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Character Lesson Plan (MS/HS)

45 minutes

Opening (attention getter)

This video is an interview with three softball players on the television show Ellen.
One of the girls had fallen during a championship game and was unable to run the
bases after hitting a home run. The opposing team members picked her up and
carried her around the bases.

Explanation of Empathy

This video is a short animation about true empathy, as opposed to sympathy or
trying to put a silver lining on someone’s troubles by pointing out that at least it
isn’t all bad.

Many Middle School/High School students know the word “sympathy” but not
“empathy”. Briefly discuss the meaning of empathy – putting yourself in someone
else’s shoes.

Empathy is “Feeling with people”

Empathy Exercise
Cut apart the following lines. Hand out 3 candles and first 3 sentence strips to 3
students. Light all three candles. Explain briefly “Everyone begins with a
light.” Reader #1 begins by reading line 1. Reader #2 reads line 2, emphasizing
the words “at least” then blows out the candle of Reader #1. Reader #2 reads
sentence #2, then relights the candle of Reader #1 with the light from her own
candle. The exercise continues in sets of three.
1. *This morning my dad kicked my dog out the door. The bus was coming and
I didn’t even have time to go see if she was OK. (Hold up candle)

2. At least you have a dog. My dad won’t let me get a dog. (Blow out candle of

3. You must be really worried about her. I hope she is OK. (reLights candle of

These three pass lighted candles to the next three.

4. *Aw Darn! I have an F in Math. Now I might fail for the whole year. (Hold
up candle)

5. At least you are only failing one class. I am failing math AND Science.
(Blows out candle of #4)

6. Would you like to sit with me at lunch and we can work on math together.
(reLights candle of #4)

These three pass lighted candles to the next three.

7. *My mom just came from the doctor’s office. They say she might have
cancer. (Holds up candle)

8. At least they caught it quick, and there are lots of good medicines. (Blows
out candle of #7)

9. Oh my, I know you are worried. I will be thinking about her and your
family. (reLights candle of #7)

These three pass lighted candles to the next three.

10. *I worked every Saturday, and I still do not have enough money to buy a
prom dress. I don’t have anything that I can wear. (Holds up candle)

11. At least you have a date – No one even asked me to go. (Blows out candle of
12. Hey, the secretary made an announcement yesterday that some lady was
giving away dresses for free. You should check with her, and I won’t tell anyone.
(reLights candle of #10)

These three pass lighted candles to the next three.

13. *I just said “Goodbye” to my grandmother and probably for the last time.
She has been very sick and now is in a coma. (Holds up candle)

14. At least you had a chance to say “goodbye” (Blows out candle of #13)

15. (NO WORDS – Just give a hug) (reLights candle of #13)

Part 2

Supplies: rubber band, string cut into about 2ft lengths, 10 plastic cups.
1. Tie the string with a knotted end around the rubber band. Place the cups
apart in the center of the table.

2. Instruct the students to work together, each holding a string. They will
cooperate, stretching the rubber band over the cups and move them to form a


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