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What do the five sense have to do with what

you think?
Hook: How do our senses change per person? (or, describe
it, or leave it a mystery). ​(“​“All o​ ur​ knowledge begins with the s​ enses​, 
proceeds then to the understanding, and ends with reason.”​)This talks about how
we use our senses everytime we do something.​ ​Three things the
five senses have to do with what we think are that what we
see and think are different for each of us, what we hear and
think are different for each of us, and what we taste and
think are different for each of us, because we all perceive life
One way we can understand that what we see and think
are different for each of us is by looking at an example. An
example of a sight that is different for each of us is seeing ​a
sunny sky​(or, choose your own). When I see this, I think of
when I was younger and played with my friends outside,
because It has a nostalgic feeling. This is unique to me,
because I’ve become more anti-social.
Another way we can understand that what we hear and
what we think are different for each of us is by looking at an
example. An example of a sound that is different for each of
us is the sound of fireworks (or, choose your own). When I
hear fireworks, I think of freedom, because they sound
similar to mortar fire and grenades. This is unique to me,
because most of my family has been in the military and
similar branches.
One way we can understand that what we taste and think
are different for each of us is by looking at an example. An
example of a taste that is different for each of us is by
thinking about tasting a plate of salad (or, choose your own).
When I taste salad, I think of healthier times, because salad
is one way to cut down on calories and get a diet going. This
is unique to me, because I try to stay fit and healthy while
playing sports.
Three things the five senses have to do with what we think
are that what we see and think are different for each of us,
what we hear and think are different for each of us, and
what we taste and think are different for each of us, because
we all perceive life differently. ​Of these three, I think the one
most important for me is sight, because I am an athlete and sight
is extremely important for sports. If I were to write a personal
essay about the (best image or scariest sound), I would write
about any major fire, because without sight, you would have a
lot of trouble surviving. How do your personal memories affect
the way you think about what you see, hear, taste, touch, or

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