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Bài 1 - 1Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the rest in the position
of the main stress in each of the following questions.
Câu 1 A. courteous B. subscribe C. service D. customer
Câu 2 A. capacity B. communal C. secure D. imagination
Câu 3 A. technology B. competitive C. facsimile D. document
Câu 4 A. transit B. transmit C. transact D. translate
Câu 5 A. installation B. disadvantage C. dissatisfied D. disappointed

Bài 2 - 2Mark the letter A,B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following
Câu 1 They arrived home only_____ the house had been burgled in their absence.
A. upon finding B. to find that C. after having found D. then did they find
Câu 2 The announcement about job losses has ______ consequences for the firm.
A. hard – hitting B. far – reaching C. never-ending D. wide – ranging
Câu 3 “ I’m not sure if I’m going. It depends. – “________?”
A. why not B. on what C. for what D. to whom
Câu 4 The new situation has _____ a lot of anger and dissatisfaction. Our duty now is to encounter it in the most
sensible way.
A. devised B. established C. originated D. provoked
Câu 5 Global warming has progressed ____ glaciers everywhere are shrinking
A. too much that B. enough to cause C. to such an extent that D. so great an extent that
Câu 6 Jaines had, ______, saved the manuscript of his first novel from the burning house.
A. lastly B. at last C. lately D. at least
Câu 7 You said you were leaving, ______ you’re still here. Is everything all right?
A. yet B. while C. so D. even if
Câu 8 How voters will react to this latest political scandal_____ to be seen.
A. is B. remains C. has D. waits
Câu 9 It was a totally _______ play that neither of them could follow.
A. obscure B. somber C. vague D. shady
Câu 10 I’d love to go out with you tonight. The only________ is that I’ve got no cash!
A. snag B. pitfall C. disadvantage D. mistake
Câu 11 ____ the Coast Guard, not a single life was lost in the ferry accident.
A. were it not for. B. regardless of C. As a result of D. Thanks to
Câu 12 Mr. Hopkins is going to have his old family mansion____. The building lost its glamour after his ancestors died
several years ago.
A. Recovered B. resumed C. restored D. revived
Câu 13 ______ comes a time when you have to make a decision and stick to it.
A. It B. therefore C. There D. That
Câu 14 Mr. Nixon refused to answer the question on the ______ that the matter was confidential.
A. reasons B. excuses C. grounds D. foundations
Câu 15 Helium is not inflammable, ____ therefore safer than hydrogen.
A. That is B. and is C. but is D. and it.
Câu 16 In 1849 Walter Hunt, _____ American inventor, patented a design the served as the basis for modern safety
A. an B. he was an C. being D. who was, as as
Câu 17 She insisted that the reporter ______ her as his source of information.
A. not mention B. not to mention C. don’t mention D. not mentioning
Câu 18 He’s about the same height as his father, but in every other respect he takes_______ his mother.
A. from B. up C. on D. after
Câu 19 In many families the important decisions are _________ by women.
A. done B. arrived C. made D. given
Câu 20 _________ cell in the body is far from a capillary.
A. not B. no C. not only a D. neither a
Câu 21 I ____ that you have no objections to our proposals?
A. trust B. depress C. depend D. await
Câu 22 ____ by her brilliant appearance, she must be very affluent.
A. Considering B. Seeing C. Supposing D. Judging
Câu 23 Feel free to come to us at all _____ if you need our advice.
A. whiles B. moments C. hours D. occasions
Câu 24 “Do you play an instrument?” – “I have an accordion, but_____”
A. I have years to play it B. It has years to play C. it hasn’t played for year D. I haven’t played it
in years
Câu 25 Because of the shortage of water there is a _______on the use of hose-pipes.
A. ban B. punishment C. taboo D. boycott
Câu 26 I take _________ everything I said about Cindy.I realzie now that it wasn’t true.
A. on B. over C. in D. back
Câu 27 ________ does not circle around the earth was proven by Galileo.
A. since the rest of the universe B. as the rest of the universe C. the rest of the universe D. That the
rest of the universe
Câu 28 The band was so good that they soon had everyone __________ in the aisles.
A. dancing B. dance C. to dance D. was dancing
Câu 29 _____ factories continue to comply with the law, improved air quality will not diminish.
A. As soon as B. As far as C. As long as D. As little as
Câu 30 Why do you say the project should be changed even more? Personally, I cannot see the _____ of introducing so
many alterations.
A. point B. reason C. clue D. ground
Câu 31 Such _____ that none of the students in the class could solve it.
A. a difficult problem it was B. a difficult problem was it C. difficult a problem was it D. was the
problem difficult
Câu 32 As they came under heavy fire, te captain ordered his men to ____.
A. fall away B. fall back C. fall over D. fall out
Câu 33 Company policy states that, upon arrival, all employees are _____at the front desk.
A. to sign in B. signing in C. having to sign in D. going to have to sign in
Câu 34 The lawyer insisted that his client ____ never have been arrested in the first place.
A. should B. must C. ought D. would

Bài 3 - 3 Mark the lettler A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to show the underlined part that needs correction in each
of the following questions.
Câu 1 Modern art began in seccond half of the 1800s, after the camera was invented.
A. seccond B. the C. after D. was
Câu 2 No longer is scientific discovery a matter of one person alone working.
A. No B. is C. matter of D. alone working
Câu 3 The first American to be worth the equivalent of one million dollars was probably plantation owner and banker
Robert “King” Carter, whom father arrived in Virginia in 1635 and began buying land.
A. million dollars B. probably C. whom D. began buying land.
Câu 4 Most pageants are plays of special significant such as a drama portraying the growth of a city or the
development of medicine.
A. Most B. significant C. a D. portraying
Câu 5 Many artists receive promote backing from government agencies as well as from private individuals and firms.
A. promote B. from C. as well as D. individuals

Bài 4 - 4 Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that is closest in meaning to the
underlined part in each of the following questions.
Câu 1 Because the jury had reached a deadlock, the judge called for a retrial.
A. impasse B. verdict C. disagreement D. reduction
Câu 2 Car owners who live by the sea are well aware of the havoc salt water causese to a car’s finish.
A. distortion B. drag C. destruction D. care
Câu 3 The snarling dog on my doorstep disconcerted the potential thief.
A. frustrated B. attacked C. bit D. disconnected

Bài 5 - Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentences that is correct and closest in
meaning to the underlined part in each of the following questions.
Câu 1 I was surprised when he said he wouldn’t work overtime.
A. I was surprised to hear that it was typical of him not to work overtime.
B. He didn’t work overtime, which was a surprise.
C. I was surprised when he denied working overtime.
D. His refusal to work overtime came as a surprise to me.
Câu 2 Your chances of being affected by eye strain and back injury increase with the amount of time you spend in front
of a screen.
A. You shouldn’t spend time in front of a screen because you will be affected by eye strain and back injury.
B. Speading time in front of a screen will affect your eyes and back badly.
C. The more time you spend in front of a screen, the more likely you are to suffer from eye strain and back injury.
D. Eye strain and back injury are the consequences of spending much time in front of a screen.
Câu 3 Inefficient treatment of customers creates a bad impression of the company.
A. This company gives a bad impression due to its inefficiency.
B. Treating customers with a lack of efficiency reflects badly on the company.
C. The most common complaint from customers is about poor service.
D. Customers are dissatisfied with the company for treating them badly.
Câu 4 Anthony wasn’t at all discouraged by this bad experience.
A. Anthony learned a great deal from this bad experience.
B. Because of this bad experience, Anthony wasn’t very happy.
C. It could take anthony years to get over this bad experience.
D. This bad experience didn’t put Anthony off in the least.
Câu 5 I always enjoy this film, no matter how often I see it.
A. The more I see this film, the more I enjoy it. B. I often see this film when I have free time.
C. However often I see it I never tire of this film. D. Since I enjoy this film, I see it quite often.

Bài 6 - Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word
for each of the blanks.

To most people, landfill sites are simply holes in the ground where waste ( 53)___ is buried. To garbologists, however,
they provide a valuable ( 54)_______ of information about a population’s activities in areas such as food consumption
and waste disposal. Garbology is a branch of ethnography, a science which abandons traditional methods of (55)______
market research information, such as questionnaires and focus groups, in favor of (56)________ observation of people
and their habits.
The world’s (57)_______ garbologist, professor William Rathje, is also an archaeologist. Archaeologists study past
cultures by examining the (58) ______ of objects and buildings, but the basic principles of archaeology can also be
applied to the discarded rubbish of present-day civilizations in order to (59)_____ a better undertanding of how people
behave now. As founder and director of the Garbage project at the University of Arizona, professor Rathje has
(60)_______ over 30 years of his life to the archaeological study of modern refuse.
His work is of (61)_______ interest to commerce; companies need to understand the lives of their consumers in order
to create brands which will be of most (62)____ to them. Rathje’s (63)_______ can help them achieve this. In addition,
his analysis if the composition of landfill sites reveals a greater need not only to recycle more rubbish, but also to
(64)____________ down on the amount of rubbish we produce in the first place.
Câu 1 A. spring B. origin C. source D. fountain
Câu 2 A. near B. close C. tight D. hard
Câu 3 A. rests B. ruins C. relics D. remains
Câu 4 A. conveyed B. devoted C. apportioned D. spent
Câu 5 A. function B. serving C. use D. purpose
Câu 6 A. lower B. cut C. bring D. get
Câu 7 A. selection B. product C. fabric D. material
Câu 8 A. holding B. meeting C. obtaining D. comprising
Câu 9 A. heading B. leading C. charging D. fronting
Câu 10 A. gain B. learn C. make D. gather
Câu 11 A. high B. large C. great D. deep
Câu 12 A. outcomes B. findings C. implications D. derivations

Bài 7 - Read the following passage on architecture by Lawrence B. Anderson, and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your
answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.

I. They call Jamaica the 'Island in the Sun', and that is my memory of it. Of sunshine, warmth and abundant fruit
growing everywhere, and of love. I was born on 2 April 1960 in St. Andrews in Kingston. There were two sisters ahead
of me in the family, and though of course I didn't know it, there wasexcited talk of emigration, possibly to Canada but
more usually to England, the land of opportunity. I guess that plans were already being made when I was born, for a
year or so later my Dad left for London. Two years after that, when he had saved enough money, my Mum went as well
and my sisters and I were left in the care of my grandmother. I stayed with her, in her house near the centre of Kingston,
until I was seven years old. My grandmother, therefore, shaped my life, and I believe I am all the better for it.
II. This was all fairly normal. Emigrating to better yourself was a dream for most Jamaicans, a dream many were
determined to fulfill. Families were close and grandmothers were an important part of family life so, when the mass
emigration began, it seemed perfectly right and natural for them to take over the running of the families left behind.
After all, they had the experience. Grandmothers are often strict, but they usually also spoil you. At least, that is the way
it was with mine. She ran the family like a military operation: each of us, no matter how young, had our tasks.
III. My Dad came over from England to see how we were getting on. I hadn't known him when he had left for Britain,
but when I saw him I somehow knew that he was my father. He talked to us about the new country, about snow, about
the huge city, and we all wanted to know more, to see what it was like. He also told me that I now had a younger
brother, which made me feel excited and wonder what he could be like. I didn't know it at the time, but he had come to
prepare us for the move to England. Six months later my grandmother told me that I was going to join my parents and
that she, too, was emigrating. It was the end of my time in the Caribbean, of the sheltered, warm, family life that I had
known there, and the beginning of a new and exciting era.
IV. London was strange and disappointing. There was no gold on the pavements, as the stories in Jamaica had indicated.
Back home it had always been warm. Everyone was friendly and said 'Hello' when you passed by on the street; in
Kingston you knew everybody and they knew you. Here, it wasn't like that. The roads were busy, the buildings were
grey and dull, with many tall, high-rise blocks. It was totally unlike Jamaica, the houses all small and packed close
together. In my grandmother's house I had a big bedroom; here I had to share. At that age it was a great disappointment.
V. Worse was to come, because there followed a very cold winter, and I had never felt cold in my life before. Then
came the biggest shock: snow. White flakes came out of the sky and Dad smiled, pointed and said, 'That's snow!' I
rushed outside, looked up and opened my mouth to let the flakes drop in. The snow settled on my tongue and it was so
cold that I cried. My toes lost all feeling, and at the primary school that we attended I wasn't allowed to wear long
trousers at my age. The teachers made us go out to play in the playground and I joined in with all the fun, sliding around
in the snow,throwing snowballs, all the usual things. Suddenly, as my shoes and socks got soaking wet and frozen, there
came a terrible pain and I cried with the intensity of it. I didn't know what was happening to me.

Câu 1 The writer says that when he was very young, _________.
A. he was upset because his parents left. B. he was very keen to go to England.
C. his parents had decided to leave D. his parents changed their plans.
Câu 2 The writer says that when he lived with his grandmother__________
A. he was treated like the other children. B. he wanted to be like the other children
C. he tried to avoid doing certain duties D. he found some of her rules strange.
Câu 3 What happened when the writer’s father came?
A. his father did not tell him why he had come. B. he did not know how to react to his father.
C. his father told him things that were untrue. D. he felt anxious about what his father told him.
Câu 4 What does the writeer says about snow?
A. he was not sure how to react when he saw it. B. he regretted coming into contact with it.
C. he was embarrassed that it made him cry. D. he was not very keen to touch it.
Câu 5 According to the writer, many people from Jamaica at that time________
A. wanted to be free from responsibility B. had ambitions that were unrealistic
C. wanted to improve their standard of living D. disliked the country they came from
Câu 6 what does “ this” in paragraph 3 refer to ?
A. being told what to do by his sisters. B. having to sweep the yard before school.
C. having to do duties he found difficult D. being given orders by his grandmother
Câu 7 When the writer first went to London he was disappointed because ______
A. it was smaller than he had expected B. he had been given a false impression of it.
C. he had to spend a lot of time on his own D. his new surroundings frightened him.
Câu 8 Which of the following would be the best title for this passage?
A. too many changes B. a Strange childhood C. Hard Times D. From Sun to Snow.

Bài 8 - Read the following passage on architecture by Lawrence B. Anderson, and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your
answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.

It is hard to think of a world without gas or electricity. Both are commonly used for lighting and heating today. We now
can instantly flick a lighter or strike a match to make a flame. But it was not long ago that there were no such things as
matches or lighters. To make fire, it was necessary to strike a piece of iron on flint for sparks to ignite some tinder. If the
tinder was damp, or the flint old, you had to borrow some fire from a neighbor.
We do not know exactly when or how people first used fire. Perhaps, many ages ago, they found that sticks would burn
if they were dropped into some hole where melted lava from a volcano lay boiling. They brought the lighted sticks back
to make their fire in a cave. Or, they may have seen trees catch fire through being struck by lightning, and used the trees
to start their own fires.
Gradually people learned they could start a fire without traveling far to find flames. They rubbed two pieces of wood
together. This method was used for thousands of years.
When people became used to making fires with which to cook food and stay warm at night, they found that certain
resins or gums from trees burnt longer and brighter. They melted resins and dipped branches in the liquid to make
torches that lit their homes at night. Iron stands in which torches used to be fixed can still be seen in old buildings of
There was no lighting in city streets until gas lamps, and then electric lamps were installed. Boys ran about London at
night carrying torches of burning material. They were called torch boys, or link boys, and earned a living by guiding
visitors to friends’ houses at night.
For centuries homes were lit by candles until oil was found. Even then, oil lamps were no more effective than a cluster
of candles. We read about the splendors and marvels of ancient palaces and castles, but we forget that they must have
been gloomy and murky places at night.
Câu 1 The word “lighter” in the passage mostly means ...........
A. a device that uses electricity, oil or gas to produce light
B. a small device that produces a flame for lighting cigarettes, etc.
C. the energy from the sun, a lamp, etc. that makes it possible to see things
D. a hot bright stream of burning gas that comes from something that is on fire
Câu 2 The first fire used by people was probably obtained ........
A. from the sun’s heat through glass B. by rubbing wood together
C. from heat or fire caused by nature D. by striking iron against flint
Câu 3 Before the electric lamp was invented .........
A. oil lamps and then candles were used B. candles and oil lamps appeared about the same time C. candles
and then oil lamps were used D. people did not use any form of lighting in their houses
Câu 4 Which sentence is NOT TRUE according to the passge?
A. We know exactly when and how people first used fire. B. A world is impossible without gas or electricity. C.
We can make a fire by striking a piece of iron on flint to ignite some tinder.
D. Matches and lighters were invented not long ago.
Câu 5 To make a fire in times just before the advent of matches, it was essential to have access to....... .
A. a burning fire or to possess flint B. a burning fire or to possess iron
C. flint, iron and dry tinder D. a magnifying glass
Câu 6 Torches for lighting were made from ...........
A. the wood of gum trees B. iron bars dipped in melted resins
C. wooden poles dipped in oil D. tree branches dipped in melted resins
Câu 7 The word “splendors” in the passage mostly means ................. .
A. wonderful things that have been achieved B. places where a lot of people go on holiday C. things that
fill one with surprise and admiration D. the beautiful and impressive features of a place
Câu 8 The word “gloomy” in the passage mostly means .............
A. totally covered with darkness B. badly lit in a way that makes one feel sad
C. containing a lot of white D. full of light; having the natural light of

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