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● Objectives

○ Students will apply knowledge attained in class.

○ Students will reflect on their learning.
● Daily Starter
○ Submit last assignment if done.
○ Why is Earth Day important?
■ It is important because is shows the importance of our earth and what it
has provided to us.
○ What group are you in?
■ Construction
○ Why did you choose it?
■ I first was in mentoring and I couldn't do that so construction was my
second choice.
○ What do you hope to learn today?
● Daily Lesson
○ Prep for Trip
■ Permission Slip
■ $1
■ Lunch
■ Clothing, water, backpack, water…
○ Depart for trip @ 9:15
○ Return @ 1:30
○ Reflective Essay (Minimum Intro, Body and Conclusion) (Choose a prompt)
■ How are Sustainability, Earth Day and this trip connected?
■ Can you make a sustainable difference?
■ If you were going to design an Earth Day Celebration that makes a
sustainable difference what would it be like?
■ If you were able to convince all humans to make one Earth Day change
what would it be?
■ What is one sustainable change or action that you think Spokane, City
School, or our School District could make this Earth Day? How would it
change our community? Why would you do it?
● Essay

How are sustainability, earth day, and this trip connected? Well, I will give you a bit of
background on each topic first. If you don't know sustainability is the act of keeping something at
a constant rate that is not harming the environment around it. Earth day is big around the world
and its purpose is to support environmental protection. With our trip what I did was making
birdhouses for the local birds to have a safe home for them and their young.

Why and how sustainability is connected to earth day you may ask, well, Earth day is
supporting environmental protection because the environment is unstable for whatever reason it
may be because of. While the point of sustainability is to keep something stable by it being
balanced by keeping it at a constant level. Earth day is an act of sustainability because its
purpose is to make the environment balanced just how everything should be. Earth day show
them in the environment that needs to be changed such as overhunting. When there is not
enough of one food for one animal the whole ecosystem can and will be affected. That is where
sustainable thinking comes into play. You must have a balanced ecosystem for everything to
work properly.

On the trip, I was part of the group that built birdhouses for local birds that are slowly
leaving this area because of their homes. The act of making safe reliable birdhouses will help
them stay here because it gives them a good and safe place for them to live and shelter their
young. The reason this is sustainable it is keeping their place in the environment the same an
that is an act of sustainability. We are also making sure these houses are a bit right for their

The reason the trip and Earth day are connected is that we are fixing a problem in our
area. This is all that Earth day is about fixing environmentally problem. As said earlier we built a
sustainable home for the birds that will be long-lasting and be homes to multiple birds. All of
these categories all work together to achieve a goal that is to keep something stable and is
doing good for the environment.

To conclude Earth day, sustainability, and our trip all want the main goal and that is to
keep something at a certain level or rate. Earthday wants to address problems in the
environment around the world and how to help fix them. Sustainability is the way to keep
something work well in the ecosystem. our trip was to keep the ecosystem sustainable by
making homes for the local bird. I hope you now see the connection to these three areas and
what they want to do.

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