Revised Essay 2019

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Claudia Hernandez

Professor Holly Batty

English 101

29 May 2019

College and A Baby

College is very challenging but with a child it can be more difficult and stressful to

succeed academically. Having to provide for more than yourself and deal with college expenses

can be a real challenge can cause a lot of stress. Parenting is a full-time job and being in college

requires a lot of time it can cause the student distress having to juggle both at the same time.

Keeping in mind the importance of higher education is a way of motivating ourselves to achieve

our goals no matter the circumstances like having a baby in college. College Parent students are

one group of scholars that require further help and support to succeed in college but with more

job opportunities on campus for student parents. This will help them get their college degree and

succeed academically while raising their kid.

Having to raise a baby and get a higher education can be very difficult but it is important

to finish college even with challenging circumstances. Challenging obstacles can make you a

stronger person because once we accomplish those higher goals, we will feel satisfied and know

that we can do it. I have seen that from experience with my older sister. When she had her baby at

23 while she was attending community college, she almost gave up many times but after pushing

herself she accomplished her goal she received her associate’s degree. After overcoming one of

her biggest challenge she felt ready and prepared to take on start her bachelor’s education. By

finishing college both the student and child would benefit from this as the parent would be prepared

intellectually and socially for a higher paying job after college. There are studies that show
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finishing higher education leads to numerous job opportunities. “A study conducted by US Bureau

found that earnings increased with increased levels of education, too, with respect to every

successive degree — with the exception of doctorate degrees”,(Vista College Blog). I found this

to be very relevant because it shows the importance of earning the degree. Student parents will be

able to have a higher paying job after finish college and provide for their families with less

financial problems. It may take a lot of mental focus and with a child it can seem impossible, but

keeping in mind the importance of achieving your goal is a way to push yourself to not give up

and take on the challenges that will make you stronger.

Even though it is a fact student parents face many challenging obstacles, one might object

that it was the student’s decision to not be safe male or female it was their choice. With so many

birth control options there is no reason to not be careful and prevent pregnancies. Preventing

pregnancy will help students not have to worry about taking care of another human being making

it less stressful for them to achieve their academic goals in college. Being in college requires a

lot of studying time and time on campus which can be very difficult raising a child at the same

time. That is why being safe and looking into options that prevent pregnancy is important to

make being in college easier while you just have yourself to worry about. As a parent you must

make your child the main priority providing financial income to be able to care for your child.

The expensive that comes with being a parent can be very stressful especially if the job is low

pay that may cause parent students to get another job taking time away from college making it

harder to succeed academically. Even though children are a blessing knowing when to start that

chapter in life is significant for college students to help them do well academically with less

distractions and stress that comes with being a parent.

It is true that it is the student’s choice with not being safe and deciding to not to be protective,
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but things don’t always go as planned. But here at Los Angeles Valley College there is a lot of

parent students and its typically the younger students that need the most help as there life still is a

work in progress and being in college and being a parent is not easy. It is draining on the student

but with the right help on campus it can be less difficult for them to manage everything in a

timely manner keeping up with classes. With giving more job opportunities for students with

children specifically and offer flexible set hours would help students financially but also

academically with the chance to work on campus and attend classes before or after work and if

their child is at the child care center here at Valley College it would be easier for them to focus

on school and work plus if they need to go check on their child it would all be on the same

campus. This is what could help student parents be success in college, help them financially, and

make it less stressful which will contribute to their overall success with being a college student

and at the same time a parent. Less stress will overall help their grades and help them finish

college while also being a parent. In an article “The Mind and Mental Health How Stress Affects

the Brain” by Rebecca Bernstein from Touro University she states “Stress can lead to trouble,

High levels of cortisol can wear down the brain’s ability to function properly” and “cortisol

helps regulate blood sugar levels in cells and has utilitarian value in the hippocampus, where

memories are stored and processed”. I thought this article was very interesting because too much

stress can really affect someone’s health and college students have to deal with a lot of pressure

but having to do that and college can be very tough but with more job opportunities it can really

make college less stressful for them and help them finish college faster than they expect. Even if

it is true it was there choice to not be safe and have a baby this would help all student parents

returning or new. Here at Valley College we can help student parents succeed and get their

degree, they’re working so hard for. Students will benefit from this by getting a job in a career
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that they worked for no matter the obstacles in their life they can do it with the right resources

and help from people around them.

Student parents are just one group of students within Valley college that struggle

significantly with having to juggle school, work and being a parent all in one. More jobs on

campus will aid these students as they won’t have to transport to multiple places for work and

school it’ll be on the same campus making it less stressful to finish college while being a parent.

Here at Valley college there are many students that could really use the extra money and help

with their school by working on campus they won’t have to worry about work conflicting their

work schedule. More job openings on campus for student parents this will help more achieve

their degrees or certificates they need to be more successful.

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Work Cited

Beyer, Monica. “Managing College and Kids.” SheKnows, 10 July 2018,

“The Mind and Mental Health: How Stress Affects the Brain.” Touro University WorldWide,
Rebecca Bernstein, 4 Jan. 2019,

“The Importance of Higher Education in the 21st Century.” Edited by Vista College, Vista
College, 4 Dec. 2018,

Hussung, Tricia. “The Benefits Of Having A College Degree.” TeachThought, 5 Oct. 2018,

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