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Learning the Keyboard

● Type the home keys: asdf <space> jkl;

● Type the home keys, capitalized, using the shift key: ASDF <space> JKL;
● Move up and type the top row: qwertyuiop
● Move down and type the bottom row: zxcvbnm,.
● Type the alphabet, one letter at a time, trying not to look down.

Phrases to Practice

● Pack my box with five dozen liquid diet cans or jugs.

● Crazy Fredericka bought many very exquisite opal jewels.
● Sixty zippers were quickly picked from the woven jute bag.
● Amazingly few discotheques provide jukeboxes.
● Heavy boxes perform quick waltzes and jigs.
● Jackdaws love my big sphinx of quartz.
● The five boxing wizards jump quickly.
● How quickly daft jumping zebras vex.
● Quick zephyrs blow, vexing daft Jim.
● Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow.
● Waltz, nymph, for quick jigs vex Bud.
● Blowzy night-frumps vex'd Jack Q.
● Glum Schwartzkopf vex'd by NJ IQ.
● The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.

Other Exercises

● this, they, the, thou, than, then, think, thank

● as, at, all, am, an, app, ant, art, act, after
● set, send, sat, sit, sip, sap, sop, sup
● def, done, dan, din, dit, dot, dop
● fit, fat, fop, fip, fup, fet, fey, fem, fun
● gut, gun, gum, gux, guz, goz, get, git
● hut, hit, hip, hap, him, hin, hib, hux, huz
● jut, just, jup, jet, jen, jem, jex
● kit, kat, kot, kut, kon, kom
● list, last, lost, long, ling, lang
● queen, quit, quince, quiet, quote
● extra, exes, exit, exist, exotic
● but, bun, bit, bip, bet, bert, bew
● vet, vit, vot, vote, devout, devour

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