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If you are investing your time,


energy and money, then 1st step

to take is the product test. it is
the best investment you can
make. then take your suggested
course action of your test. ROR.
blockchain=think of horizontal
growth and vertical growth. Its
easy to grow horizontally people
do it all the time, they add more
layers to their horizontal growth
but they don’t grow vertically.
Horizontal growth is what I called
the technical skill prescribed way
of technical skill, pm skills, ph
skills, like adding more stuff to
your resume. Algoritherem,
methodical, talking skills, finding
new molecule and the count goes
on inventing new drugs
Vertical skills are more strategic
in nature. And more leadership
oriented in nature. so data, design
and product is the vertical way of
So if uh folks have the blockchain
its good, its like you are adding
more layers to your vertical
growth.but just keeping on adding
horizontal skills is a bad idea of
choice.if you have no vertical
skills you will always be
compared to lowest common
The only way of growing after a
certain period of time if intrested
and willing is to grow vertically.
So the only way to differentiate is
to grow vertically. leveraging
horizontal but now give more
horizontal skills.
So leveraging data science to
make good decision /leveraging
design skills to make good
decission/ leveraging product
management skills to make good
decisions are all vertical skills. So
if you arcading blocks its good
In food industry there is one
interesting space called “
molecular gastronomy”, type of
science which tells the chefs
which two type of food mixed
together will give you a better
explosion in your mouth. Puna
missal somebody told but what
about the selling retrospect? So
that’s a hot horizontal skill..
You know I have seen a certain
deposition in major areas where
the growth stops..even let’s take
the example of our class folks
how many of us are even
interested in making a career
choice which assure us of a safe
future its a gamble and mostly all
of us may not take the risk to do
that. Most of you will end up
opting an degree of Mpharma or
out of no option will get an MBA
degree will no actual knowledge
of market and business. But trust
me that will lead to nowhere. Its
the same struggle sooner or later.
Better start early. Else I don’t
want to add an comprehension or
comment on that.
Now we are young we can take
impulsive decision even opting for
careers is an impulsive decision. I
took it four years back hehe.
The outing example…the fact
remains that an outing is more
important not where am I going.
We can figure it out on the way.
While there is no risk. We can
board any busses.
Three quick things:- pm,
perspectives and 4 kinds of
Four kinds of product
management competency
Inbound ,
There are about 25 competencies.
outbound, data science and
bussiness model.
Inside revenue model car
example. Rolls Royce, turbine
example, b2b company 600$,
AWS, uber search price…
dynamically search, simple tweak
in uber 300MILLION $ annually.
Creative and innovative ways. We
are expected to come up with
such ideas and that no institute
will teach us how. And how can
they? And until and unless you
have such ideas no company will
entertain you with an handsome
amount of salary take the case in
Pharma, food, automobiles and
any firm.
Now there are 14 business models
1 subscription
2 Affilate marketing blogging
example healthy food for
gets 7% from amazon affiliate
profit 80k no selling, no marketing
3 asset sale….direct sale vendor
is cone cut is gone water bottle
4 threading/credit backpack l
5 Lisencing fees..royalty fees
every time a android phone ships
in world, Microsoft makes 5$ bcz
of patent on os before google. So
ms took ad to Court. Welcome to
licensing cz of law suit case logo.
Amity backhan picture 2 crore
just a print no video commercials
6 leasing/renting
vehicle/furniture( subscription/ren
ting) iterating with time; cable
example return the asset to the
owner to its original condition or
stipulate condition. So renting is
again the liability on you.
7 freemium now and English word
just 7 years back. Free forever or
time sensitive model marketing
immic. Free and forever so they
become premium eg. LinkedIn,
twitter, full fledged user,
…so absolutely good manager you
have to dig deep inside
intuitive/common sense driven
pm/ low vocabulary manager may
make very narrow or sideline
choices. Inefficient decision.
8 Pricing 26 different types of
pricing eg value based, so many
people add a very common sense cost of making this
bottle 5$ have 20% margin lets
start selling it on 6$
Archies 80paisa its more
expensive then fb, google and
Microsoft combined. Its
fascinating…palliative scam,
massive scam, the price is
documented at 80 paisa.
Palliative scam
That value of that card is so dear
to the customer its like calling
out for compelling the customer
to buy the product is what an
good product manager does.,
understanding the pain of the
customer. To make it dying to buy
the product. Producing a card in
80 paisa and selling it on
200..300/- which prices is suitable
depending on the market, teddy
bears 36 rupees in china,
documented evidence. Nobody
gives a damn
Services guy cost based price
charging the human capital cost.

So product
Data careers 4 types of data
science careers …data scientist
no 1
Not mathematically inclined
young experienced good can
outstanding you in case of speed
salary and creativity.
Big data collected from all the
place store discard traffic light
data in 10 mins 18petabytes
1000tb = 1petabyteskeep swipe
and analyse data science
engineer data analyst, statistical
and maths. Cloud managers and
all or you can become the start
data managers. Big need.
2 products. Google homes and

Prediction, 26hrs calibration

gamma values and radio values
sample date is made from data
engineers set of data brute force
things which computers can
detect by pixels from pixels…
medical science oncologist can
miss out on this.
Data smart skills salary goes unto
40% up
260$ million insight 70% chance
men will go left women go right.
Design thinking principle. The
men bread example. Walmart used
in 300stores . Women are more
mateculist and more thorough.
Heuristic insight. Don’t
underestimate the power of

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