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Martha Moenning Senior Project Log

Total Hours: 35.5

February 15th 2019- 3 Hours

Detailed: Practiced editing using iMovie software. Downloaded Youtube videos and audio.
Imported and inserted them into my project. Then I watched the footage and split the clips.

Overview: I created a short 45 second video for a FFA competition.

April 17, 2019- 2.5 hours

Detailed: Created a storyboard with sketches of shots, type of shot, and angles. Wrote a list of
desired shots and interview. Traveled to and from farm/filming location. Filmed for 30 minutes.

Overview: Interviewed and visited Brock Erickson’s farm.

May 3rd, 2019- 5 Hours

Detailed: Practiced editing using iMovie. Cut clips to be precise and short. Managed audio
levels. Inserted background music. I used footage that was previously filmed. I added captions
when for when it was hard to understand the students and managed audio levels. I then exported
the video on to an SD Card.

Overview: I completed a 10 minute video for TEAM for Teacher Appreciation Week.

May 11th, 2019- 3 hours

Overview: Created a storyboard with sketches of shots, type of shot, and angles. Wrote a list of
desired shots and interview. Traveled to and from farm/filming location. Filmed for 1 hour.
Traveled to a butcher shop. Filmed for 20 minutes.

Detailed: Filmed with Katie Brenny at Brenny Farms and at Kenyon Butcher Shop.
May 11th, 2019- 7 Hours

Detailed: Prepared food by cutting & chopping ingredients. Set up equipment and assembled
tripod and extender. Added background items and framed shot. Filmed each step of the recipe.

Overview: Filmed steak and black bean taco recipe.

May 12th, 2019- 7 Hours

Detailed: Prepared food by measuring and assembling ingredients. Set up and positioned
equipement. Prepared side dishes for background/framing. Filmed recipe and steps

Overview: Prepared lamb chop recipe.

May 27th, 2019- 8 Hours

Detailed: Uploaded footage. Created logo and transitions. Found background music. Edited clips
together. Managed audio levels. Added transitions.

Overview: Completed both videos.

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