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Hello- Привет

Good afternoon- Добрый день

Good morning- Доброе утро
Good evening- Добрый вечер
Good night- Доброй ночи
Good bye- До свидания

Where are you from? - I am from Moldova

How old are you? – I am 32 years old.
Where do you live? - I live in Balti.
How are you? - Как ты себя чувствуешь?
Nice to meet you- Рад познакомиться
Glad to see you- Рад вас видеть.
What is the weather like today? - Какая сегодня погода?
What day is it today? – Какой сегодня день?
It is Monday today- Сегодня понедельник.

Дни недели:

Английский Русский Произношение

Monday Понедельник 'mʌndei
Tuesday Вторник 'tju:zdei
Wednesday Среда 'wenzdei
Thursday Четверг ˈθɜːzdei
Friday Пятница 'fraidei
Saturday Суббота 'sætədei
Sunday Воскресенье 'sʌndei

Глагол - связка to be - быть
I am I am not I’m not Am I? Yes, you are/ No, you are not
You are You are not you Are you? Yes, I am/ No, I am not
He is He is not he isn’t Is he? Yes, he is/ No, he isn’t
She is She is not she isn’t Is she? Yes, she is/ No, she isn’t
It is It is not it isn’t Is it? Yes, it is/ No, it isn’t
We are We are not we aren’t Are we? Yes, we are/ No, we aren’t
They are They are not they aren’t Are they? Yes, they are/ No, they aren’t
Положительное Отрицательное Вопросительное

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