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Chapter 1



Research is a very important tool in national and global progress. Its value

cannot be underestimated for it is directed towards the preservation and

improvement of quality of life (Calderon and Gonzales, 1993). Moreover, the

purpose of research is to serve man and the goal of research is good live. Hence,

due to research man becomes progressive because man is utilizing the products of

research. Thus, research capabilities of teachers have a crucial role to play in

nurturing and supporting each child’s creative potential, and can contribute to this

by exemplifying creativity in their own teaching.

Research serves as a solution to societal problems that are apparent from

community level up to different government and non-government agencies. Thus,

most government and non-government agencies are developing research agenda

in order to find solutions to prevailing problems observed in the society.

In keeping with the improving standards of education, teachers need to

undergo professional development processes. Developing teachers to be

professionals and as professionals motivate teachers to excel in their chosen career

path to help create a learned humanity. Teachers’ professional growth has been

described by many researchers.



If teachers are professionally developed in teaching research-related

subjects, it will have an impact to their students. They will be the ones to guide and

teach these learners about every important detail and skills needed in order for the

learners to be capable in conducting their own studies. There are a lot of sacrifices

from these students while they are conducting their research studies not because of

the demands of strict research teachers but because these students have been

caught up by the beauty of their research studies. Research is full of wonderful

mysteries that all the hardships are paid off upon the manuscript’s completion. By

operational definition of the term completion among these students, manuscripts

may only reach completion once the printed paper has been signed by the panel of

experts after a series of painstaking revisions and defenses.

These amateur researchers are ordinary students. They are not like those

rare kids whose intelligences and critical-mindedness are at par with Stephen

Hawking the great cosmologist or Robert Oppenheimer the father of atomic bomb.

But when these students have put quality education so much deep into their hearts

and have taken Research is Life very seriously, that is the time they become truly

rare and special.

Research is a serious and diligent quest for knowledge that must be promoted

because its results have far-reaching benefits. It expands the field of knowledge

further, discovering and generating new concepts, practices, and understanding.

These in turn redound to applications that advance socio-economic enterprises and

benefit communities. By taking an active role in the pursuit of knowledge through



research, different instituions and universities validates their existence as a learning

institution that serves not only its immediate constituency of students and faculty but

the community and the entire country. They believe that training in the responsible

conduct of research is an essential component of higher education and an important

element in the implementation of the research agenda to increase research

opportunities at an institution.

Background of the Study

The Senior High School curriculum compose of 3 major subjects: core

subjects, applied subjects, and specialization subjects. Core subjects are those

subjects that have competencies common to all programs. Whatever is taught to

one class is the same to all classes regardless of their programs. Applied subjects

are those subjects also taught to all classes but whose competencies vary according

to the program of the class. Lastly, specialized subjects are those subjects which

are only taught to those specific subjects.

Concentrating on the applied subjects, these partially compose of three

different applied research subjects: Practical Research 1 that focuses on qualitative

researches, Practical Research 2 that focuses on quantitative researches, and

Inquiries, Investigations, and Immersions that focuses on the combined learnings of

qualitative and quantitative researches.

As a result, students enter such courses with negative feelings and attitudes.

This is a very discouraging trend since students might not benefit from these courses

as much when they enter them with negative attitudes during their last semester at


schools. Moreover, students who have negative feelings toward research and

statistics will be less likely to become involved in research in their professional

careers. This is an especially discouraging situation in an era in which efforts are

being made to increase the research culture among professionals.

In order for them to acquire the skills and knowledge necessary in conducting

a research, they should be guided by teachers and instructors who are

professionally capable and knowledgeable about all the technical details in

conducting a study. The work of the faculty in higher education institutions has

traditionally been trifocal, consisting of teaching, research and community

service/extension. Faculty members are required to become teachers, researchers,

and service-oriented professionals. This traditional trinity is expected to operate in

relation to the specific goals and mission of the college or university. The strategic

directions of the institutions influence the level of concentration on each task to be

given by faculty members. Moreover, each institution develops criteria to assess the

extent to which a faculty member is an efficient teacher, productive researcher, and

active university citizen. The challenge is in maintaining the trinity in sustaining one’s

academic career. It is undeniable that faculty discretion is exercised within the three

functions, but the questions of compliance and productivity become the heart and

soul in understanding the academic profession (Salazar-Clemeña, R. M., & Almonte-

Acosta, S. A. 2007, September).

Research capabilities of educators are crucial to a sustainable and lifelong

learning perspective. Starting at the level of individual schools, education systems



need to combine the development of specific knowledge and skills with generic

capacities linked to creativity, such as curiosity, intuition, critical and lateral thinking,

problem solving, experimentation, risk taking and the ability to learn from failure, use

of the imagination and hypothetical reasoning, and a sense of entrepreneurship.

Professional development of the teachers are very much necessary to produce

students capable of doing research studies.

In order for a nation to develop, its education must be based on a solid

foundation and all facilities needed for enhancing any educational program must be

provided. These include the recruitment of professional and academically qualified

teachers who are interested in the educational development of the nation. A country

can only develop significantly and attain greater heights in the committee of nations

through a comprehensive teacher education program (Ololube, 1997; 2004).

Teacher education should assume a more active social role in producing research,

in debates and in teaching as this will pro- mote the development and general

appreciation of the teaching profession. All teacher education and training must

include content that helps teacher trainees to interpret vand influence current

phenomena in society, the economy, culture and working life. Prospective teachers

must also gain an awareness of the ethi- cal responsibility intrinsic to the teaching

profession not only in theory but also through experience. The models assimilated

during teacher education consti- tute a crucial basis for future work. Arguing the

need for an effective teacher education program, Lawal (2003) indicated that skilled

and effective teaching and learning are expected from professionally trained


teacherns. They are ex- pected to employ the use of teaching aids to supplement

other methods and manage and control their classes for effective learning.

Theoretical Framework

This research study is anchored primarily on motivational theory by Frederick

Herzberg to explain the attitude of students relative to conduct of research. The idea

is that when one considers the knowledge acquired from undertaking research as

meaningful and relevant, it would affect his intrinsic motivation. This study is further

anchored on Bandura’s self-efficacy theory which refers to “an individual’s belief or

conviction that one can successfully achieve at a designated level an academic task

or attain a specific academic goal” In the conduct of research, ones’ feelings, way of

thinking and motivation ultimately affect his attitude and eventually the result of his

research. Strongly anchored on these two theories, the present undertaking

assumes that when one’s self-efficacy towards research is high, he/she tends to put

greater effort into investigating the subject, which eventually results in the

completion of research. In other words, it means that when a researcher possesses

high level of self-efficacy towards research, it means in the same way that he/she

has high level of confidence in completing the research. This is in consonance with

the study conducted by Hemmings and Kay in Australia who revealed that student’s

behavior towards Mathematics was associated significantly with the amount of effort

they devote learning the subject. This result simply means that when students spend

effort in their studies, they have positive attitude towards learning. Likewise, a study

conducted in Spain was quite similar to that of Hemmings and Kay which focused in


determining the relationship between university students’ self-efficacy level for

performance and learning including their effort regulation. The study revealed that

as students possess higher self-efficacy level, they put more effort into their

academic studies. Another theory is from Zemelman, Daniels and Hyde (2005) who

concluded that there are thirteen interlocking principles, assumptions or theories that

characterize their model of education. They state that these principles are deeply

interrelated so that they do not operate independently, but rather each influences

the other. They group these principles into the three main clusters, cognitive, social

and student-centred. Hence, as the five elements of the latter cluster addresses

various aspects of student-centred teaching and learning, according to Zemelman,

Daniels and Hyde, “student– centred” is the best point at which to start to determine

learners’ real interests. This eliminates learners engaging in a studying content

which is unfocused and irrelevant to their real needs. These authorities describe

“experiential” as when learners are actively engaged in direct, real experiences,

which they consider as the most powerful and natural form of learning. For

Zemelman, Daniels and Hyde with the “holistic” element, learners acquire

knowledge best when they are required to interface with whole ideas, events and

materials in purposeful context rather than by studying subparts of the content which

is distinct from how they are actually required to apply it in real life. Then, “authentic”

relates to the learners’ exposure to real, rich, complex ideas and materials which

empower them as opposed to simplified content which places them in a state of

disempowerment. Zemelman, Daniels and Hyde offer the final interrelated element


in student-centred as “challenging,” which is aimed at providing learners with the

knowledge to apply the relevant skills to facilitate their optimum learning and to take

responsibility of their own learning when they encounter genuine challenges and

choices in their everyday lives. Thus, based on the foundational tenets of best

practices principles in the teaching and learning environment outlined in the work of

Zemelman, Daniels and Hyde, this work presents an adequate framework for the

research students’ attitude to research.

Within moral and political philosophy, the capability approach has in recent decades emerged as a new theoretical
framework about well-being, development and justice. Although we can trace some aspects of the capability
approach back to, among others, Aristotle, Adam Smith, and Karl Marx (see Nussbaum 1988, 1992; Sen 1993,
1999: 14, 24; Walsh 2000), it is economist-philosopher Amartya Sen who pioneered the approach and philosopher
Martha Nussbaum and a growing number of other scholars across the humanities and the social sciences who have
significantly developed it. The capability approach purports that freedom to achieve well-being is a matter of what
people are able to do and to be, and thus the kind of life they are effectively able to lead. The capability approach is
generally conceived as a flexible and multi-purpose framework, rather than a precise theory of well-being
(Sen 1992: 48; Robeyns 2005: 94–96; Qizilbash 2008: 53–54; Sen 2009a; Robeyns 2016). This open-ended and
underspecified nature partly explains why the term ‘capability approach’ was chosen and is now used in the
philosophical literature rather than, say, ‘capability theory’. The terms ‘capability approach’ and ‘capabilities
approach’ are both used in the literature to refer to the same thing. Some philosophers have started to use the term
'capabilitarianism' (Robeyns 2016; Nielsen and Axelsen forthcoming)
Despite some philosophical disagreements about the best description of the capability approach, it is generally
understood as a conceptual framework for a range of normative exercises, including most prominent the following:
(1) the assessment of individual well-being; (2) the evaluation and assessment of social arrangements; and (3) the
design of policies and proposals about social change in society. In all these normative exercises, the capability
approach prioritizes certain of peoples' beings and doings and their opportunities to realize those beings and doings
(such as their genuine opportunities to be educated, their ability to move around or to enjoy supportive social
relationships). This stands in contrast to other accounts of well-being, which focus exclusively on subjective
categories (such as happiness) or on the material means to well-being (such as resources like income or wealth).
Martha Nussbaum (2011) has described the general capability approach (not her own specific theory) as consisting
of two clusters, one focussing on comparative quality of life and the other on theorising about justice. The two
clusters would share a focus on what people are able doing and being, and would share a commitment to five
principles: treating each person as an end; a focus on choice and freedom rather than achievements; pluralism about
values; being deeply concerned with entrenched social injustices; and ascribing an urgent task to government.
However, it has been argued that only two of those (namely, treating each person as an end and pluralism about
values) are genuinely essential to each and every capability theory, and that in addition there exists work in the
capability approach that does not neatly fit into one of the two clusters that Nussbaum proposes (Robeyns 2016).
There is clearly disagreement among capability scholars about how to understand this theoretical approach at the
most general and abstract level, and more research is needed to establish what would belong to the core of the
capability approach, and which model best describes the approach.
Scholars and policy makers use the capability approach in a wide range of fields, most prominently in development
studies and policymaking, welfare economics, social policy, and social and political philosophy. Yet across these


areas, the capability approach can be employed in both narrower and broader ways (Crocker and Robeyns 2009). In
the more narrow way, the capability approach tells us what information we should look at if we are to judge how
well someone's life is going or has gone; this kind of information is needed in any account of well-being or human
development. Since the capability approach contends that the relevant kind of information concerns
human functionings (beings and doings) and capabilities (the opportunities to achieve those beings and doings), the
approach provides part of what is needed for interpersonal comparisons of well-being. This makes the approach
attractive to a variety of theorists and scholars since interpersonal comparisons are needed for a range of different
exercises, such as comparing how well two persons (or groups or societies) are doing at the same time or
comparing one person (or groups or society) at two different moments in time. In the narrower use of the capability
approach, the focus is often strictly on the evaluation of individual functioning levels or on both functionings and
capabilities. However, to apply this approach, we also need to decide which are the beings and doings that matter
for the various normative usages of the approach (the selection of functionings and capabilities) and how each
person's various functionings or capabilities are to be aggregated into one overall assessment of well-being or of
freedom to achieve well-being (the aggregation of the various dimensions). These are crucial challenges for the
capability approach, and will be discussed in more detail inSection 3.2.
In its broader uses, the capability approach not only evaluates the lives of individuals (as in the more narrow use),
but also includes other considerations in its evaluations. For example, the broader use of the capability approach
often pays attention to other normative considerations and other values than only well-being, such as efficiency,
agency, empowerment, or procedural fairness. For example, David Crocker (2008) has extended the capability
approach with accounts of agency and participation into a more detailed account of development ethics, but
discusses at length that not all versions of the capability approach are embracing agency so explicitly. Similarly, the
capability approach can be developed into an alternative evaluative tool which can replace traditional social cost-
benefit analysis (Alkire 2002). Or it can be used as a normative framework within which to evaluate and design
policies and social institutions, ranging from welfare-state design in relatively affluent societies (Wolff and de-
Shalit 2007), to governmental and nongovernmental development policies in poor countries, to policies that
affluent countries and international institutions employ (or are advised to employ) in their efforts to aid poor
countries (UNDP 1990–2010). In what follows we will discuss the capability approach in its narrow use, except if
otherwise indicated.
The capability approach is a normative theory, rather than an explanatory theory: in other words, it is not a theory
that will explain poverty, inequality, or well-being, but rather a theory that helps us to conceptualize these notions.
Nevertheless, the notions of functionings and capabilities in themselves can be employed as elements in
explanations of social phenomena, or one can use these notions in descriptions of poverty, inequality, quality of
life, and social change.

Conceptual Framework

Teachers’ Professional Student’s capability in

Profile conducting a Research



The figure shows how the variables of the study are related. The professional

profile of teachers who handle research subjects could influence or directly affect

their students’ research capability.

Statement of the Problem

This study aimed to determine the professional profile of senior high school teachers
and research capability of senior high school students in selected public high school
at Taguig City. The findings of this study may be used as a basis
for a writeshop program.
Specifically, it sought to answer the following questions:
1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of:
1.1 Teachers
1.1.1. School
1.1.2. Position
1.1.3. Length of Service
1.1.4. Age
1.1.5. Gender
1.1.6. Civil Status
1.1.7 Highest Educational Attainment
1.1.8 Academic Awards Received
1.1.9 Eligibility
2. What is the level of capability of the senior high school students in conducting
research in terms of the following:
2.1 Creating the major parts of the research paper
2.2 Identifying the research method to be used


2.3 Presenting the research and discussion
2.4 Drawing the conclusion and recommendation
2.5 Writing the references and citing the author
2.6 Support received from their respective schools and teachers
3. What are the challenges and problems encountered by the teachers andstudents
in conducting a research study?
4. Is there a significant relationship between senior high school students’ research
capability and the teachers’ professional profile?
5. Based on the findings of the study, what could be the focus of writeshopprogram
that will help teachers and students in doing a Research?

1. Professional profile of teachers have no significant relationship on the

research capability of the senior high school students.

Scope and Limitations of the Study

This study assessed the professional profile of teachers in senior high school

in selected public secondary schools located in Taguig City, as well as the research

capability of the senior high school students they handle. The instrument takes into

consideration the different aspects of Research wherein students will state their

competence based on their self-assessment and also the different factors that may

or may not directly affect their capabilities towards conducting a Research.

Significance of the Study

Learning is the aspect of development that connotes modification of behavior,

skills and knowledge that results from practice and experience which sought for

quality education. The generalization of this present study would be a great

contribution to the vast knowledge in relation to student’s achievements in their



future Research studies. Vital results of this investigation could be highly significant

and beneficial specifically to the following:

Students. The findings of this study will greatly benefit students, especially

the senior high schools who are exposed to Research subjects as part of the core

subjects in K-12 curriculum. Knowing the right attitude towards doing a Research

will greatly help them become more productive and actively engaged in the study.

Research exposes students to current practices, shows them how the theories and

models in their textbooks have evolved, and demonstrates applications. Seeing the

application and extension of textbook materials often brings that knowledge to life in

ways that assignments, exams, and class discussions simply can’t accomplish.

Research is important for the students because it helps them to have a detailed

analysis of everything. When you have proper in-depth analysis on any topic, the

result comes out to be fruitful and also the knowledge is enhanced.

Teachers. The results and findings of this study will greatly be beneficial to

teachers, especially those who handle senior high school research subjects for this

may serve as a basis for them to motivate their students to come up with a quality

Research study. Also, they will be aware of the different aspects of Research where

students are having difficulties and this will pave the way for them to create

innovations to help their learners change how they view Research. Lastly, this will

help them plan a writeshop program that will be beneficial for the students to become

more capable in doing research.



Department of Education. The results of this study will help the Department

of Education in assessing the needs of the students in terms of Research studies.

Educators face a lot of problem from curriculum development to teaching and

learning process. To work best on problems they have identified for themselves

they must examine their own educational practice systematically and carefully using

the techniques of research. Teachers and principals being in close touch with their

work should be encouraged to note their observations and solutions to problems

they face in teaching and school operation.

Curriculum Planners. This study will be beneficial to the part of the K-12

curriculum planners in evaluating the capabilities of the senior high school students

in conducting their Research. Through the results of this study, they could devise

innovations in the curriculum that will help students have a positive attitude towards


CHED. Aligned with the department’s determination to make inroads and

progress in promoting high-end research and development in the Philippines, the

findings of this study will help the administrators in this sector to further understand

how students view Research subjects and how this affects their capability in doing

such. This may help them assess what innovation they can implement to help the

students under the K-12 curriculum.

Future Researchers. The ideas presented may be used as reference data

in conducting new researches or in testing the validity of other related findings. This

study will also serve as their cross-reference that will give them a background or an


overview of the possible factors that affects students attitudes in doing a research

and its effect to their research capability.

Community and Society. We have been habituated to adaptability to new

things, as our desires and wants increases day by day. As our demands increases,

the requirement of research also rises. It can also be said that research is what that

makes our lives easier. It is just the result of the curiosity or anew new innovative

idea. When we have any problem, get an idea or are confused by many questions

what do you think will the next big thing? It will nothing but research. This helps us

in many ways and is a complete solution to humans. Now when humans, are

satisfied without any problems, this results in the advancement of the society. So

research overall helps in the advancement and development of the society. If the

students are led to proper attitudes in doing Research studies, they will be able to

contribute to the changes and advancement in our society.

Definition of Terms

To understand and clarify the terms used in the study, the following are

hereby defined according to its use in this study:

Research. It is a systematic process of collecting and logically analyzing

information or data for some purpose.

Research Capability. As used in this study, it is the ability to define

problems, set objectives and priorities, conduct good quality research, and identify

solutions to key problems .It is the capacity of the student to conduct a Research

and present the study as part of their curriculum.



Professional Profile. A professional profile is a brief summary of one's skills,

strengths, and key experiences. It also conveys one's achievements and what one

has to offer in a professional capacity.

Attitude. This is a predisposition or a tendency to respond positively or

negatively towards a certain idea, object, person, or situation. It influences an

individual's choice of action, and responses to challenges, incentives, and rewards

Research Study. An outcome produced by student researchers which

provide opportunities for innovation that develops higher cognitive capabilities and

foster creativity.

Research Anxiety. A student’s perception of Research and Research-

related subjects in which they view Research as a challenging and difficult task,

which results to having negative attitudes in doing one.

Capability Enhancement. It is the process by which individuals, institutions

and societies develop abilities – individually and collectively – to perform research

effectively, efficiently and in a sustainable manner.

Budget for Research. This pertains to the funds allotted by the institution for

research. This also takes into account the ability of the institution and its

departments to tap external sources (e.g., international donor agencies, non-profit

organizations, industry) and obtain research grants.

Writeshop Program. Face-to-face workshops or meetings with the specific

objective of writing a document/publication. There isn’t much talking and

discussions, but participants write the document individually or in a small group

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