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Kushal Bharat Realcon LLP (Observational Report)

1. Ejection Time – As the target is 80 Moulds per day I.e. 40 moulds per
shift, we need to understand the concept of mixing time.

 The optimum time is the minimum time required for the material to
spread it inside the mould.
 Max. of 9 minutes is the ejection time. Usually we get 7-8 minutes but 9
is consider to the maximum time, some time we get 7 minutes but few
times the cake conditions are not good when we proceed for cutting, so
8-9 minutes is considered to be standard as far as this plant is
 In some cases, the ejection timing goes to 10-11 minutes, this happens
when any butter fly valve has partial jamming otherwise mould might
not be ready for use. When these issues doesn’t exist the ejection
timing, we get is 7-8 minutes.
 As can be seen from the above picture, one can find the optimum time.
 More the mixture is mixed better is the result.
 Minor issues make the optimum time little more like 9, 10 0r even
sometimes 11 minutes.
 Please even note this that the silos are made up of metallic body and
not brick walled. The jamming exist in such cases are only prevented by
providing a continuous ramming.
 Now this ramming activity eats few amounts of time.
 That’s why the optimum time shifts from 7 to 10, even if cleaning is
done this time gap can be easily recover.
2. Track and wheels – The issue has existed from the 1st day after the
usual production.
 The tracks have bent enough and wheels are not aligned properly.
 The de-railing is majorly caused due to wheels not rotating
 The mechanism of rotation/turning of wheels is purely connected
to wheel bearing, these bearing are only responsible for the
 The Lubrication, if done proper will definitely help the wheel turn
in proper way.


 Thickness of the wheel, in fewer trolley’s the size is thick where as
in few places its thin, its not wear and tear.
 The size of the wheel collar are different.
 The below pictures will help in identifying the issue.
 The condition of the wheel is not due to wear and tear, if it happens
then the wheel at one moment will collapse, so that doesn’t make
sense, that’s the reason it can not be wear and tear.
 The wheel might have dents but not any kind of wear and tear.


 One more issue was observed and that was bush availability in
fewer wheels rather than bearing.
 Bush are not suppose to be in the wheels, there ain’t such thing
called wheels with supporting bush but wheels with supporting
bearing term actually exist.
BOTTOM PORTION (Wheels are fixed on this end)

TOP PORTION (Holds the load of the pallet and supports wheels)
 The bush system in the wheel conclusively proves that the wheels
are not made as per any standards but complete cost cutting and

compromise in the quality is done, most of the wheels are

internally fabricated, they should have been existed as standard
parts joined by means of bolt-nut and such similar systems.
 Not only the wheels but the wheel holder have varying gaps in
them which proves to be a poor fabricated work from KM

3. BOILER- A machine that is capable of generating steam my means of a

burning fuel.
 The two main problems in the boiler are the fuel and the second
is the Forward draft fan which is capable of providing air in the
furnace in order to catalyse the burning process.
 The fuel in the current system wasn’t successful at all.
 As can be seen the fuel wasn’t able to burn properly in the
 The major reason being the fuel (Rice hull) which was designated
as the primary fuel wasn’t the right choice for the current system.
 As we know the cost cutting was done and replacement of fuel
took place from wood to Rice hull.
 Wood when burnt requires less amount air in the furnace to
catalyse the burning process, in case of rice hull little more air is
needed and current FD fan system with 3HP motor is not enough.
 But the replacement of the entire motor+FD fan set is expensive
job, for the time being internally brick lining was done in order to
insulate the heat inside the system and use this heating effect
plus the current air pressure inside in order to get better result .
 The brick lining has helped the rice hull to burn even better with
the current air pressure system, which is provided by the FD fan.
 The bricks in the furnace traps the heat and not allow it to pass
through the metallic walls of the furnace.
Rice hull getting exhausted after the furnace has burn everything and process has
ended. The left out residue is a version of rice hull which is not properly burnt. The
primary reason was Less air amount of air provided with the heat passing through the
furnace walls as no provision of brick lining was done.
The above is the current scenario of the rice hull residue at the end of
burning process. The brick lining clearly has affected the system giving us
a better result but still there is need of better colour of the residue.
As we take the residue in hand and press it the left-out portion is the
carbon content, whiter ash is what we expect in this residue. The air
emission in the system is very less and hence the layer od residue keeps
on sitting on the nozzle and not allowing the residue to burn.
Since nozzles emitting air are not powerful enough to blow the residue
above it, as a result we are left with more carbon content in residue and
less ash content.

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