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Gwen Angela C.


BS- Accountancy 1A

March 11 and 13 of 2019, we had watched a very inspiring and tear-jerking film of all time.

And it was the Passion of Christ directed by Mel Gibson. The production and the execution of this

film was really phenomenal. It really given me chills. Yet it is really not the whole film that given

me that kind of chills. But the true meaning of this story. The purpose of the whole Passion of our

Lord Jesus Christ, that is what put me in tears.

Before I became a christian, I always got doubts about it. Is this really true? Does all of this

really happened in real life? If this was true why? Why did He done that? If He is really is God,

why did He allow Himself to suffer that kind of torture? these were the question inside my mind.

But when I watched it again this time, I really felt the true meaning of the cross, even though it

is not the first time I rewatched it as a christian, It totally made sense. It felt like I became whole

again. The feeling of getting back into your first love, or the feeling of being reunited once again

with the love one you had lost a long time ago, that is the feeling I got rewatching this again. The

most special part of the film for me is when Jesus was continuosly beaten up, mocked and

crucified to death. As I am watching that part, I really can’t help but to cry. All I was thinking that

It should be me. It should be me that must me beaten up, It should be me that deserve to be

mocked, It should be me to carry the cross and to be nailed to it. It should have been me. As I

was thinking those things while the tears in my eyes continue to fall, one small voice made me

cry more. That small voice said “You are worth it, you are worth the beating, you are worth those

mocking, you are worth the whipping, you are worth the nails, you are worth the crown of thorns,

you are worth the cross”. I really felt that, and I can’t contain it tears are flowing in my eyes and
the feeling of gratefulness began to fill my heart. All my guilt and shame began to dissappear, all

my chains had been broken, all those things that I deserve because I am sinner had taken away

from me. And I am free because of Jesus. I cannot remember the last time I felt this kind of feeling

again. I have been a christian for more than 3 years now and many things had change. Although

I accepted Christ as my Lord and Savior, serving in the church and praying. There would definitely

comes a time wherein you losses the passion, you kind of forget everything and all of the things

that you are doing became a routine. But because of this experienced again, I believe that He put

a fire in me again. I really believe that it is His plan to make me feel this way again. To renew my

faith in Him, to make me remembered the very purpose of me being a Christian. He renew my

heart to Him and I am really grateful for that. As what I said earlier, it felt like I came back to my

first love to Jesus.

The way the film ended, was ironically my begginning. The moment Jesus ressurrected from

the grave proves to me that I am resurrected again with Him. A new version of Gwen Angela C.

Cayco that will love, serve and worship Him for the rest of her life. And it is my job to share this

gift also to others. That there is a free gift for all of us. The gift that Jesus freely gave to us. A gift

of salvation.

And we, as the children of God, have a mandate to the Lord to share His love, His mercy, His

goodness, His gift, His blessings to everyone who needed it. To forever love Him and serve Him

was the only thing we can do to make up all of the things He had done for us. Even though nothing

can compare the things He given to us. He who loved the world that He gave His only begotten

son that whosoever believes in Him shall not be perished but have eternal, He is worthy of all our

praise. And after every realisation I made, one thing I can trully say, How great is our God!

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