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I am certainly glad to hear you are still involved with that particular

path. Inner Alchemy is great, but unless you're living in a monastary,

it's not very practical although I personally believe that those who are
meant to possess the Alchemic Wisdom will be thoroughly immersed in every
aspect of it not necessarily just through researching
the many paths available to us, but also as a natural genetic tendency to
understand the creation.

As a side note, I believe the Red Stone must be heated slowly, the heat
increasing gradually over days and weeks, to a near-boil. The vapors
must be captured and condensed into a small flask, with the vapors
thereof passing thru a tube into purified water. I believe the water will
"catch" the remainder of the acetate vapor and "kill" it.

When the Red Stone is first put into the retort, it must be in the form
of a thin paste, almost like pancake batter. Mercury holds his Caduceus
at this point, by which I mean both Waters must be used. Mix them in a
1:3 ratio with the "Fiery Dry Water" being the lesser quantity, and pour
just enough onto the Red Stone paste to barely cover the surface. If you
distill it in a completely sealed vessel, at a moderate temperature (ie
80-90 degrees F) for a week or so it should begin to turn black again.
At this point, add it back to the "Earth from which it was taken" (the
Old Grey Dragon who guards the ashes of our ancestors) and again mix it
to a thin paste, and let the whole compound rot into blackness. Make sure
it doesn't dry out or get too moist, or a dangerous red abortion will
result, which is the ruin of the whole substance -- It is a Basilisk, and
the Chimera that resembles Our Stone but is of an opposing nature. Once
the blackness is finished, the White Stone will appear along the edges
(if at room temperature) or in the center (if heated).

Once the whole matter is black, it should be exposed to the air for a
moment ("cutting off the head of the Black Dragon" so to speak) and
allowed to slowly dry at a slightly raised temperature, still Sealed. You
can save the vapors of the Black Stone, though they are very poisonous,
(and smell like a rotten pear mixed with motor oil and licorice).

After the Black Stone has begun to turn white, you must douse it in the
Water of the Moon, or the Silvery, Cold, Biting Water, which will
increase the whiteness. Keep it sealed and cooking until the white stone
seems to slow its growth, then either leave it "rooted" so it can develop
into the Yellow, Orange, and Red, or you can take the White Stone out and
remove all traces of the Black and Grey Stones from it. Then, cooking
alone with the Twin Waters, with a 1:3 ratio (this time the Firey Dry
Water being the major portion) the Stone will quickly develop into the
Yellow, Orange, and Red. The Yellow and Orange are most beautiful, but
you must not touch it until it is ripened, when the whole Stone will be
Red as blood, and by then it should have dried up on its own. Let it dry
in its sealed vessel until it melts, or until it crystallizes into a
lump. This Lump is the Red Stone, the 3rd of 4 stages, the last
being the Philosophers' Stone itself. Although I have made the Black,
White, and Red(also Yellow and Orange) many many times, I have never had
opportunity (lacking a lab) to bring the Red Stone to perfection. This
is the same process, simply leave it sealed and cook it. The temperature
must be higher, and I suspect that no "Moon Water" should be used.
Alternatively, I have never tried washing the Red Stone in purified H2O,
but I have a feeling it may be a key to changing the quasi-
metallic/acetic nature of the Stone into a salt-like state, possibly
making the Red Stone potable. Also, fermenting the Red Stone in some red
wine with organic matter (ie fermenting grapes or apples) may make it

I say potable as though it were not, but I have ingested small amounts of
the Red and White several dozen times. I do not get colds, flu, etc. and
my hair & nails grow exceptionally fast. Also, the so-called "scar" left
on my brain in a (very bad) car wreck healed so completely that 12
doctors and 4 neurologists can no longer find anything other than a
"minor glitch in brainwave patterns". I'm not saying the Stone did that
for me, but who knows? Anything is possible. I have also had cavities in
my teeth heal randomly, and I sit in a chair most of the day when I'm not
working. Technically speaking, I shouldn't be so healthy. I also smoke a
pack and a half of Marlboro reds a day....Ever notice the Alchemic
symbology on their package? Oh yeah, and I haven't aged a day since I
last ate the Red Stone, over 12 years ago. I am 30 now, and I still have
to show I.D. to buy cigs, wine, beer, etc. In fact, I still have to show
my I.D. to get into R-rated movies. But then, that's a compliment,

If you're up for it, and are only using the safer materials to work with,
try about 20 milligrams or so of the Red Stone. Mix it with a little Red
Wine and take it in Communion. The Stone is holy, and should be taken as
a Divine Gift, never on a whim. It is said (by me) that the Black Stone
requires a Mild, Moist, Warm environment, suitable for decay. The White
Stone requires a Semi-humid, Moderately Hot environment, like a Summer
Day. The Red Stone requires a semi-dry, hot environment, like the edge of
a desert. All three require the "root" or "Grey Dragon" who guards the
dust & ashes of generations of living things. A simple cycle. Seal, Cook
carefully, and Wait. Nature does the rest.

Wow, am I rambling again? OOPS!!!

Steve_Kalec <> wrote:

>"Acetic acid is a molecule central to biochemistry, and is produced in

some amount by nearly all forms of life. This certainly gives credence to
the "Acetic Path" in practical laboratory.

It has always amazed me how out of the invisible energies the matter in
this work grows like a vegetable and how the metallic and vegetable
kingdom can be wed to produce a metal organic compound. I have always
believed in the "Acetic Path" and am still experimenting with it a lot.

Steve Kalec


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