production

Researchers have just identified over 12,000 novel DNA sequences in the human
genome, most of them in areas once thought to be "Junk DNA."1 These newly discovered
DNA sequences, called "translation-enhancing elements," jumpstart protein production
in certain situations and provide a whole new perspective on how proteins are produced
in the cell.

Pseudogenes Are Functional, Not Genomic Fossils

One of the past arguments for evidence of biological evolution in the genome has been
the concept of “pseudogenes.” These DNA sequences were once thought to be the
defunct remnants of genes, representing nothing but genomic “fossils” in the genomes
of plants and animals. However, copious amounts of new research—now publicly
available in a variety of online databases and described in research publications—are
rapidly showing how pseudogenes are not only functional, but key to organism survival.1

Bewildering Pseudogene Functions Both Forwards and Backwards

Not only have many pseudogenes been proven to be highly functional, a recent study
has unveiled mind-boggling complexity behind the PTEN pseudogene, showing that it
functions both forwards and backwards as part of an intricate gene network.1

ABOUT ICR: For over four decades, the Institute for Creation Research has equipped believers
with evidence of the Bible's accuracy and authority through scientific research, educational
programs, and media presentations, all conducted within a thoroughly biblical framework.

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