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Name : Sheila Sukmawati

Students number : A320150160

Class : 7C

Critical Analysis of “Bound” by Okky Madasari

This “Bound” novel is a translation of the Pasung Jiwa novel from an

author named Okky Madasari. This novel was originally published in 2013 by the
Gramedia Pustaka Utama under the title Pasung Jiwa. But first published in
Indonesia, in 2014 also by the Gramedia Pustaka Utama.

The general theme of this novel is about “freedom” in life. It can be

described by the two characters in the novel, Sasana and Cak Jaka. Sasana is the
main character in this novel. He was a male who had the ambition to be a female
and a successful dangdut singers. This began when he got traumatized during his
childhood, he never argue his parents including piano lessons that is not his
desire. Then Cak Jaka is the other characters that plays an important part of this
novel. Cak Jaka is a person who dares Sasana to step forward. Also, he is good at
provoking people. As evidence, Cak Jaka is the agent behind Sasa's identity or
previously known as Sasana. He triggered a change in the identity of the Sasana.
Sasana and Cak Jaka met in a coffee stall that owned by Cak Man. While the
point of view used in this novel is first person point of view, but there are two
perspectives, through Sasana and Cak Jaka.
Then the issue portrayed in this novel is social issues, it can be seen from
the beginning of this novel. Every section in this novel has different issues, such
as, family issue, mental issue, health issue, economical issue, etc. The plot is
exciting enough, but unfortunately the ends of the story doesn’t like my
expectations. The ending feels empty.

Almost all the characters in Bound's novel want or can practically apply
the word "freedom". Starting from Cak Jaka who didn’t know the purpose of his
life, between being a famous musician or factory worker into a radical Islamic
organization. But I as a reader didn’t agree with the opinion of the author. When a
male named Sasana was supported and approved by his mother to become a Sasa
and also a dangdut singer. In my view, as a Moeslem, being created as a male but
wanting to change into a female or even being transformed into a female is a
wrong thing because it is not his God’s omnipotence. And I was confused when
this is called the freedom of a Sasana.

To conclude, this novel is interesting to read. But, back to the reader can
roughly accept and understand the message of the author or not. And once again I
am confused to understand and less accept the message of the author. On the other
hand, the author attaches some moral messages that we can learn, such as ; when
Cak Man's children was killed by factory workers because he asked for a salary
increase, or when Sasana was young and got bullied by a gang of students, or Cak
Jaka who joined the organization that made money and strength. From here, it is
illustrated that sometimes the rich are arbitrary. Then, from this story also inspires
us to keep fighting for the truth and courage to fight them, even though we will
lose. Overall this novel is satisfying, but the ends of the story is unpleasant for me.
But this novel is higly recomended to read.

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