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Determine which does not belong

Kama Sutra

Determine which does not belong

Song of Songs
Beautiful Language of the Bodies
Virgin Bride
Erotic expression of sexuality
Platonic Relationship

Determine which does not belong

Temptation of the Flesh

Determine which does not belong


Determine which does not belong

Human Body
Human Flesh
Human Lust
Human Sexuality
Sexual Activity

Determine which does not belong

Indissolubility of Marriage

Determine which does not belong

Levirate Law

Determine which does not belong


Determine which does not belong

Unconditional Love

Determine which does not belong


Determine which does not belong

Levirate Law

Determine which does not belong


Determine which does not belong

Sexuality is something divine
Sexual Distinction is complementary
Man is not an isolated being
Sexuality is a gift from God

Determine which does not belong

Genital Union
Unshakeable Faith
Permanent Attraction

Determine which does not belong

Yahweh and His covenant with Israel
ChristÕs union with the Church
"John the Baptist, the best man of the Bridegroom"
Parable of the wise Bridesmaids
Allusion to the notion of Celibacy

Totally giving up marriage to commit oneself to Jesus and his mission is not contrary but complementary with
marriageÕs salvific meaning in the context of GodÕs kingdom.
Wedding of Cana
Question on Divorce
Allusion to the notion of Celibacy
Teachings of Saint Paul

"The books of Ruth and Tobit concretizes ÒcovenantalÓ relationship, a commitment indicating a balance between
strength of duty and sensitivity of kindness. "
Priestly and Yahwist account of Creation
Marriage for the chosen People of God
Marriage as a Covenant

Popular secular alternative which denies man and womanÕs natural differences.

Both the state of being married and being single further the formation of the Kingdom of God here on earth.
Wedding of Cana
Question on Divorce
Allusion to the notion of Celibacy
Teachings of Saint Paul

Saint Paul referred to this as the right of both husband and wife, which was later understood as Òmarital debt.Ó "
Sexual Act

In this account of creation, AdamÕs longing for someone is answered through creation of Eve, that for this reason,
Eve is regarded by Adam as Òbone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh.Ó"

The context of his teachings is the thriving of the opposing of sexual promiscuity against extreme asceticism in the
Greek societies.
Wedding of Cana
Question on Divorce
Allusion to the notion of Celibacy
Teachings of Saint Paul

The gift of sexuality is GodÕs answer to manÕs deep longing to be with someone.
Priestly and Yahwist account of Creation
Marriage for the chosen People of God
Marriage as a Covenant

Popular secular alternative which denies man and womanÕs natural equality.

Levirate Law obligates a man to marry the wife of his dead brother in order to raise a son who will carry the
deceasedÕs name and right to family inheritance.
Priestly and Yahwist account of Creation
Marriage for the chosen People of God
Marriage as a Covenant

The first sin had caused rupture of the original communion between man and woman.
Priestly and Yahwist account of Creation
Marriage for the chosen People of God
Marriage as a Covenant

"In St. PaulÕs letter to the Ephesians, he likewise directed the husbands to lead their wives _________________ and
not by authority. "
By Service
In Love
in Blind Obedience
As a Servant

"Jesus answered, Òhave you not read, that from the beginning, the creator made them male and female; thatÕs why
a man must leave his father and mother, and cling to his wife, and the two become one body?Ó "
Wedding of Cana
Question on Divorce
Allusion to the notion of Celibacy
Teachings of Saint Paul

Witnessing GodÕs covenant with Israel in the image of exclusive and faithful married love.
Priestly and Yahwist account of Creation
Marriage for the chosen People of God
Marriage as a Covenant

The Israelites concept of barrenness as a disgrace usher in the practices of Divorce, Concubinage and Polygamy. "
Priestly and Yahwist account of Creation
Marriage for the chosen People of God
Marriage as a Covenant

"He compared GodÕs covenant with Israel with his own story, illustrating the way YahwehÕs unwavering love for His
people despite their repeated infidelities."

The wife does not own her body but the husband does; likewise, the husband does not rule his own body but the wife
does. "
Wedding of Cana
Question on Divorce
Allusion to the notion of Celibacy
Teachings of Saint Paul

“In the teaching of Saint Paul, there was no mention of children because of the first ChristiansÕ conviction of the
imminence of this event. "
Roman Invasion

Yes it is not good for man to touch a woman, but since sex is always a danger, let each man have his own wife, and
each woman her husband. "
Wedding of Cana
Question on Divorce
Allusion to the notion of Celibacy
Teachings of Saint Paul

According to Jesus, Moses allowed the Israelites to draw up a writ of dismissal to divorce their wife because they
were unteachable. "
Wedding of Cana
Question on Divorce
Allusion to the notion of Celibacy
Teachings of Saint Paul

In St. PaulÕs letter to the Ephesians, he directed the wives to submit to their husbands ___________________ as one
submits to Christ. "
In Love
By Service
In Blind Obedience
As a Servant

This gift is GodÕs answer to manÕs deep longing to be with someone which is far larger than carnal act.

Marriage as a mirror of JesusÕ covenant with the church renders the state of being single a corresponding state of
Wedding of Cana
Question on Divorce
Allusion to the notion of Celibacy
Teachings of Saint Paul

This gift of God consists in seeing your partner as a person who can reciprocate your love and your gift of your

The Jewish custom which obligates a man to marry the wife of his dead brother in order to raise a son who will carry
on the deceasedÕs name and right to family inheritance.
Mixed Marriage
Levirate Law
Disparity of Cult

Jesus exclaimed that Moses allowed the Israelites to Divorce an adulterous or barren wife through the writ of
Wedding of Cana
Question on Divorce
Allusion to the notion of Celibacy
Teachings of Saint Paul

Man and woman are meant to become one though the gift of sexuality.
Priestly and Yahwist account of Creation
Marriage for the chosen People of God
Marriage as a Covenant

Popular secular alternative which denies man and womanÕs natural complementarity.

Sexual act is the right of both husband and wife which was theologically understood later as Òmarital debt.Ó
Wedding of Cana
Question on Divorce
Allusion to the notion of Celibacy
Teachings of Saint Paul

"Polygamy, Divorce and Concubinage were tolerated as a substitute for a barren wife for the only function of a
woman is to bear children who would continue the male line. "
Priestly and Yahwist account of Creation
Marriage for the chosen People of God
Marriage as a Covenant

Levirate Law bequeaths an impression of preventing the achievement of good of spouses and magnify more the
inferiority of women.
Priestly and Yahwist account of Creation
Marriage for the chosen People of God
Marriage as a Covenant

Man and woman exhibit the same responsibility in continuing the work of creation.
Priestly and Yahwist account of Creation
Marriage for the chosen People of God
Marriage as a Covenant

St. Paul admonishes the Corinthians to indulge into this practice and counter their sexual promiscuity.

They prepared prepared the chosen people for a deepened understanding of Marriage as a covenant having the
essential elements of unity and indissolubility.

"It refers to the state of being single, that is choosing to give up marriage to commit oneself to Jesus and his mission. "

Marriage finds its redeeming value in Jesus as he brings back GodÕs original plan for it, revealing the essential
properties of union in love fruitfulness in procreative task. "
Wedding of Cana
Question on Divorce
Allusion to the notion of Celibacy
Teachings of Saint Paul

This wisdom book manifests a unique expression of human love; a love strong as death and any waters could not
Ruth and Tobit
Song of Solomon

The concept of marriage has lost its real meaning among the Israelites primarily because of their beliefs and customs
implying women subordination.
Priestly and Yahwist account of Creation
Marriage for the chosen People of God
Marriage as a Covenant

Women are treated neither as equal companions nor partners of men.

Priestly and Yahwist account of Creation
Marriage for the chosen People of God
Marriage as a Covenant

"The Song of Solomon manifests a unique expression of human love is a reflection of GodÕs love, a love strong as
death that many waters can quench. "
Priestly and Yahwist account of Creation
Marriage for the chosen People of God
Marriage as a Covenant

The Israelites concepts of procreation as the primary function of marriage halts the achievement of the good of
spouses in marriage.
Priestly and Yahwist account of Creation
Marriage for the chosen People of God
Marriage as a Covenant

"For the Jews, they are always regarded as blessings from God and signs of His favor. "
Sexual Instinct
Material Riches

The woman was taken from manÕs rib to show that in marriage, they become one. "
Priestly and Yahwist account of Creation
Marriage for the chosen People of God
Marriage as a Covenant

Submission in love and leadership by service define the relationship between husband and wife.
Wedding of Cana
Question on Divorce
Allusion to the notion of Celibacy
Teachings of Saint Paul

“God, creating male and female makes it clear that though they are distinct from each other, they are equal in
Priestly and Yahwist account of Creation
Marriage for the chosen People of God
Marriage as a Covenant

We witnessed in this episode the first miracle of our Lord which was interceded by our Blessed Mother as she gives
the best counsel of all.
Wedding of Cana
Question on Divorce
Allusion to the notion of Celibacy
Teachings of Saint Paul

YahwehÕs forgiveness is based on His unconditional love towards the ever unfaithful people of Israel.
Priestly and Yahwist account of Creation
Marriage for the chosen People of God
Marriage as a Covenant

"In this account of creation, man and woman were ordered to be Òfruitful and multiply, fill the earth and conquer it,Ó
showing their equality and complementarity. "

The ground and basis which allows a jewish husband to divorce his wife by providing a writ of dismissal against his

The books of Ruth and Tobit bear a moving witness to an elevated sense of marriage as to the fidelity and tenderness
of spouses.
Priestly and Yahwist account of Creation
Marriage for the chosen People of God
Marriage as a Covenant

"The element that distorted the relations between man and woman with mutual recriminations, gender conflict,
discrimination, lust and domination. "
Sexual Instinct

These books in the latter part of the Old Testament bear moving witness to an elevated sense of marriage and to the
fidelity and tenderness of spouses.
Ruth and Tobit

"This event in the life of our Lord was remarkable, not because of the miracle executed, it is rather because of the
presence of our Lord therein."
Wedding of Cana
Question on Divorce
Allusion to the notion of Celibacy
Teachings of Saint Paul
"Though Òmarital debtÓ refers to the right of both husband and wife, it still maintains and does not eradicate the
idea of the Òcommon consent.Ó "
Wedding of Cana
Question on Divorce
Allusion to the notion of Celibacy
Teachings of Saint Paul

The prophets prepared the chosen people for a deepened understanding of the unity and indissolubility of Marriage.
Priestly and Yahwist account of Creation
Marriage for the chosen People of God
Marriage as a Covenant

"Man and woman in marriage should not refuse each other in sex except by mutual consent, so that on an agreed
time, they could pray, and then come together again in case Satan takes advantage of your vulnerability."
Wedding of Cana
Question on Divorce
Allusion to the notion of Celibacy
Teachings of Saint Paul

"In Hebrew Scriptures, this incapacity or defect is considered a disgrace and a ground for divorce, concubinage and
polygamy. "

Women were treated inferior and their roles were determined by their status in relation to men.
Priestly and Yahwist account of Creation
Marriage for the chosen People of God
Marriage as a Covenant

Adam sees in Eve not just a sexual partner but a person who can reciprocate his gift of love and personhood.
Priestly and Yahwist account of Creation
Marriage for the chosen People of God
Marriage as a Covenant

This has been accorded with primary value in Marriage among the chosen people of God since it guarantees the
continuity of husbandÕs lineage and family line.

"Though both husband and wife were bounded by Òmarital debt,Ó they nevertheless discounted the need for this, so
that on an agreed time, they could pray, and then come together again. "
Mutual Consent
Sexual Potency
Sexual Urge

"The so-called ÒcovenantalÓ relationship is based on steadfast growing love, with a balance between strength of
duty and sensitivity of kindness. "
Priestly and Yahwist account of Creation
Marriage for the chosen People of God
Marriage as a Covenant
"While its oddly strange for man to be unmarried in the Jewish culture, Jesus depicted an optional way of life which
raises marriage into a new dimension. "
Wedding of Cana
Question on Divorce
Allusion to the notion of Celibacy
Teachings of Saint Paul

According to him, the fact that the woman was taken from the rib of man implies that man is bound to protect her,
love her and walk beside her. "
St. Thomas Aquinas
Gordon Higham
St. John Paul II
Pope Francis

The husband should give to his wife her conjugal rights as the wife does to her husband.
Wedding of Cana
Question on Divorce
Allusion to the notion of Celibacy
Teachings of Saint Paul

Our LordÕs presence in this occasion implies His exalted regard to marital union which also guarantees his assistance
and guidance.
Wedding of Cana
Question on Divorce
Allusion to the notion of Celibacy
Teachings of Saint Paul

Children are always regarded as blessings and signs of GodÕs favor.

Priestly and Yahwist account of Creation
Marriage for the chosen People of God
Marriage as a Covenant

"With the entry of sin, relations between man and woman were distorted by mutual recriminations and were
characterized by gender conflict, discrimination, lust and domination. "
Wedding of Cana
Question on Divorce
Allusion to the notion of Celibacy
Teachings of Saint Paul

Man and woman demonstrate equal dignity flowing from the equal responsibility of being stewards of creation and
continuing the creative work entrusted to them.
Priestly and Yahwist account of Creation
Marriage for the chosen People of God
Marriage as a Covenant

"With the entry of sin, relations between man and woman were distorted by mutual recriminations and were
characterized by gender conflict, discrimination, lust and domination. "
Priestly and Yahwist account of Creation
Marriage for the chosen People of God
Marriage as a Covenant

"They are no longer two but one body, Òwhat God has joined together, man must not put a sunder. "
Wedding of Cana
Question on Divorce
Allusion to the notion of Celibacy
Teachings of Saint Paul

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