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How can we form a habit of studying?

Habbit' is not something that can be started from a point of time , actually it need
patience and practice to grow it. Now coming directly to your question , u need to
make study as your habbit .Okay ..Try to study for one hour only and that too your
interesting subject or topic. What happened ?? Bored by this one hour ? No then
continue …If yes then leave it for today.. next day put a reward for urself..Say like if
you study for 1 hour you will spend 20 mins in watching your favorite show or
whatever u like to do. Now come back daily with this study and reward for same
time and for same duration at least 6–7 days . Then increase your study time and
simultaneously the reward time . Gradually your mind will be craved in a position
to study in that time also will be used to the reward.

Then ask some of key questions to you everyday .. Self introspection is the key to
success . Why you need to study ? You could play ?You could Sing ? You could walk
and roam with friends ? What others have achieved by studying ? What do you want
to do after 5 years? What is the goal of your life ? Try to answer these questions
honestly . If study is the answer for achieving that goal, then the habbit generated
by you will be strenthened . Raise the study time more and more , reduce the
reward time and it's form But don't put an end to reward ..It is essential .

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