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Dear Families,

My name is Amelia McIntyre. I am a senior at Triton High School, and plan

on attending Winona State University in the fall to get my nursing degree. I
would like to eventually specialize and become a neonatal nurse. At Triton
High School we have what is called a senior project. Every year the seniors
have to complete a project of their choice. They must have at least 15
hours completed on it, and must give a 10-15 minute presentation on it in
front of a board of community members, in order to graduate. My project is
why I’m writing this to you. I have decided to sew 6 baby quilts , 3 boy and
3 girl, and donate them to the hospital to hand to you. I think this is my way
of giving something to you when you have so much change and worry in
your life. I know this won’t solve your problems but maybe it will give you a
little joy and a reminder of the miracle you just brought into this world.

With love,
Amelia McIntyre

Feel free to contact me if you have any further questions!

Email- ​
Phone- 507-272-0544

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